Blaze & Daze


Cheaper than a day ticket at the ski hill...LOL. Ahhhh....but nobody goes to Vail for a cheap vacation....unless....yeah...yer buddy Stiicky lived there and you could hang for free. OK...let's clarify that. We had a 4 day max stay rule....and ya best bring weed/drinks and be prepared to take us out for dinner one night while yer here. Why? Because we LIVE here and are poor as fuck/don't get to go out to eat at the nice restaraunts/etc. Heehee...we had quite a few takers over the years, for sure. There were a few times where people were meeting/waving at each other in the parking lot as one group of folks left and another group showed up.

I dunno how those golf tee times stack up to other areas. I played a bit while I worked there...but I was a drunken hack. (fully engulfed in the party lifestyle @ that point in time) We just went out to party and raise Hell and destroy carts...LOL. It was never something I was into enough to actually PAY to do it...LOL. There was far too much other stuff to do living there than spend 4 hours waiting on others and all that other fun that comes with "Golfing". Like skiing...when you do it 7 days a week/for a job it can get a bit old. That's why we always had a 12-pack in the daypack while skiing and took a lot of "Safety Breaks" while working on the course...Heehee. Young cavemen...

Another warm/sunny one on tap here. Jonquils are are the it must be Spring... 70F. 30F out there now...

I hope it's a marvy day for ya....
...and summer is officially here. Better take this week to get used to the humidity and heat during nightly walks with the wife. If we don't prep early for 90° - 90% nights as oppressive heat and humidity roll in we end up not doing our nightly walk in the summer.

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For three hours I've been awake and everyone else in the house is still snoring. I think it's time to go start tipping mattresses over and dumping people out of bed.