Blaze & Daze

Happy Thursday! It seems to be raining all over the world. Good for some, terrible for others. The low here is still consistently 79°/26° but I think we will finally start to get a little cooler soon. The metric system is little too low for temperatures for me but everything else makes much more sense than the imperial system. That SNL Geo. Washington weights and measures sketch is pretty hilarious if you haven't seen it.
Looks like we get one more week of excessive heat warnings before it cools off. I am eagerly waiting for cooler weather so I can start up the ghetto garage grow again. I've got some cuttings in the fridge and a few seeds to sprout. This time I want to try a SOG grow in the garage while I grow a couple of big plants in the bedroom.
So many strains, so little time.
My uncle decided to grow some pot way out in the country on his parents property.
My granddad is the consummate farmer, his garden was so big he was selling fruits and vegetables to the local fruit stand.
Any way he noticed my uncles plants are looking poorly. He says son I think your plants need some water and fertilizer.
Long story short he ended up taking care of the plants himself cause he couldn't stand to see the plants suffering. Ended up growing some hellacious 15 foot pot plants. Meanwhile my grandmother is freaking out. she says son I think there was a helicopter flying over you better chop them down before the law comes.