Blaze & Daze

Happy hump day all. Today is my second to last day of work at the job I have been at for 19 years. Kind of excited to start the new chapter on monday. Plants in the flower tent are all doing well chugging right along. Back left is Cinderella purple then moving clockwise we have two bag of oranges and the front left is gg4.

good morning friends! today is gonna be a long day in front of hot ovens. thankfully there will be :eyesmoke: to keep me company.
yesterday i got the two girls under some sort of protection. there are gaps at the top still. this is mostly for insects but also to comply with the law in keeping them somewhat "nonvisible" from a public access road which is about 65 feet away. they're both about 7ft tall, very demure, very mindful.

Another nice one on tap here. Maybe a shot of rain tomorrow before we dry out/stay warm like the Sahara for at least a few weeks. Ah...climate change.

LOL...I'd completely forgotten about OG. Was anyone else there in the Richard/Poppy/HS days? Now that was a forum. Just weed. No politics/etc.
It's sad to see good folks canned here for posting honestly on threads that are >>allowed for some reason<< on a pot site. Seems like an easy fix...

or a huge set up. :rolleyes: Either way... "if you want the obvious you'll get the obvious..." Rundgren

Have a groovy day, please...

Please refrain from making statements that are against mods, we dont "get mad" , you get 1 side of a story of someone saying "im leaving CENSORSHIP!"

what you arent seeing is the respectful message from said mods saying hey please dont write misogynistic comments its against the rules and isnt a joke

We mod the TOS, if you break it and you get a warning we dont mod political opinions, we mod name calling, racism, arguing, etc

Lets not make this out to be something it isnt.