Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
My indoor got wiped this weekend, mixed up the feed buckets and overdosed everything... oh, well. F*^%ing stoner
Forgot to use my colored buckets to keep me straight. Haven't grown indoors for 2 years, so some things are forgotten.
Between outdoor, flower, veg and seedling mixes, something got crossed.

I think I can salvage a couple flower plants for seeds, but the vegging and young clones got wiped. The outdoor looks fine, they got a junior dose of nutes. Still have the 4 outdoor plants, but the Cherry is running way late.
Good run so far, no bugs or fungi.



Well-Known Member
... Wood? I got it :lol: ...
I just had a peek at the back 40 ... we got it too. There are two big piles of wood seasoning behind the shed - and about the same amount as your pile already stacked by the house ready to burn.

Occasionally, I like to let a little of the smoke out of the stove and blow it throughout the house. Not too much though - just enough to make it smell like I was frying bacon.


Well-Known Member
I just had a peek at the back 40 ... we got it too. There are two big piles of wood seasoning behind the shed - and about the same amount as your pile already stacked by the house ready to burn.

Occasionally, I like to let a little of the smoke out of the stove and blow it throughout the house. Not too much though - just enough to make it smell like I was frying bacon.
I keep a little more than 3 cord in the basement too. Nothing like wood heat.