Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
... they are, the resturant i go to, she wraps them in thin cabbage, and stuff it with the rest...i've seen both version....very taste i might add too ...
OK. I have not seen the cabbage version - but I gotta agree with @Laughing Grass - it does sound like a cabbage roll. We love the rice wrapper style spring rolls and we will always get Springers as opposed to egg rolls.

And now after all this Asian cuisine talk, I think Mrs. S and I need to hit Bamboo for din-din tonight. Loving me some of their Orange or Lemon Chicken and Springers ...


Well-Known Member
... Of course! You never know what adventure a dog will take you to if you give it a long enough walk. Big sticks, good things to pee on, old trash that smells nice ...
About to head out and get the old hair trimmed ... but the cutest adventure I have had with the Little Spud was when he encountered a fair sized garter snake that he didn't know was there.

He stopped to sniff some large ferns by the side of the trail not knowing there was that snake right there and the snake got a little spooked himself with this large being right over top of it. So the snake quickly slithered out of the fauna and right in front of his little nose. I have never seen this dog jump straight up as high as he did that afternoon when the snake started his movement. And he still stops by the spot looking for "that thing ..."


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
I went for a walk, and then had a craving for ice cream....Hit the McDonalds drive through for a hot fudge sundae with extra hot fudge. :spew:
Was it not tasty to you? I can't stand that disappointment deep in the chest when you take the effort to go out and get a food, and it doesn't hit the spot you were hoping. Like "great, my brain told me to do this, then decided it sucked." Thanks brain.
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