Blm, the next level

I'm not talking about America though. I'm talking about Scotchland.

Wow, there is a race war going in in Scotchland:

Racism in Scotchland[edit]
In 2006, 1,543 victims of racist crime in Scotchland were of Pakistani origin, while more than 1,000 victims were classed as being "White British".[68]

As of 11 February 2011, attacks on ethnic minorities in Scotchland had contributed to a 20% increase in racist incidents over the past twelve months. Reports say every day in Scotchland, seventeen people are abused, threatened or violently attacked because of the colour of their skin, ethnicity or nationality. Statistics showed that just under 5,000 incidents of racism were recorded in 2009/10, a slight decrease from racist incidents recorded in 2008/9.[69]

From 2004–12, the rate of racist incidents has been around 5,000 incidents per year.[69] In 2011–12, there were 5,389 racist incidents recorded by the police, which is a 10% increase on the 4,911 racist incidents recorded in 2010–11.[69]

White on Asian (Scotchland)[edit]
In 2009, the murder of an Indian sailor named Kunal Mohanty by a White-Scotsman named Christopher Miller resulted in Miller's conviction as a criminal motivated by racial hatred. Miller's brother gave evidence during the trial and said Miller told him he had "done a Paki".[70]

Asian on White (Scotchland)[edit]
Kriss Donald was a White-Scotch fifteen-year-old boy who was kidnapped, stabbed and set on fire, by three Pakistani men in Glasgow in 2004 "for being white".

Scotchmen are outright taking it to the streets and killing each other. Why haven't I heard this before. Thanks for that.

So, Scotchland is a constituent nation to the UK? When did that happen? Didn't England simply take over the country 800 or so years ago and you guys submit? Because, y'know, you Scotch are just running around demanding special treatment and all. I say you are just a bunch of whiners.
We'll folks this is gonna piss plenty of you off but thats not my intention so bare with me.
I've said enough times that I didn't agree with the way BLM were going about their business. That it would have massive repercussions in areas that they can't understand because of ignorance.
This is why I am taking time to reread your thread. I don't doubt you that you were correct in thinking that there would be massive repercussions in areas because of how you perceived that the BLM protests were going about their business.

The aggression of the movement was poorly calculated and would backfire massively.
Except it hasn't backfired, all the scared white people that have been radicalized online and triggered by the Russian military to cause violence in our nation are getting exactly what they calculated would happen is. Assuming that the violence has much at all to do with the BLM peaceful protests and not all the QAnon/Incel/Boogaloo/whatever other bullshit branded name that is used to turn our citizens who are vulnerable into domestic terrorists.

The reason for my believing this is that in order to change a law. There must be a universal constant within that law.
It must apply to everyone.
We can't have one rule for one guy and one for another.
So you feel that this law is just correct? And that you really are not that upset about the dehumanization of another human being having additional consequences as they commit a crime against that person?

Well... check this out.
My earlier response I didn't know what you were pointing out to on this, I thought it was about a random black lady on your newspaper in a mask.

In reaction to the current climate.
My govornment are writing in a new bill of legislation to make hate crimes more easily punishable by law.
Certain things already result in a swift jail sentence here. Racism is taken extremely seriously.
Its very, very dangerous for a white guy to get into any sort of altercation with a non white. Say literally one wrong word and you can get 12 months in jail.
Same goes for homophobia and sectarianism.
Call someone a poofter or mock their religious beliefs and you can also easily end up in jail. Saw a guy get 3 years for wrapping bacon round the door handle of a mosque a while back.
If you take the superficial religious element out of the equation then all he did was put bacon on a door handle. And he got the jail.
That's how seriously we take discrimination here....
But that wasn't enough and people are kicking up about it so look what's happened.

Our govornment deny that religion will be effected by this but there's a hell of a lot of opposition to the bill so enough people are worried about it.

This is the sort of shit I knew was gonna happen.
Laws must be one size fits all so they have to work both ways.
If it's illegal for me then it should be illegal for everyone.
Many groups won't see this as equality.
They'll see it as prejudice, removal of free speech etc.
But this is what equality looks like.
If I can get jail for calling you a N$*%£=# then you should get the jail for calling me chalky.
If I can get the jail for slagging you off for believing in god then you should also get the jail for doing the same to an atheist.

Be warned folks. This is a sign of things to come.
This is what happens when people rebel without a clue .
They force govornments to take action and enforce their views.

Black people said we weren't strict enough with our current anti hate laws so they're now being extended to include everyone.
Ultimately this will make life a bit easier for white atheists here (the vast majority) and everyone else will be worse off.

I said it would happen and this is the first sign I've seen of it.
I'm not gloating. I am a white atheist so I will benefit from this and it's something I definately support.
But I was quite happy with the way things were. None of us would ever fight to push such an agenda because it's fucking ludicrous. It'll just create even more tensions and more people than ever will feel prejudiced against.
This is what happens though when people don't think things through.
If it's happening here it could happen anywhere
I guess I have a hard time understanding that there should possibly be a time ever in a society that is 98% white that white people would ever be in a situation where they would not be the overwhelming majority everywhere.

Is it this story, or do a lot of people out there mess with the 0.18% of your populations churches by causing them to commit a sin in their religion by cleaning up their shitty level domestic terrorism?

Screen Shot 2020-07-31 at 12.21.56 PM.png

Looks like they also lied and then got a plea deal for defacing a church.

"He accepted that Cruikshank had tried for many months to plead guilty and told him that if he had been found guilty at trial he would have sentenced him to 13 months in prison. Given his plea to the amended charge, he reduced that to nine months."
This is why I am taking time to reread your thread. I don't doubt you that you were correct in thinking that there would be massive repercussions in areas because of how you perceived that the BLM protests were going about their business.

Except it hasn't backfired, all the scared white people that have been radicalized online and triggered by the Russian military to cause violence in our nation are getting exactly what they calculated would happen is. Assuming that the violence has much at all to do with the BLM peaceful protests and not all the QAnon/Incel/Boogaloo/whatever other bullshit branded name that is used to turn our citizens who are vulnerable into domestic terrorists.

So you feel that this law is just correct? And that you really are not that upset about the dehumanization of another human being having additional consequences as they commit a crime against that person?

My earlier response I didn't know what you were pointing out to on this, I thought it was about a random black lady on your newspaper in a mask.

I guess I have a hard time understanding that there should possibly be a time ever in a society that is 98% white that white people would ever be in a situation where they would not be the overwhelming majority everywhere.

Is it this story, or do a lot of people out there mess with the 0.18% of your populations churches by causing them to commit a sin in their religion by cleaning up their shitty level domestic terrorism?

View attachment 4640309

Looks like they also lied and then got a plea deal for defacing a church.

"He accepted that Cruikshank had tried for many months to plead guilty and told him that if he had been found guilty at trial he would have sentenced him to 13 months in prison. Given his plea to the amended charge, he reduced that to nine months."
Yeah, there is an effin race war going on over there. The fake media has ignored this.
Right, I see what you are saying, because of the BLM protests and equality protests, your government just went full Trump/Putin level of suppression.

I don't know how much clearer you could have made it that the Vast majority of white guys in your country are so snowballed with Russian/Trump/Far Right dictators (would be even) racist propaganda to further suppress the vast minority of your population. I just don't get why you are acting like it is the minorities in your countries fault that your leaders bought into the racist nonsense.
Because, like many people here. They weren't comming up with any suggestions.
Just blindly running about screaming racist at everyone.
Racism is extremely illegal here.
We're not big on jail. I've got the usual friday night charges. Drunk and disorderly, breach of peace, 2 counts of assault and I've only ever spent 6 hours in a police cell.
Call someone a paki or a fairy though and there's a serious risk of 6 months to a year.

Now we're seeing minority people behave in prejudiced ways towards the majority though and as it stands it's pretty much legal.

We gave them the benefit of the doubt and built our legal system to support minorities and repress the majority.
Now that they're not appreciating that and turning on the majority we have no way really to charge them so things must be reclassified in order to do so.
What's illegal for one must also be illegal for everyone else.

I've said it from day one that any outcome of this would be bad for minorities.
Its not because I'm racist.
I couldn't give a fuck if your purple. It makes absolutely no difference to me.
It currently makes a massive difference in our laws though and that's the important thing.

This is what we tried to avoid.
We don't want minorities feeling pressured here.
We need a ridiculous amount of legal migrants every year to sustain our country and almost all of us are very aware of that.
Our govt are certainly extremely aware of that.
A lot of our surgeons, doctors, engineers, fuck mate half the seriously skilled jobs over here belong to over seas people. Mostly Europeans, Indians and Pakistanis.

The white migrants usually fill the unskilled positions.
We don't have the human resources here to fill them with Scots .
Especially millenial Scots. Bunch of spoiled little pricks that lot. They've all bought into the political correctness bullshit.

We need legal immigration here and as we saw by the EU membership votes.
Every single voting constituency here.. except 1 tiny place of a few thousand sheep shaggers, voted in favour of staying with the EU and full national privileges for all Europeans with a fairly clean criminal record.
We also openly encourage skilled workers from every area on earth to come here because we need diversity.
We need skilled foreign workers to survive.
If anyone had actually bothered to check this stuff out before shouting racist at me they could've seen it .

Instead they've all decided to just call me a racist because I'm white.
That could literally be a 6 month jail term here soon.
No civilian voted for it.
The govt just decided for themselves that it was necessary to protect the majority as that's who pays their wages.

We have a nationalist govornment that do what's best for the majority.
They always have done.
They made it a jailable offence for me to say certain words in public.
I can't even type the word that looks like tomb or my details will flag up on a national security database.

I'm cool with that though. Almost all of us are.
If you're not seriously breaking the law then they leave you alone.
Now the people the govt here protects the most have turned on it so they've done the only thing left to try.
Giving them actual equality.

The only way to avoid being called a racist/homophobe/sectarian etc in court is to do things absolutely by the book and treat everyone exactly the same.

The govt can't risk anybody trying that shit so they've done the sensible thing.
They're changing certain laws so that the majority also have the power to shout racist.

If a muslim taxi driver kicks off because I'm eating a bacon roll he could potentially be charged.

If a black guy literally starts shouting "racist" at white people as these guys are doing to me...
He will stand to be charged with racism and encitement to riot. Potentially massive jail time now.
Untill now it was an honour reserved solely for the white Scots but now it will include everyone.

Why are minorities fighting to encourage this reaction ?
Minorities won't win a war by being aggressive.
To be a minority and win you have to be persuasive.
Otherwise you're fucked.

Calling everyone an asshole and ignoring everything else only works for so long.
Eventually the asshole sees you as a pain in the ass and gets that itch scratched.

In Scotland we're actively trying to destroy the UK, the English royal family, the entire UK legal system, the english high courts power, the English military power.
Absolutely fucking everyone that isn't of benefit to us we want rid of. The Irish are all more than welcome to join us.
As are the Welsh but the English can all do whatever the hell they want.
Not us that votes the arseholes in to run their country so fuck em.

We demonstrate in our tens of thousands very regularly (other than during the lockdown, we're not that stupid)
But the rest of the world doesn't see it because we don't do anything wrong.
There is no news.
" 10'000 Jocks behave themselves "
Smashed over the front page is hardly gonna sell papers.
That's what we want.
We want to raise massive local awareness while keeping it under the radar of the English.
Their govt can obviously see it but the people that vote them in can't.

That's why we will be successful.
Because were not taunting the people we need to defeat.
We're not ignoring the laws they have set for us and are keeping to them entirely while we demonstrate.
We're as polite as can be so that we don't piss off the English general public.

If we do that we've got no chance.
If we make the nationals with what we're doing our cause will go nowhere.

We are only 8% of the UK and were taking on the full power of the lot of them.
We want to systematically destroy every shred of legal and political power they have over us.
And we're extremely close to doing it now.
The rest of the world won't know though because the english censor a lot of our media so that were forced into being downplayed.
But again that works massively in our advantage.

That is why I knew the aggression of BLM and other movements would backfire.

I'm part of a massive minority.
You think I don't understand this shit cos I'm white.
You asume I'm a racist because im white.
Well... that's about as racist and narrow minded as things get really.
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Because, like many people here. They weren't comming up with any suggestions.
Just blindly running about screaming racist at everyone.
Racism is extremely illegal here.
We're not big on jail. I've got the usual friday night charges. Drunk and disorderly, breach of peace, 2 counts of assault and I've only ever spent 6 hours in a police cell.
Call someone a paki or a fairy though and there's a serious risk of 6 months to a year.

Now we're seeing minority people behave in prejudiced ways towards the majority though and as it stands it's pretty much legal.

We gave them the benefit of the doubt and built our legal system to support minorities and repress the majority.
Now that they're not appreciating that and turning on the majority we have no way really to charge them so things must be reclassified in order to do so.
What's illegal for one must also be illegal for everyone else.

I've said it from day one that any outcome of this would be bad for minorities.
Its not because I'm racist.
I couldn't give a fuck if your purple. It makes absolutely no difference to me.
It currently makes a massive difference in our laws though and that's the important thing.

This is what we tried to avoid.
We don't want minorities feeling pressured here.
We need a ridiculous amount of legal migrants every year to sustain our country and almost all of us are very aware of that.
Our govt are certainly extremely aware of that.
A lot of our surgeons, doctors, engineers, fuck mate half the seriously skilled jobs over here belong to over seas people. Mostly Europeans, Indians and Pakistanis.

The white migrants usually fill the unskilled positions.
We don't have the human resources here to fill them with Scots .
Especially millenial Scots. Bunch of spoiled little pricks that lot. They've all bought into the political correctness bullshit.

We need legal immigration here and as we saw by the EU membership votes.
Every single voting constituency here.. except 1 tiny place of a few thousand sheep shaggers, voted in favour of staying with the EU and full national privileges for all Europeans with a fairly clean criminal record.
We also openly encourage skilled workers from every area on earth to come here because we need diversity.
We need skilled foreign workers to survive.
If anyone had actually bothered to check this stuff out before shouting racist at me they could've seen it .

Instead they've all decided to just call me a racist because I'm white.
That could literally be a 6 month jail term here soon.
No civilian voted for it.
The govt just decided for themselves that it was necessary to protect the majority as that's who pays their wages.

We have a nationalist govornment that do what's best for the majority.
They always have done.
They made it a jailable offence for me to say certain words in public.
I can't even type the word that looks like tomb or my details will flag up on a national security database.

I'm cool with that though. Almost all of us are.
If you're not seriously breaking the law then they leave you alone.
Now the people the govt here protects the most have turned on it so they've done the only thing left to try.
Giving them actual equality.

The only way to avoid being called a racist/homophobe/sectarian etc in court is to do things absolutely by the book and treat everyone exactly the same.

The govt can't risk anybody trying that shit so they've done the sensible thing.
They're changing certain laws so that the majority also have the power to shout racist.

If a muslim taxi driver kicks off because I'm eating a bacon roll he could potentially be charged.

If a black guy literally starts shouting "racist" at white people as these guys are doing to me...
He will stand to be charged with racism and encitement to riot. Potentially massive jail time now.
Untill now it was an honour reserved solely for the white Scots but now it will include everyone.

Why are minorities fighting to encourage this reaction ?
Minorities won't win a war by being aggressive.
To be a minority and win you have to be persuasive.
Otherwise you're fucked.

Calling everyone an asshole and ignoring everything else only works for so long.
Eventually the asshole sees you as a pain in the ass and gets that itch scratched.

In Scotland we're actively trying to destroy the UK, the English royal family, the entire UK legal system, the english high courts power, the English military power.
Absolutely fucking everyone that isn't of benefit to us we want rid of. The Irish are all more than welcome to join us.
As are the Welsh but the English can all do whatever the hell they want.
Not us that votes the arseholes in to run their country so fuck em.

We demonstrate in our tens of thousands very regularly (other than during the lockdown, we're not that stupid)
But the rest of the world doesn't see it because we don't do anything wrong.
There is no news.
" 10'000 Jocks behave themselves "
Smashed over the front page is hardly gonna sell papers.
That's what we want.
We want to raise massive local awareness while keeping it under the radar of the English.
Their govt can obviously see it but the people that vote them in can't.

That's why we will be successful.
Because were not taunting the people we need to defeat.
We're not ignoring the laws they have set for us and are keeping to them entirely while we demonstrate.
We're as polite as can be so that we don't piss off the English general public.

If we do that we've got no chance.
If we make the nationals with what we're doing our cause will go nowhere.

We are only 8% of the UK and were taking on the full power of the lot of them.
We want to systematically destroy every shred of legal and political power they have over us.
And we're extremely close to doing it now.
The rest of the world won't know though because the english censor a lot of our media so that were forced into being downplayed.
But again that works massively in our advantage.

That is why I knew the aggression of BLM and other movements would backfire.

I'm part of a massive minority.
You think I don't understand this shit cos I'm white.
You asume I'm a racist because im white.
Well... that's about as racist and narrow minded as things get really.
Because, like many people here. They weren't comming up with any suggestions.
Just blindly running about screaming racist at everyone.
Racism is extremely illegal here.
We're not big on jail. I've got the usual friday night charges. Drunk and disorderly, breach of peace, 2 counts of assault and I've only ever spent 6 hours in a police cell.
Call someone a paki or a fairy though and there's a serious risk of 6 months to a year.

Now we're seeing minority people behave in prejudiced ways towards the majority though and as it stands it's pretty much legal.

We gave them the benefit of the doubt and built our legal system to support minorities and repress the majority.
Now that they're not appreciating that and turning on the majority we have no way really to charge them so things must be reclassified in order to do so.
What's illegal for one must also be illegal for everyone else.

I've said it from day one that any outcome of this would be bad for minorities.
Its not because I'm racist.
I couldn't give a fuck if your purple. It makes absolutely no difference to me.
It currently makes a massive difference in our laws though and that's the important thing.

This is what we tried to avoid.
We don't want minorities feeling pressured here.
We need a ridiculous amount of legal migrants every year to sustain our country and almost all of us are very aware of that.
Our govt are certainly extremely aware of that.
A lot of our surgeons, doctors, engineers, fuck mate half the seriously skilled jobs over here belong to over seas people. Mostly Europeans, Indians and Pakistanis.

The white migrants usually fill the unskilled positions.
We don't have the human resources here to fill them with Scots .
Especially millenial Scots. Bunch of spoiled little pricks that lot. They've all bought into the political correctness bullshit.

We need legal immigration here and as we saw by the EU membership votes.
Every single voting constituency here.. except 1 tiny place of a few thousand sheep shaggers, voted in favour of staying with the EU and full national privileges for all Europeans with a fairly clean criminal record.
We also openly encourage skilled workers from every area on earth to come here because we need diversity.
We need skilled foreign workers to survive.
If anyone had actually bothered to check this stuff out before shouting racist at me they could've seen it .

Instead they've all decided to just call me a racist because I'm white.
That could literally be a 6 month jail term here soon.
No civilian voted for it.
The govt just decided for themselves that it was necessary to protect the majority as that's who pays their wages.

We have a nationalist govornment that do what's best for the majority.
They always have done.
They made it a jailable offence for me to say certain words in public.
I can't even type the word that looks like tomb or my details will flag up on a national security database.

I'm cool with that though. Almost all of us are.
If you're not seriously breaking the law then they leave you alone.
Now the people the govt here protects the most have turned on it so they've done the only thing left to try.
Giving them actual equality.

The only way to avoid being called a racist/homophobe/sectarian etc in court is to do things absolutely by the book and treat everyone exactly the same.

The govt can't risk anybody trying that shit so they've done the sensible thing.
They're changing certain laws so that the majority also have the power to shout racist.

If a muslim taxi driver kicks off because I'm eating a bacon roll he could potentially be charged.

If a black guy literally starts shouting "racist" at white people as these guys are doing to me...
He will stand to be charged with racism and encitement to riot. Potentially massive jail time now.
Untill now it was an honour reserved solely for the white Scots but now it will include everyone.

Why are minorities fighting to encourage this reaction ?
Minorities won't win a war by being aggressive.
To be a minority and win you have to be persuasive.
Otherwise you're fucked.

Calling everyone an asshole and ignoring everything else only works for so long.
Eventually the asshole sees you as a pain in the ass and gets that itch scratched.

In Scotland we're actively trying to destroy the UK, the English royal family, the entire UK legal system, the english high courts power, the English military power.
Absolutely fucking everyone that isn't of benefit to us we want rid of. The Irish are all more than welcome to join us.
As are the Welsh but the English can all do whatever the hell they want.
Not us that votes the arseholes in to run their country so fuck em.

We demonstrate in our tens of thousands very regularly (other than during the lockdown, we're not that stupid)
But the rest of the world doesn't see it because we don't do anything wrong.
There is no news.
" 10'000 Jocks behave themselves "
Smashed over the front page is hardly gonna sell papers.
That's what we want.
We want to raise massive local awareness while keeping it under the radar of the English.
Their govt can obviously see it but the people that vote them in can't.

That's why we will be successful.
Because were not taunting the people we need to defeat.
We're not ignoring the laws they have set for us and are keeping to them entirely while we demonstrate.
We're as polite as can be so that we don't piss off the English general public.

If we do that we've got no chance.
If we make the nationals with what we're doing our cause will go nowhere.

We are only 8% of the UK and were taking on the full power of the lot of them.
We want to systematically destroy every shred of legal and political power they have over us.
And we're extremely close to doing it now.
The rest of the world won't know though because the english censor a lot of our media so that were forced into being downplayed.
But again that works massively in our advantage.

That is why I knew the aggression of BLM and other movements would backfire.

I'm part of a massive minority.
You think I don't understand this shit cos I'm white.
You asume I'm a racist because im white.
Well... that's about as racist and narrow minded as things get really.
imma wait to read your manifesto until it's on the news after the inevitable mosque bombing you perpetrate
Because, like many people here. They weren't comming up with any suggestions.
Just blindly running about screaming racist at everyone.
Racism is extremely illegal here.
We're not big on jail. I've got the usual friday night charges. Drunk and disorderly, breach of peace, 2 counts of assault and I've only ever spent 6 hours in a police cell.
Call someone a paki or a fairy though and there's a serious risk of 6 months to a year.
What's that again? Some stupid stuff showed up where your post was supposed to be. I think your computer has been hacked and hijacked.
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Because, like many people here. They weren't comming up with any suggestions.
Just blindly running about screaming racist at everyone.
Racism is extremely illegal here.
We're not big on jail. I've got the usual friday night charges. Drunk and disorderly, breach of peace, 2 counts of assault and I've only ever spent 6 hours in a police cell.
Call someone a paki or a fairy though and there's a serious risk of 6 months to a year.
So you, a repeat offender causing bodily harm to another human being are snow flaking about BLM is what I think is the bottom line.

Now we're seeing minority people behave in prejudiced ways towards the majority though and as it stands it's pretty much legal.
Can you go to jail for ONLY saying racist shit? We have a first amendment thing here that lets people get away with it. How have the 2% of your population acted 'prejudice' towards the majority?

Do you mean something like they have a shop, and got tired of some asshole that has come in multiple times drunk screaming racist shit at them and one time they say something the dude snowflakes when he is kicked out 'for being white'?

We gave them the benefit of the doubt and built our legal system to support minorities and repress the majority.
Now that they're not appreciating that and turning on the majority we have no way really to charge them so things must be reclassified in order to do so.
What's illegal for one must also be illegal for everyone else.
From dehumanizing a extremely tiny portion of your population and allowing that dehumanization to escalate while violence is being put onto them sounds like a good idea. Again, don't they have to actually break a law (like you do when you are out drinking occasionally) to even have it become a crime?

This is what we tried to avoid.
We don't want minorities feeling pressured here.
We need a ridiculous amount of legal migrants every year to sustain our country and almost all of us are very aware of that.
Our govt are certainly extremely aware of that.
A lot of our surgeons, doctors, engineers, fuck mate half the seriously skilled jobs over here belong to over seas people. Mostly Europeans, Indians and Pakistanis.

The white migrants usually fill the unskilled positions.
We don't have the human resources here to fill them with Scots .
Especially millenial Scots. Bunch of spoiled little pricks that lot. They've all bought into the political correctness bullshit.

We need legal immigration here and as we saw by the EU membership votes.
Every single voting constituency here.. except 1 tiny place of a few thousand sheep shaggers, voted in favour of staying with the EU and full national privileges for all Europeans with a fairly clean criminal record.
We also openly encourage skilled workers from every area on earth to come here because we need diversity.
We need skilled foreign workers to survive.
If anyone had actually bothered to check this stuff out before shouting racist at me they could've seen it .
Just because you accept that you need non-white people to come to your country doesn't necessarily mean you didn't fall for racist propaganda. But that being said, I don't think I have actually called you racist. I usually stick to calling the propaganda that people fall into believing as being the racist agenda, because it is.

Sometimes when we see something enough eventually it overrides what is actually going on.

Do you guys have minority slums? If so why?

That could literally be a 6 month jail term here soon.
No civilian voted for it.
The govt just decided for themselves that it was necessary to protect the majority as that's who pays their wages.

We have a nationalist govornment that do what's best for the majority.
They always have done.
They made it a jailable offence for me to say certain words in public.
I can't even type the word that looks like tomb or my details will flag up on a national security database.
Are you actually sure that just by saying a racist slur you can go to jail or do you just think this is what is going on?

I'm cool with that though. Almost all of us are.
If you're not seriously breaking the law then they leave you alone.
Now the people the govt here protects the most have turned on it so they've done the only thing left to try.
Giving them actual equality.
Ok, actually here I think you are conceding that people don't go to jail for just saying racist shit.

If a muslim taxi driver kicks off because I'm eating a bacon roll he could potentially be charged.
I don't think it works that way. If you were being a drunk asshole making a mess of his car I bet he could still kick you out legally.

If a black guy literally starts shouting "racist" at white people as these guys are doing to me...
He will stand to be charged with racism and encitement to riot. Potentially massive jail time now.
Untill now it was an honour reserved solely for the white Scots but now it will include everyone.
You know that the word 'racist' is not a racist term right? If your government is making it a crime to do that, congrats you guys out-Trumped Trump.

Why are minorities fighting to encourage this reaction ?
Minorities won't win a war by being aggressive.
To be a minority and win you have to be persuasive.
Otherwise you're fucked.
You are wrong in thinking it is minorities that are being aggressive as I have been showing you. And actually you even admitted that you have been seeing evidence of that yourself.

We demonstrate in our tens of thousands very regularly (other than during the lockdown, we're not that stupid)
But the rest of the world doesn't see it because we don't do anything wrong.
There is no news.
" 10'000 Jocks behave themselves "
Smashed over the front page is hardly gonna sell papers.
That's what we want.
We want to raise massive local awareness while keeping it under the radar of the English.
Their govt can obviously see it but the people that vote them in can't.

That's why we will be successful.
Because were not taunting the people we need to defeat.
We're not ignoring the laws they have set for us and are keeping to them entirely while we demonstrate.
We're as polite as can be so that we don't piss off the English general public.

If we do that we've got no chance.
If we make the nationals with what we're doing our cause will go nowhere.

We are only 8% of the UK and were taking on the full power of the lot of them.
We want to systematically destroy every shred of legal and political power they have over us.
And we're extremely close to doing it now.
The rest of the world won't know though because the english censor a lot of our media so that were forced into being downplayed.
But again that works massively in our advantage
To be fair, we really don't pay too much attention about what happens in England either.

But seriously, the Russians owned you guys by getting people to think Brexit was a good idea, it was a warmup to their attack on us that they sustained. I think mainly you drank the Kool-aid early and were happy to stay in your bubble.

That is why I knew the aggression of BLM and other movements would backfire.

I'm part of a massive minority.
You think I don't understand this shit cos I'm white.
You asume I'm a racist because im white.
Well... that's about as racist and narrow minded as things get really.
Its a bummer that is what you think when I have tried hard to communicate with you. I don't think you understand things because you have named pretty much every major bit of proven Russian propaganda in your posts, and you seemingly don't want to stray too far from those talking points.
This is why I am taking time to reread your thread. I don't doubt you that you were correct in thinking that there would be massive repercussions in areas because of how you perceived that the BLM protests were going about their business.

Except it hasn't backfired, all the scared white people that have been radicalized online and triggered by the Russian military to cause violence in our nation are getting exactly what they calculated would happen is. Assuming that the violence has much at all to do with the BLM peaceful protests and not all the QAnon/Incel/Boogaloo/whatever other bullshit branded name that is used to turn our citizens who are vulnerable into domestic terrorists.

So you feel that this law is just correct? And that you really are not that upset about the dehumanization of another human being having additional consequences as they commit a crime against that person?

My earlier response I didn't know what you were pointing out to on this, I thought it was about a random black lady on your newspaper in a mask.

I guess I have a hard time understanding that there should possibly be a time ever in a society that is 98% white that white people would ever be in a situation where they would not be the overwhelming majority everywhere.

Is it this story, or do a lot of people out there mess with the 0.18% of your populations churches by causing them to commit a sin in their religion by cleaning up their shitty level domestic terrorism?

View attachment 4640309

Looks like they also lied and then got a plea deal for defacing a church.

"He accepted that Cruikshank had tried for many months to plead guilty and told him that if he had been found guilty at trial he would have sentenced him to 13 months in prison. Given his plea to the amended charge, he reduced that to nine months."

Hey, I thought that guy got three years???
So you, a repeat offender causing bodily harm to another human being are snow flaking about BLM is what I think is the bottom line.

Can you go to jail for ONLY saying racist shit? We have a first amendment thing here that lets people get away with it. How have the 2% of your population acted 'prejudice' towards the majority?

Do you mean something like they have a shop, and got tired of some asshole that has come in multiple times drunk screaming racist shit at them and one time they say something the dude snowflakes when he is kicked out 'for being white'?

From dehumanizing a extremely tiny portion of your population and allowing that dehumanization to escalate while violence is being put onto them sounds like a good idea. Again, don't they have to actually break a law (like you do when you are out drinking occasionally) to even have it become a crime?

Just because you accept that you need non-white people to come to your country doesn't necessarily mean you didn't fall for racist propaganda. But that being said, I don't think I have actually called you racist. I usually stick to calling the propaganda that people fall into believing as being the racist agenda, because it is.

Sometimes when we see something enough eventually it overrides what is actually going on.

Do you guys have minority slums? If so why?

Are you actually sure that just by saying a racist slur you can go to jail or do you just think this is what is going on?

Ok, actually here I think you are conceding that people don't go to jail for just saying racist shit.

I don't think it works that way. If you were being a drunk asshole making a mess of his car I bet he could still kick you out legally.

You know that the word 'racist' is not a racist term right? If your government is making it a crime to do that, congrats you guys out-Trumped Trump.

You are wrong in thinking it is minorities that are being aggressive as I have been showing you. And actually you even admitted that you have been seeing evidence of that yourself.

To be fair, we really don't pay too much attention about what happens in England either.

But seriously, the Russians owned you guys by getting people to think Brexit was a good idea, it was a warmup to their attack on us that they sustained. I think mainly you drank the Kool-aid early and were happy to stay in your bubble.

Its a bummer that is what you think when I have tried hard to communicate with you. I don't think you understand things because you have named pretty much every major bit of proven Russian propaganda in your posts, and you seemingly don't want to stray too far from those talking points.
Mate fuck me. You've literally just taken every single quote out of context and put a racist spin on it. This is what I'm on about.
This is why my govornment feel the need to change these laws.
I'm saying nothing discriminatory here.
I'm just relaying the cause and effect of things that have happened in my country.

Firstly, yes.
If I were to be confirmed to have called a black man that word they all call each other all the time I would be jailed.
I can go punch the living shit out of a white guy. As long as I don't kick him in the head or go too far then it's only an assault charge.
Don't need to go to court.
Case gets referred to the PF (procurator fiscal)
Then the PF tells some pen pusher to send me a £150 fine whenever he gets round to it.

If I call a black man a N#&%£/ then I'm looking at a charge of hate crime.
If I paint my face black it's the same.
If I dress up as a black person for any sort of fancy dress occasion then I risk charges of encitement to riot and racial discrimination.
Potentially 3-5 years in jail depending on the circumstances.

We take this 100% seriously here.
I don't associate myself with racists of any colour.
Its not ok to behave that way here.
Its been illegal for white, straight or non religious people to prejudice their opposites for quite a while.
Not the other at round though. That has always been pretty much legal.
Almost impossible to convict anyway.

There was never any want for this to change.
We Scots never asked for this.
This is our govornments way of making sure that minorities stop making waves in their plans....
Plans which the majority of us support.
Its not about hate for minorities here though.
We tried our best to legally protect them in every way possible.
Its about the majority wanting what's best for everyone.
That means we don't have to deal with all this hatred and drama (go for it, take that one out of context too)
We tried to keep every one happy by changing our laws specifically to suit each Individual minority.
As it happens the minorities don't care.
They're still calling out the govornment that has provided even the illegal immigrants with a home and more than enough money to survive.
Our Scottish govornment house refugees before they house Scots. That's how fuckin liberal we are with this shit.

There's admittedly some of us that riles up but as I've said.
We can't please everyone so please the majority and fuck the rest.

Or should we consider the opinions of the actively racist people in our country above others?
Should we consider the opinions of religious people over others even though like 80% of us know god is just a fairytale .

Oh and also, regarding the Russian thing. I've said already I'm sure.
Yeah, Russia is trying to fuck up England.
They can feel free to do so.
It only helps us scots out .... massively!

The Russians won't come near us because there's 120 nuclear warheads armed and ready that say otherwise.
If the UK splits and we jocks get our way it will take England about 10 years and cost thousands of billions of pounds to move the nukes down there if they want them.
Why shouldn't I appreciate the pressure Putin applies to the UK?

When we leave the union, we also leave the UK National Debt.
That's a UK number and as the engish govornment are ultimately, legally responsoble for everything regarding the issue.
They refused to give us any say in any of it.
They decided that we weren't capable of managing our own national debt and took all legal responsibilities.
Then pumped it up by billions!
And thanks to them there's absolutely no chance in hell any of it can be pinned on Scotland as we're not legally responsible for it!

Their aggression has been the akilees heel that eventually will cause their downfall and a majority loss to the minority.

The same applies vice versa.

Peace can only be attained.
Violence only leads to more violence.

If you want a peaceful life then be good to other people.
Of you want a stressed out to the max life.
One where you have to worry about what colour of skin the other guy has then jump and scream. Make as much noise as you can and call 90% of the population racist pricks.

See how far you get.
Seems it might get you as far as jail here shortly :)
Mate fuck me. You've literally just taken every single quote out of context and put a racist spin on it. This is what I'm on about.
This is why my govornment feel the need to change these laws.
I'm saying nothing discriminatory here.
I'm just relaying the cause and effect of things that have happened in my country.

Firstly, yes.
If I were to be confirmed to have called a black man that word they all call each other all the time I would be jailed.
I can go punch the living shit out of a white guy. As long as I don't kick him in the head or go too far then it's only an assault charge.
Don't need to go to court.
Case gets referred to the PF (procurator fiscal)
Then the PF tells some pen pusher to send me a £150 fine whenever he gets round to it.

If I call a black man a N#&%£/ then I'm looking at a charge of hate crime.
If I paint my face black it's the same.
If I dress up as a black person for any sort of fancy dress occasion then I risk charges of encitement to riot and racial discrimination.
Potentially 3-5 years in jail depending on the circumstances.

We take this 100% seriously here.
I don't associate myself with racists of any colour.
Its not ok to behave that way here.
Its been illegal for white, straight or non religious people to prejudice their opposites for quite a while.
Not the other at round though. That has always been pretty much legal.
Almost impossible to convict anyway.

There was never any want for this to change.
We Scots never asked for this.
This is our govornments way of making sure that minorities stop making waves in their plans....
Plans which the majority of us support.
Its not about hate for minorities here though.
We tried our best to legally protect them in every way possible.
Its about the majority wanting what's best for everyone.
That means we don't have to deal with all this hatred and drama (go for it, take that one out of context too)
We tried to keep every one happy by changing our laws specifically to suit each Individual minority.
As it happens the minorities don't care.
They're still calling out the govornment that has provided even the illegal immigrants with a home and more than enough money to survive.
Our Scottish govornment house refugees before they house Scots. That's how fuckin liberal we are with this shit.

There's admittedly some of us that riles up but as I've said.
We can't please everyone so please the majority and fuck the rest.

Or should we consider the opinions of the actively racist people in our country above others?
Should we consider the opinions of religious people over others even though like 80% of us know god is just a fairytale .

Oh and also, regarding the Russian thing. I've said already I'm sure.
Yeah, Russia is trying to fuck up England.
They can feel free to do so.
It only helps us scots out .... massively!

The Russians won't come near us because there's 120 nuclear warheads armed and ready that say otherwise.
If the UK splits and we jocks get our way it will take England about 10 years and cost thousands of billions of pounds to move the nukes down there if they want them.
Why shouldn't I appreciate the pressure Putin applies to the UK?

When we leave the union, we also leave the UK National Debt.
That's a UK number and as the engish govornment are ultimately, legally responsoble for everything regarding the issue.
They refused to give us any say in any of it.
They decided that we weren't capable of managing our own national debt and took all legal responsibilities.
Then pumped it up by billions!
And thanks to them there's absolutely no chance in hell any of it can be pinned on Scotland as we're not legally responsible for it!

Their aggression has been the akilees heel that eventually will cause their downfall and a majority loss to the minority.

The same applies vice versa.

Peace can only be attained.
Violence only leads to more violence.

If you want a peaceful life then be good to other people.
Of you want a stressed out to the max life.
One where you have to worry about what colour of skin the other guy has then jump and scream. Make as much noise as you can and call 90% of the population racist pricks.

See how far you get.
Seems it might get you as far as jail here shortly :)
Cool story racist dude, tell us more about the silent majority and how you all suffer due to equal rights.
Mate fuck me. You've literally just taken every single quote out of context and put a racist spin on it.
So the good old you Im not racist your saying racist shit to end the conversation prior to a wall of scree.

This is what I'm on about.
This is why my govornment feel the need to change these laws.
I'm saying nothing discriminatory here.
I'm just relaying the cause and effect of things that have happened in my country.

Firstly, yes.
If I were to be confirmed to have called a black man that word they all call each other all the time I would be jailed.
I can go punch the living shit out of a white guy. As long as I don't kick him in the head or go too far then it's only an assault charge.
Don't need to go to court.
Case gets referred to the PF (procurator fiscal)
Then the PF tells some pen pusher to send me a £150 fine whenever he gets round to it.

If I call a black man a N#&%£/ then I'm looking at a charge of hate crime.
If I paint my face black it's the same.
If I dress up as a black person for any sort of fancy dress occasion then I risk charges of encitement to riot and racial discrimination.
Potentially 3-5 years in jail depending on the circumstances.

We take this 100% seriously here.
I don't associate myself with racists of any colour.
Its not ok to behave that way here.
Its been illegal for white, straight or non religious people to prejudice their opposites for quite a while.
Not the other at round though. That has always been pretty much legal.
Almost impossible to convict anyway.

There was never any want for this to change.
We Scots never asked for this.
This is our govornments way of making sure that minorities stop making waves in their plans....
Plans which the majority of us support.
Its not about hate for minorities here though.
We tried our best to legally protect them in every way possible.
Its about the majority wanting what's best for everyone.
That means we don't have to deal with all this hatred and drama (go for it, take that one out of context too)
We tried to keep every one happy by changing our laws specifically to suit each Individual minority.
As it happens the minorities don't care.
They're still calling out the govornment that has provided even the illegal immigrants with a home and more than enough money to survive.
Our Scottish govornment house refugees before they house Scots. That's how fuckin liberal we are with this shit.

There's admittedly some of us that riles up but as I've said.
We can't please everyone so please the majority and fuck the rest.
Ill just have to take your word that you guys don't have the same protections as we do with our first amendment, that sucks, sorry.

I also think that your whole 'that's not racist' logic is because you are in a nice juicy information/propaganda bubble.

Oh and also, regarding the Russian thing. I've said already I'm sure.
Yeah, Russia is trying to fuck up England.
They can feel free to do so.
It only helps us scots out .... massively!

The Russians won't come near us because there's 120 nuclear warheads armed and ready that say otherwise.
If the UK splits and we jocks get our way it will take England about 10 years and cost thousands of billions of pounds to move the nukes down there if they want them.
Why shouldn't I appreciate the pressure Putin applies to the UK?

When we leave the union, we also leave the UK National Debt.
That's a UK number and as the engish govornment are ultimately, legally responsoble for everything regarding the issue.
They refused to give us any say in any of it.
They decided that we weren't capable of managing our own national debt and took all legal responsibilities.
Then pumped it up by billions!
And thanks to them there's absolutely no chance in hell any of it can be pinned on Scotland as we're not legally responsible for it!

Their aggression has been the akilees heel that eventually will cause their downfall and loss to the minority

The same applies vice versa.

Peace can only be attained.
Violence only leads to more violence.

If you want a peaceful life then be good to other people.
Of you want a stressed out to the max life.
One where you have to worry about what colour of skin the other guy has then jump and scream. Make as much noise as you can and call 90% of the population racist pricks.

See how far you get.
Seems it might get you as far as jail here shortly :)

Sure, because a weak UK is great for your country as their trading partners. It would be helpful if you eventually woke up to the part of the Russian attack that they used you to conduct by pumping you full of all the hate that you spew on this website.
Mate fuck me. You've literally just taken every single quote out of context and put a racist spin on it. This is what I'm on about.
This is why my govornment feel the need to change these laws.
I'm saying nothing discriminatory here.
I'm just relaying the cause and effect of things that have happened in my country.

Firstly, yes.
If I were to be confirmed to have called a black man that word they all call each other all the time I would be jailed.
I can go punch the living shit out of a white guy. As long as I don't kick him in the head or go too far then it's only an assault charge.
Don't need to go to court.
Case gets referred to the PF (procurator fiscal)
Then the PF tells some pen pusher to send me a £150 fine whenever he gets round to it.

If I call a black man a N#&%£/ then I'm looking at a charge of hate crime.
If I paint my face black it's the same.
If I dress up as a black person for any sort of fancy dress occasion then I risk charges of encitement to riot and racial discrimination.
Potentially 3-5 years in jail depending on the circumstances.

We take this 100% seriously here.
I don't associate myself with racists of any colour.
Its not ok to behave that way here.
Its been illegal for white, straight or non religious people to prejudice their opposites for quite a while.
Not the other at round though. That has always been pretty much legal.
Almost impossible to convict anyway.

There was never any want for this to change.
We Scots never asked for this.
This is our govornments way of making sure that minorities stop making waves in their plans....
Plans which the majority of us support.
Its not about hate for minorities here though.
We tried our best to legally protect them in every way possible.
Its about the majority wanting what's best for everyone.
That means we don't have to deal with all this hatred and drama (go for it, take that one out of context too)
We tried to keep every one happy by changing our laws specifically to suit each Individual minority.
As it happens the minorities don't care.
They're still calling out the govornment that has provided even the illegal immigrants with a home and more than enough money to survive.
Our Scottish govornment house refugees before they house Scots. That's how fuckin liberal we are with this shit.

There's admittedly some of us that riles up but as I've said.
We can't please everyone so please the majority and fuck the rest.

Or should we consider the opinions of the actively racist people in our country above others?
Should we consider the opinions of religious people over others even though like 80% of us know god is just a fairytale .

Oh and also, regarding the Russian thing. I've said already I'm sure.
Yeah, Russia is trying to fuck up England.
They can feel free to do so.
It only helps us scots out .... massively!

The Russians won't come near us because there's 120 nuclear warheads armed and ready that say otherwise.
If the UK splits and we jocks get our way it will take England about 10 years and cost thousands of billions of pounds to move the nukes down there if they want them.
Why shouldn't I appreciate the pressure Putin applies to the UK?

When we leave the union, we also leave the UK National Debt.
That's a UK number and as the engish govornment are ultimately, legally responsoble for everything regarding the issue.
They refused to give us any say in any of it.
They decided that we weren't capable of managing our own national debt and took all legal responsibilities.
Then pumped it up by billions!
And thanks to them there's absolutely no chance in hell any of it can be pinned on Scotland as we're not legally responsible for it!

Their aggression has been the akilees heel that eventually will cause their downfall and a majority loss to the minority.

The same applies vice versa.

Peace can only be attained.
Violence only leads to more violence.

If you want a peaceful life then be good to other people.
Of you want a stressed out to the max life.
One where you have to worry about what colour of skin the other guy has then jump and scream. Make as much noise as you can and call 90% of the population racist pricks.

See how far you get.
Seems it might get you as far as jail here shortly :)

If I were you, I would want you to say this to me:

Stop. Just stop. Seek some professional help and I mean now. You've gone completely round the bend.
Cool story racist dude, tell us more about the silent majority and how you all suffer due to equal rights.
Youre just proving my pont even more man.
As it stands, if a white man says that in Scotland to a black man he can potentially be jailed for encitement to riot and racial discrimination.

Because so many minority groups are behaving the same way as you.
Assuming everything from a white mans mouth is racist just because he is white.
Well that's about to become a jailable offence too.

As could trying to convince people to join the church.
We made it law that atheists go to jail for calling a religious person a bible basher.
We didn't fuck about with this shit man.
The laws wee made and they We're, are and have been since their survival.
Very, Very, heavily e forced!