Blm, the next level

When did I run off screaming? Another attempt to discredit me as a coward because you are losing the racism debate, not just because you are poor at debating but your limited experience of diversity results in you making sweeping generalisations about non white people. It doesn’t matter if I’m black or Indian, most non whites experience prejudice at the hands of “inflated” poorly educated white males it’s just a fact of life, however your brand of racism is scurrilous as many white people dont spot it and you get to layer coward thief and liar into the mix. This is how modern racists operate. Perhaps there is too much focus on the overt racism of the minority who dress like little nazis with bad partings and stormfront tats, they influence fewer people than lib interlopers pretending to be politically aware.
You lack both the necessary education and intelligence to post about your culturally appropriated Easter eggs such as Buddhism, Socratic enquiry and now Sikhism. Do carry on though. How’s the yogic path working out for you so far? Meditation not going well?
Yeah lots of people are pricks, happens in every "race" we are all equal like that. When europeans dominated the world for a few hundred years by the fluke of technology and a unique cultural situation that refined the art of war using it, some people got strange ideas. Western people became more arrogant as "modern civilization" spread through the world and other peoples took a few generations to adapt.

You can live that past or try to move forward and not carry it upon your back as so many white people do, who are the products of conditioning as are we all. Many "baby boomers" grew up with movies on TV from before the second world war along with the attitudes that were displayed, our culture was soaked in it. I had the good fortune not to be raised with such burdens by my parents, you are your culture to a certain extent, but everybody should seek to better themselves.

My efforts, have been efforts at deconditioning, to be mindful is to consider our actions and not to be a slave to conditioning or habit, but I admit I do have a pot habit! I take frequent breaks and I'm due for one soon, but I do enjoy getting high. I look at Buddhism not so much as a religion, but as a system for personal development and reducing suffering, both our own and of others (sorry about that :D ). My take on it is scientific and evolutionary in nature. Say we were living in a village 100,000 years ago and I disrespected you, well that would have serious implications among a small group where every body seeks to improve their social statues, you lived a hundred yards from me and we interacted everyday. Now move ahead to the present and say some stranger cuts you off while driving, does it make any sense to freak out and chase the guy down?

First, what do you want from other people? What does it take to make you happy? Is the end point going to change when you get there?
Am I a bigot for calling scotchman bearded weirdos in dresses, or am I just poking the stick?
You've read my posts here and they have been consistent, calling me a racist makes you look like a fool and paints you into a pretty tight corner when it comes to having people support your cause. What is your cause?

My cause is liberalism and that means freedom and equality for all in the end, though many liberals don't really realise what they signed on for. Churchill was a liberal an old guard colonialist, a hold out against Indian independence, but he was a committed liberal, even though he was a bigot, he went along for the ride. There is no other way forward, you and I live in multicultural societies in the leftovers of the British Empire, as do the Americans, that comes with baggage. We have seen what social division and racism lead to in America, imagine if the same thing were to happen in India another diverse and multicultural society, though an ancient one. We have seen such strife all over the world based on religion and ethnicity, the ethnic cleansing in the balkans are a european example.

If you don't like the UK immigrate to Canada, it might not be as bad here, lots of people from India came here via the UK for a reason. As far as I'm concerned you're welcome, provided you qualify and most Canadians wouldn't.
Lol @ "debate". You aren't interested in debate, just everyone cow towing to your bullying view of what constitutes "racism". Cancel culture at its finest.

The problem with this "woke" garbage of redefining language is you make "debate", or even a civil, adult conversation impossible. This redefining the term racism to a belief that all white people are inherently racist, it just has to found, outed and addressed by shaming someone into accepting it is, by definition, confirmation bias as an argument and therefore invalid. My support for "wokeness" has a line that I am not willing to cross, and forcing people, defined as "white", to navigate a minefield of acrimonious bigotry just to get to the table is just on the far side of that line.

Where did your post where you believe, and I'm paraphrasing, "the white race is on the decline and you will be glad when it's gone" go? I'm sure it was in the Trudeau thread, but I went through it and it's now gone, or am I mistaken about the thread? Either way I'm not interested in wasting more time on it. It was either removed (by you or the admin) or you have it in your content that isn't open to the public. Feel free to post it.

So I'll ask... Where do you draw the line? What do you consider extreme left fuckery?

( I don't expect an answer of course, as I'm sure I'm on his ignore list because of my "racism". )
Lol at cow tow
I know eh? Where do they find these woketards? It's like a funnel of unchecked fuckery that is piped directly here.
I love how not being racist is “woke”. Maybe if you were slightly aware of what’s really going on you would see I was making fun of you. The problem is you’re so into yourself you can’t even see it. :wall:

One racist leaves another shows up to push the agenda.
Good sarcasm detector, lol. Feel dumb yet?

I wasnt a racist before "woke" culture and I don't need to belong to a cult to prove it.
So you are upset that I remarked on the inevitable fate of the white people? If your son or daughter have kids with non white people then their progeny won’t necessarily identify as white. The racist cunts on this thread have stated that I’m for white genocide hence my “scurrilous” remark. Are you one of them? I thought not.
So you are upset that I remarked on the inevitable fate of the white people? If your son or daughter have kids with non white people then their progeny won’t necessarily identify as white. The racist cunts on this thread have stated that I’m for white genocide hence my “scurrilous” remark. Are you one of them? I thought not.
Racist cunts have called me a racist, an enemy of humanity no less. Maybe you need to figure out who your real enemies are instead of the ones who merely piss you off.
Who else does shit like that?
Trump Tries To Portray Joe Biden As A Racist | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president is trying to use Joe Biden's recent remarks about the Latino community being more diverse than the Black community, but is Trump just opening himself up to more criticism?.
So you are upset that I remarked on the inevitable fate of the white people? If your son or daughter have kids with non white people then their progeny won’t necessarily identify as white. The racist cunts on this thread have stated that I’m for white genocide hence my “scurrilous” remark. Are you one of them? I thought not.

Nope, not upset at all, just think it's silly that you add the caveat that you're glad it will happen, like a lack of "whiteness" is the key to achieving progress. You're ridiculous.
Stop crying racist, you’ve got a few generations before you die out
Lmao So....,DIY is a racist for suggesting that:

Maybe yer a Muslim (culturally) who resents "western domination" and is seeking to sow racial division in America, who knows what might motivate you?

Yet it’s okay to promote genocide of the white race?

Please explain.