Blaze & Daze

Formula for the perfect "Lewbowski Bath" minus the marmot, colloquially "Hippy Stew"
Modification of "Festival (That's ALL THE HOT WATER?!?!?) Shower"

Good for high energy days.


(1 each) Hair towel, body towel, door blocking towel, hand towel.
1 Joint (sativa)
1 cup (397.47g) of Epsom Salts
Necessary soaps, solvents, scrubbing tools, razors, & conditioners
Bath on hot.

(Optional 1: Bluetooth speaker, jazz and candles)
(Optional 2: Invading Nihilists with a marmot.)

Place floor towel at door jam and close AC vent. (The smaller the bathroom the better.)
Fill tub with hot water.
Soak for 20-30 minutes and smoke joint to large roach size leaving last 1/3.
Wash/condition that nasty hippy hair.
Gender-scape yo-self.
Empty tub of filthy hippy soup.
Let joint burn in the ash tray to finish filling the room with smoke.

Shower on warm with foaming deep exfoliating scrub.
Rinse completely decreasing water temp to Cold AF as you go.
Open the door, fall into the other room gasping for air.
Dry body to Sahara levels of dryness.
Brush hippy hair.
Dress if that's your thing.

Bed Time / Lazy Day version:
Substitute Sativa for Indica, and finish rinse on all hot.

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Due to my playing in The Buchanan Inaugural on Wednesday afternoon ( now forever enshrined in Niagara lore as "The Comeback" ... ), I couldn't post anything on Hump Day. I hope you folks don't mind me posting a few snaps now.


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Give 'em another 2 weeks and they will get the major lollipop. Pardon my "kid in a candy store" aura folks but it's been over 6 months since the inside of the tent has seen any burgeoning bud. For me, this is a sight for sore eyes. A little treat for the olfactory sense too.

It will be so nice to get to finish this crop, hang 'em up to dry - then bitch about trim jail.

And let's meet the Kinder:

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Been a long time coming!

Thaye look great!
Due to my playing in The Buchanan Inaugural on Wednesday afternoon ( now forever enshrined in Niagara lore as "The Comeback" ... ), I couldn't post anything on Hump Day. I hope you folks don't mind me posting a few snaps now.


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Give 'em another 2 weeks and they will get the major lollipop. Pardon my "kid in a candy store" aura folks but it's been over 6 months since the inside of the tent has seen any burgeoning bud. For me, this is a sight for sore eyes. A little treat for the olfactory sense too.

It will be so nice to get to finish this crop, hang 'em up to dry - then bitch about trim jail.

And let's meet the Kinder:

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They look gorgeous! Know what a relief that must be to be back up and running :clap:

Sitting here at the Island airport waiting for our flight to board. Kids on devices so relative calm has been achieved. Have a great weekend friends!
They look gorgeous! Know what a relief that must be to be back up and running :clap:

Sitting here at the Island airport waiting for our flight to board. Kids on devices so relative calm has been achieved. Have a great weekend friends!
You can do a nice walk in Boston. It's like the historic walk but better!
North End for pizza and Italian ice cream, then to to the Public Market and Faniuel Hall for bakery snacks, then Harpoon Brewery for beer and some actual good pretzels. ;-)
That's pretty sweet Tyler. How is your knee holding up?

Thanks for asking, LG. My left knee (the surgery knee) is doing well, the right one (with arthritis) is not great. It has a limited range of motion - I can extend it all the way, but I can only bend it to about 90 degrees, which means I can't pedal normally as I can't flex that leg enough for a normal pedal stroke. I literally cried about that until I learned about an amazing device called a swing crank. Check it -


It let's you match the stroke of the crank to the bottom, but you don't have to flex your knee as far on the way up. It is a god send, and it is adjustable to let you dictate the height of the pedal stroke as your knee improves (or gets worse). I would have never thought this was physically possible, but it is such a simple solution. The things geniuses come up with blow my mind...

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You can do a nice walk in Boston. It's like the historic walk but better!
North End for pizza and Italian ice cream, then to to the Public Market and Faniuel Hall for bakery snacks, then Harpoon Brewery for beer and some actual good pretzels. ;-)
Wish I could pack all that in! Love Boston. Done Freedom Trail and pizza up in Little Italy is 100% legit! This is however a quick, perfunctory trip. My Wife’s Sister is in Sharon, MA so we’ll be kept close to there for the duration. The actual BarMitzvah is Saturday and we fly back Monday morning. Maybe Trader Joes for goodies before we fly back, but that’ll be about all we have time for after all the family shenanigans…
Just smoked with my neighbor for the first time. Two hits from the bowl and he was zooted lol. He told me he's never smoked weed like that. It's always been dispensary crap for him. He couldn't get over the taste and quality of the high. Another soul saved from the garbage passed off as medicine. Told him a buddy gives me jars so if he ever needs any, I'll be happy to share.
Ok on Tuesday it was really Wednesday and now your telling me it's not Saturday but Friday? I think my new crop may be a little strong.
The course was deserted today, I don't even know why we bother paying. We just grab a cart and go, didn't see anybody before, during or after our round. La Canada side of El Conquistador golf club. Shot 10 over on the front nine-I fucking hate this game. Shot 2 under on the back nine goddamn this is fun.
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