Blm, the next level

Maybe if EVERYONE else sees it. Maybe it’s there and you just don’t see it. It’s kind of like slow people don’t realize they’re slow. Same logic :bigjoint:
If you can provide me some in context examples then ill certainly accept it as a possibility.
And it's called the Dunning Kruger effect ;)
I haven’t read everything you’ve posted on numerous threads about minorities but what I have read leaves me to believe that what your saying is ........ the fact they (blacks, all 2%) got all uppity, they have destroyed the equal voice they had? They (blacks) should have kept quiet and been happy with their lot in life, it’s not that bad? Am I close? You may not believe you are a racist but it sure sounds like you are. I’ve heard this line of reason many times from many about people of colour, it’s this limited thought process that lends credence to the BLM movement. I bet your go to statement is “all lives matter” correct?
I haven’t read everything you’ve posted on numerous threads about minorities but what I have read leaves me to believe that what your saying is ........ the fact they (blacks, all 2%) got all uppity, they have destroyed the equal voice they had? They (blacks) should have kept quiet and been happy with their lot in life, it’s not that bad? Am I close? You may not believe you are a racist but it sure sounds like you are. I’ve heard this line of reason many times from many about people of colour, it’s this limited thought process that lends credence to the BLM movement. I bet your go to statement is “all lives matter” correct?
Was mostly the black dudes in England kicking up about it. They weren't too vocal up here. Certainly not violent. Completely different down south though and there's enough of them there to cause a fair bit of chaos so our govornment up here are getting ahead of the game.
Our legal system in scotland has been structured over the years to massively favour all minority groups over the majority.
We need a lot of foreigners here so it's always been beneficial to be that way.
That's what's best for our country and the vast majority of us are well aware of that fact.
If we become hostile to other races our economy will collapse (if it even recovers from corona that is)
So we want the law to protect them.
However. Because there's now so many minority people claiming prejudice for things they shouldn't be the goal posts are moving.
Otherwise we'll end up having to send thousands of innocent people to jail.
Its not just the blacks this will effect iether, it's all minority groups.
Gays, trans, religious groups of any faith,
I'm not saying hey check out what we've done ain't this cool.
This isn't what we want here but its what's happening and I'm just trying to point that out.
Was mostly the black dudes in England kicking up about it. They weren't too vocal up here. Certainly not violent. Completely different down south though and there's enough of them there to cause a fair bit of chaos so our govornment up here are getting ahead of the game.
Our legal system in scotland has been structured over the years to massively favour all minority groups over the majority.
We need a lot of foreigners here so it's always been beneficial to be that way.
That's what's best for our country and the vast majority of us are well aware of that fact.
If we become hostile to other races our economy will collapse (if it even recovers from corona that is)
So we want the law to protect them.
However. Because there's now so many minority people claiming prejudice for things they shouldn't be the goal posts are moving.
Otherwise we'll end up having to send thousands of innocent people to jail.
Its not just the blacks this will effect iether, it's all minority groups.
Gays, trans, religious groups of any faith,
I'm not saying hey check out what we've done ain't this cool.
This isn't what we want here but its what's happening and I'm just trying to point that out.
You really are just a hick from the sticks, you have the political awareness of an old Tarzan movie.
The problem I think is if their law is anything like ours, to be a 'hate crime', generally it needs to be a crime being committed (like beating a person to death) while simultaneously (or prior to) calling them racist shit. He is pretending like someone here can go to jail for just saying racist shit.

So called "hate crimes" are absurd. Basically they are a form of a thought crime, which aren't actual crimes.

If the severity of punishment for an actual assault is determined by the severity of the assault... a push, a punch, a pummeling, a severe beating, a severe beating with lasting physical damage, a death etc.,
then wouldn't a hate crime require the same gradation based on the severity of the hate / thought ?

"Yeah, I thought he was a a little bit of a homely fucker so I pushed him"

"Yeah, I thought he was an ugly fucker, so I pushed him"

"Yeah, I though he was so ugly even the badman couldn't get it up so I pushed him"

"Yeah, I thought he was the ugliest (insert favorite minority here) fucker I'd ever seen, so I pushed him.

The harm is in the level of assault, not the thoughts in the head of the aggressor.
What part of that shows ignorance?
The fact that I was right when I said this would happen?
People want equality and this is what equality looks like.
The ignorance of this is the minority groups of all sorts kicking up fuck here wanting to be treated as "equals " when they already had massively preferential treatment and extremely strict laws set up to protect them.
Equality means removing that extra protection and treating everyone the same.
The ignorance lies in the idiots that couldn't see this comming.
I saw it comming because I'm outside the box and not blinded by things like racism and religion.

The situation is a bit different in states than elsewhere. Even tho they too have laws that for example does not allow cops to stop and search someone jsut because they are black, it still happens more on black people than on whites. In some places for example the black people are minority, but yet they are stopped and searched for no reason other than that they are black multiple times more than white people comparing to how many there are. Even tho the fact also is there that when they stop and search white people, they get caught from something with more certainty than randmly stopping a black guy. This is most likely because they only stop junkie white people. Which again puts the whole frame that they mainly stop any black people and from whites mostly just junkies who clearly did something.

Its this sort of structural changes that needs to take place. Not some shitty bill that trump makes up so that he can say that he at least did something and can start to play the victim again and give him reason to again brutally and violently oppress black people. In fact it seems that trump wants to start a civil war against black people and just uses these protests as an excuse while spreading lies that they would all be just some mindless terrorists of antifa who dont accept the great gift trump gave them in his bill.

The whole problem is closely tied to police. Police in the states are mostly undertrained scared idiots who want to take a revenge to the world. Often these sorts of retards are also racist, as it gives them an outlet for their hate of self(hating self because doesent feel good enough, but then tries to get into position of power to prove that he is good enough, but that doesent take away the inner conflict, just feeds the ego and causes more harm for development). I mean in many countries basic mall security is better trained than the american police by average.

Police in usa also is not organised very well, for example it makes no sense to get 10 cops waving guns at some mental patient. Its far better to take one or two cops and a social worker. Or maybe redirect some of the 911 calls directly to social workers, instead of sending someone to do social work who doesent even know how to do cop work. This is a huge waste of money and that money would do more good if it was partly spent through other than police in an attempt to help the police and get things right in the city. This is the idea of defunding police, even tho trump and media wants to make it look as if everyone were demanding of getting rid of police altogether.

Equality doesent magically appear if you just say that you are now all equal, stop whining.. Even if you make a law about it, no one gives a flying fuck and it will likely just piss off some people and for sure make them not understand the whole deal.

Im not even going to start talking about hoew the whole antifa thing is faked by alt-right and trump folks, how in reality there has not been so much violence etc that trump and media claims, but its just a hoax to crush on the opponent and to practise tyranny over citizens who rightfully demand change. Trumps idea is just to fuck with people and make them more angry so that they would start shooting and that trump would have an excuse to shoot back. Watch, soon if someone from the good side doesent shoot, someone from the bad side will shoot and claim it came from the good side.

I said over 10 years ago that there will be a civil war in USA if they dont drastically change things and just keep pushing that shitty agenda of the elite. This seems to be the beginning steps of it. What i did not think about before that the elite could like to use a civil war to make things better for them and to start a new chapter in lying to people. They will start a civil war rather than give up for the protests. But the scary part is that even tho im not for war, things would not have to go much further in USA when i would say that civil war is acceptable and most likely for the better than letting things roll out under trump or other puppets of the elite like biden or clintons or who ever they try to come up with next.
The situation is a bit different in states than elsewhere. Even tho they too have laws that for example does not allow cops to stop and search someone jsut because they are black, it still happens more on black people than on whites. In some places for example the black people are minority, but yet they are stopped and searched for no reason other than that they are black multiple times more than white people comparing to how many there are. Even tho the fact also is there that when they stop and search white people, they get caught from something with more certainty than randmly stopping a black guy. This is most likely because they only stop junkie white people. Which again puts the whole frame that they mainly stop any black people and from whites mostly just junkies who clearly did something.

Its this sort of structural changes that needs to take place. Not some shitty bill that trump makes up so that he can say that he at least did something and can start to play the victim again and give him reason to again brutally and violently oppress black people. In fact it seems that trump wants to start a civil war against black people and just uses these protests as an excuse while spreading lies that they would all be just some mindless terrorists of antifa who dont accept the great gift trump gave them in his bill.

The whole problem is closely tied to police. Police in the states are mostly undertrained scared idiots who want to take a revenge to the world. Often these sorts of retards are also racist, as it gives them an outlet for their hate of self(hating self because doesent feel good enough, but then tries to get into position of power to prove that he is good enough, but that doesent take away the inner conflict, just feeds the ego and causes more harm for development). I mean in many countries basic mall security is better trained than the american police by average.

Police in usa also is not organised very well, for example it makes no sense to get 10 cops waving guns at some mental patient. Its far better to take one or two cops and a social worker. Or maybe redirect some of the 911 calls directly to social workers, instead of sending someone to do social work who doesent even know how to do cop work. This is a huge waste of money and that money would do more good if it was partly spent through other than police in an attempt to help the police and get things right in the city. This is the idea of defunding police, even tho trump and media wants to make it look as if everyone were demanding of getting rid of police altogether.

Equality doesent magically appear if you just say that you are now all equal, stop whining.. Even if you make a law about it, no one gives a flying fuck and it will likely just piss off some people and for sure make them not understand the whole deal.

Im not even going to start talking about hoew the whole antifa thing is faked by alt-right and trump folks, how in reality there has not been so much violence etc that trump and media claims, but its just a hoax to crush on the opponent and to practise tyranny over citizens who rightfully demand change. Trumps idea is just to fuck with people and make them more angry so that they would start shooting and that trump would have an excuse to shoot back. Watch, soon if someone from the good side doesent shoot, someone from the bad side will shoot and claim it came from the good side.

I said over 10 years ago that there will be a civil war in USA if they dont drastically change things and just keep pushing that shitty agenda of the elite. This seems to be the beginning steps of it. What i did not think about before that the elite could like to use a civil war to make things better for them and to start a new chapter in lying to people. They will start a civil war rather than give up for the protests. But the scary part is that even tho im not for war, things would not have to go much further in USA when i would say that civil war is acceptable and most likely for the better than letting things roll out under trump or other puppets of the elite like biden or clintons or who ever they try to come up with next.
Mate I absolutely agree with everything you've just said and that's what I'm getting at.
These fuckin idiots can't see that though because they see racism first and stop paying attention to anything I'm saying.
From the outside looking in, America 100% looks like its heading for a civil war.
Everyone's getting pissed off and kicking up about it.
That's just enraging more people.
Ultimately violence will always create more violence so people who are trying to get a point across should be civil in order to be taken seriously.

I live in an extremely race/ minority friendly country and even here our laws are changing in ways that will fuck over every minority group because of the way things are playing out.

From every single source I've seen on here, America is still an extremely racist country.
I'm being told that black people are forced by law and not allowed to move out of certain areas.
I'm being told that black people cannot get an education as many schools refuse to to take them.
I'm being told that black people will not be employed because of the colour of their skin.
I'm being told this over and over and over again that in the states black people are not allowed the simple, basic human rights to live where they want, educate themselves and work.

If the laws can change so dramatically over here. A country where if you can even vaguely prove racism of any sort then the other guy goes to jail.
What's about to happen to other places.
Places like America where racism, as I've been told a thousand times, exists at a national/institutional level.

I'm not happy about the way things are working out here. It ultimately benefits me because I'm a straight, white atheist but its not something i ever wanted changed.
We need strict protection for minorities here or our entire country will collapse.
America is one of the most powerful govornments on earth. What's gonna happen to them if their part of the globe destroy a itself?
I'm not exactly keen on vladimere putin.
I do admire the way he runs his own country but I sure as fuck wouldn't want him running anyone else's.

People need to stick together these days. That's how we win in life regardless of where we're from.
The situation is a bit different in states than elsewhere. Even tho they too have laws that for example does not allow cops to stop and search someone jsut because they are black, it still happens more on black people than on whites. In some places for example the black people are minority, but yet they are stopped and searched for no reason other than that they are black multiple times more than white people comparing to how many there are. Even tho the fact also is there that when they stop and search white people, they get caught from something with more certainty than randmly stopping a black guy. This is most likely because they only stop junkie white people. Which again puts the whole frame that they mainly stop any black people and from whites mostly just junkies who clearly did something.

Its this sort of structural changes that needs to take place. Not some shitty bill that trump makes up so that he can say that he at least did something and can start to play the victim again and give him reason to again brutally and violently oppress black people. In fact it seems that trump wants to start a civil war against black people and just uses these protests as an excuse while spreading lies that they would all be just some mindless terrorists of antifa who dont accept the great gift trump gave them in his bill.

The whole problem is closely tied to police. Police in the states are mostly undertrained scared idiots who want to take a revenge to the world. Often these sorts of retards are also racist, as it gives them an outlet for their hate of self(hating self because doesent feel good enough, but then tries to get into position of power to prove that he is good enough, but that doesent take away the inner conflict, just feeds the ego and causes more harm for development). I mean in many countries basic mall security is better trained than the american police by average.

Police in usa also is not organised very well, for example it makes no sense to get 10 cops waving guns at some mental patient. Its far better to take one or two cops and a social worker. Or maybe redirect some of the 911 calls directly to social workers, instead of sending someone to do social work who doesent even know how to do cop work. This is a huge waste of money and that money would do more good if it was partly spent through other than police in an attempt to help the police and get things right in the city. This is the idea of defunding police, even tho trump and media wants to make it look as if everyone were demanding of getting rid of police altogether.

Equality doesent magically appear if you just say that you are now all equal, stop whining.. Even if you make a law about it, no one gives a flying fuck and it will likely just piss off some people and for sure make them not understand the whole deal.

Im not even going to start talking about hoew the whole antifa thing is faked by alt-right and trump folks, how in reality there has not been so much violence etc that trump and media claims, but its just a hoax to crush on the opponent and to practise tyranny over citizens who rightfully demand change. Trumps idea is just to fuck with people and make them more angry so that they would start shooting and that trump would have an excuse to shoot back. Watch, soon if someone from the good side doesent shoot, someone from the bad side will shoot and claim it came from the good side.

I said over 10 years ago that there will be a civil war in USA if they dont drastically change things and just keep pushing that shitty agenda of the elite. This seems to be the beginning steps of it. What i did not think about before that the elite could like to use a civil war to make things better for them and to start a new chapter in lying to people. They will start a civil war rather than give up for the protests. But the scary part is that even tho im not for war, things would not have to go much further in USA when i would say that civil war is acceptable and most likely for the better than letting things roll out under trump or other puppets of the elite like biden or clintons or who ever they try to come up with next.
Wait one year then reassess if the democrats win it all, you'll see liberalism in action, it is a historical inevitability, but it is not a smooth linear progression, there are dips and bumps along the way to human rights for all and equality under the law. Change in liberal democracies is bottom up driven and top down implemented, African American and other minorities will have the implementers by the balls in the new government. They will be in the seat of power and the bigots on the street with little sympathy. Somethings like money and power are deeply embedded into the structure of the legal system to give those people a much better chance at justice or injustice.

People make history and the people of America are about to make some.
Mate I absolutely agree with everything you've just said and that's what I'm getting at.
These fuckin idiots can't see that though because they see racism first and stop paying attention to anything I'm saying.
From the outside looking in, America 100% looks like its heading for a civil war.
Everyone's getting pissed off and kicking up about it.
That's just enraging more people.
Ultimately violence will always create more violence so people who are trying to get a point across should be civil in order to be taken seriously.

I live in an extremely race/ minority friendly country and even here our laws are changing in ways that will fuck over every minority group because of the way things are playing out.

From every single source I've seen on here, America is still an extremely racist country.
I'm being told that black people are forced by law and not allowed to move out of certain areas.
I'm being told that black people cannot get an education as many schools refuse to to take them.
I'm being told that black people will not be employed because of the colour of their skin.
I'm being told this over and over and over again that in the states black people are not allowed the simple, basic human rights to live where they want, educate themselves and work.

If the laws can change so dramatically over here. A country where if you can even vaguely prove racism of any sort then the other guy goes to jail.
What's about to happen to other places.
Places like America where racism, as I've been told a thousand times, exists at a national/institutional level.

I'm not happy about the way things are working out here. It ultimately benefits me because I'm a straight, white atheist but its not something i ever wanted changed.
We need strict protection for minorities here or our entire country will collapse.
America is one of the most powerful govornments on earth. What's gonna happen to them if their part of the globe destroy a itself?
I'm not exactly keen on vladimere putin.
I do admire the way he runs his own country but I sure as fuck wouldn't want him running anyone else's.

People need to stick together these days. That's how we win in life regardless of where we're from.
Bullshit, you are just talking shit now to attack our country by acting like anyone said that list is the case.

It is clear you are just trying to tow Putin's troll by regurgitating the stupid shit Trump needs people to believe to have a chance to win and Putin can skate on his attack on our country for 4 more years.
Mate I absolutely agree with everything you've just said and that's what I'm getting at.
These fuckin idiots can't see that though because they see racism first and stop paying attention to anything I'm saying.
From the outside looking in, America 100% looks like its heading for a civil war.
Everyone's getting pissed off and kicking up about it.
That's just enraging more people.
Ultimately violence will always create more violence so people who are trying to get a point across should be civil in order to be taken seriously.

I live in an extremely race/ minority friendly country and even here our laws are changing in ways that will fuck over every minority group because of the way things are playing out.

From every single source I've seen on here, America is still an extremely racist country.
I'm being told that black people are forced by law and not allowed to move out of certain areas.
I'm being told that black people cannot get an education as many schools refuse to to take them.
I'm being told that black people will not be employed because of the colour of their skin.
I'm being told this over and over and over again that in the states black people are not allowed the simple, basic human rights to live where they want, educate themselves and work.

If the laws can change so dramatically over here. A country where if you can even vaguely prove racism of any sort then the other guy goes to jail.
What's about to happen to other places.
Places like America where racism, as I've been told a thousand times, exists at a national/institutional level.

I'm not happy about the way things are working out here. It ultimately benefits me because I'm a straight, white atheist but its not something i ever wanted changed.
We need strict protection for minorities here or our entire country will collapse.
America is one of the most powerful govornments on earth. What's gonna happen to them if their part of the globe destroy a itself?
I'm not exactly keen on vladimere putin.
I do admire the way he runs his own country but I sure as fuck wouldn't want him running anyone else's.

People need to stick together these days. That's how we win in life regardless of where we're from.

Yea but the problem is that these problems are embedded to the system and peoples unconscious thoughts so heavily that making a law doesent change shit. And also the elite doesent want to change the law. What they aim to do is to change laws for the worse. This is why they try to get people angry, when somoene does something too much, then they can make a law that would for example limit protests, essentially limiting the free speech and getting away with it because the majority of people have been brainwashed with propaganda.

Think about it, if they made a law that would for example say that you cant spit at black people or you go to jail. Those asshole white supremacists would only start to do more of that and get pissed off because some silly law like this has been passed, possibly wanting to do something else than just spit if they are already very pissed off.

The reason why the government also wants to make BLM look bad is that if trump fans knew the truth about their leader and about BLM, half of them would join BLM and many of those would like a civil war, not against black people, but against the elite rulers, which are the same people BLM are against.

Their enemy is the same, but they are divided by propaganda and lies. I see some qanon folks starting to catch up to this, but i firmly believe qanon is just the elites plan to start that civil war and infiltrate the good side if things start to get to the point where only thing civialians can do is to crab weapons. This would allow them to continue leading from the shadows.
Wait one year then reassess if the democrats win it all, you'll see liberalism in action, it is a historical inevitability, but it is not a smooth linear progression, there are dips and bumps along the way to human rights for all and equality under the law. Change in liberal democracies is bottom up driven and top down implemented, African American and other minorities will have the implementers by the balls in the new government. They will be in the seat of power and the bigots on the street with little sympathy. Somethings like money and power are deeply embedded into the structure of the legal system to give those people a much better chance at justice or injustice.

People make history and the people of America are about to make some.

Lol biden serves the same elite that trump does, there is no difference except that trump can pull out stuff that the others dont dare to, therefore biden needs to be more cunning in his ways. Republicans and democrats both have a common goal, to keep out the progressives that would change the system they run. And the only reason they use two parties is to fool people to think as if they had a choice. Look at bush jr vs john kerry elections. Both skull & bones memebers. Hillary and trump used to be friends and now all of a sudden they play the worst enemies in media, thats all lies.

Sure biden will have to do some stuff a bit differently than trump, but he will do the very minimum to shut the people up and even when he will do that, its most likely just a trick that only seems good, but in reality is for the benefit of his agenda, which is not the good of the people, but good of the elite.