Blaze & Daze


70° and sunny later.......50° and rain now.

How's everyone today?

Selling some furniture today . It’s still hot as hell here. Got my flu and covid shots yesterday. Feel ok right now but expecting some shit to go down. I’m moving next week. I have never been so name called as I have living here . Some southern country fuc called me a carpet bagger!! Not a carpet muncher, but a carpet bagger. I am neither . I had to look up carpetbagger . I only knew of a carpet bagger being a hamberger on the menu where i waitressed at.

Sounds like you're making a great move then.
We are actually getting some rain this morning, guess it's a good thing my son chopped the Columbian plant yesterday. He had to move the bird seed container in the garage to make room for the cola's to hang down. They are as long as my forearm at least and as thick. That plant loves it outside obviously. I'll see about getting some pics in awhile. Curious to see if there is a difference in flavor from the indoor ones.
Finished getting the mini-storage moved to a new cheaper unit before the monthly re-bill. While returning the home depot truck I found the nicest plywood I've seen since 2018 at least. It's almost straight and flat, not quite perfect but the closest I think I've ever seen in a big-box store. Good enough for the drawer boxes I'm building for the master bathroom.

So we threw 4 2X4 sheets of it in the car after returning the truck feeling like we just found gold. The only ply I found that could be called better at A quality was through Rockler at almost $60 per 2X4 sheet. I'm not sure how they laminated these 4 sheets but they have a gloss to them that none of the other ply had.

Weird thing to get stoked about, but I'm finally seeing a possible end in sight to this money pit house and moving out west in the next 11 months. Scoring decent wood to increase the resale value of this dump is a big deal.