Blm, the next level

So called "hate crimes" are absurd. Basically they are a form of a thought crime, which aren't actual crimes.

If the severity of punishment for an actual assault is determined by the severity of the assault... a push, a punch, a pummeling, a severe beating, a severe beating with lasting physical damage, a death etc.,
then wouldn't a hate crime require the same gradation based on the severity of the hate / thought ?

"Yeah, I thought he was a a little bit of a homely fucker so I pushed him"

"Yeah, I thought he was an ugly fucker, so I pushed him"

"Yeah, I though he was so ugly even the badman couldn't get it up so I pushed him"

"Yeah, I thought he was the ugliest (insert favorite minority here) fucker I'd ever seen, so I pushed him.

The harm is in the level of assault, not the thoughts in the head of the aggressor.
all sorts of crimes are prosecuted based on intent, hence the difference between first degree murder and involuntary manslaughter

Stop crying you retard racist
Lol biden serves the same elite that trump does, there is no difference except that trump can pull out stuff that the others dont dare to, therefore biden needs to be more cunning in his ways. Republicans and democrats both have a common goal, to keep out the progressives that would change the system they run. And the only reason they use two parties is to fool people to think as if they had a choice. Look at bush jr vs john kerry elections. Both skull & bones memebers. Hillary and trump used to be friends and now all of a sudden they play the worst enemies in media, thats all lies.

Sure biden will have to do some stuff a bit differently than trump, but he will do the very minimum to shut the people up and even when he will do that, its most likely just a trick that only seems good, but in reality is for the benefit of his agenda, which is not the good of the people, but good of the elite.
The 'both sides' nonsense has been getting pushed by the Right wing/Russian trolls for so long that it seems to have stuck with you.

If you can't see the difference between people who grew up getting millions of dollars funneled to them from Daddy to avoid taxes, who eventually almost got a billion dollars from daddy when you inherited his company and properties in which they got lawsuits filed against them for racist practices, and people who were brought up in the middle class and had to work for everything they got, and moreover someone like Biden who never cashed in on his political fame while in office, I would suggest fact checking anything you think you know on AP news to figure out what propaganda it is that you have been getting spammed with.

Because this 'Both sides' is also what the Russians have been pushing to get Trump re-elected. It is worth understanding the ways that the Republicans have been using institutional racism to keep themselves in power after the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda lost their total control over every aspect of our society.
Lol biden serves the same elite that trump does, there is no difference except that trump can pull out stuff that the others dont dare to, therefore biden needs to be more cunning in his ways. Republicans and democrats both have a common goal, to keep out the progressives that would change the system they run. And the only reason they use two parties is to fool people to think as if they had a choice. Look at bush jr vs john kerry elections. Both skull & bones memebers. Hillary and trump used to be friends and now all of a sudden they play the worst enemies in media, thats all lies.

Sure biden will have to do some stuff a bit differently than trump, but he will do the very minimum to shut the people up and even when he will do that, its most likely just a trick that only seems good, but in reality is for the benefit of his agenda, which is not the good of the people, but good of the elite.
I believe your cynical outlook to be an incorrect interpretation of the current reality. The current reality is political and social polarization along strict party lines with economic ideology of secondary importance. The forces of greed, racism and bigotry were more evenly divided among both parties until Obama drove the republicans into complete racism and Donald attracted nearly every asshole and con man in America to his banner. Liberalism deals with corruption as well as racism, unless impeded by other social and economic forces, election reform is coming that will wipe out many of the GOPs built in advantages.

There has been and will be corruption nobody is immune, money follows power and the republicans will starve for awhile. Policy can make corruption more difficult and increase the likelihood of both getting caught and of serious consequences, other liberal democracies can do this, so can America.
Was mostly the black dudes in England kicking up about it. They weren't too vocal up here. Certainly not violent. Completely different down south though and there's enough of them there to cause a fair bit of chaos so our govornment up here are getting ahead of the game.
Our legal system in scotland has been structured over the years to massively favour all minority groups over the majority.
We need a lot of foreigners here so it's always been beneficial to be that way.
That's what's best for our country and the vast majority of us are well aware of that fact.
If we become hostile to other races our economy will collapse (if it even recovers from corona that is)
So we want the law to protect them.
However. Because there's now so many minority people claiming prejudice for things they shouldn't be the goal posts are moving.
Otherwise we'll end up having to send thousands of innocent people to jail.
Its not just the blacks this will effect iether, it's all minority groups.
Gays, trans, religious groups of any faith,
I'm not saying hey check out what we've done ain't this cool.
This isn't what we want here but its what's happening and I'm just trying to point that out.
Yes saying that is fucking racist and I think that’s exactly what your saying!!!!
The 'both sides' nonsense has been getting pushed by the Right wing/Russian trolls for so long that it seems to have stuck with you.

If you can't see the difference between people who grew up getting millions of dollars funneled to them from Daddy to avoid taxes, who eventually almost got a billion dollars from daddy when you inherited his company and properties in which they got lawsuits filed against them for racist practices, and people who were brought up in the middle class and had to work for everything they got, and moreover someone like Biden who never cashed in on his political fame while in office, I would suggest fact checking anything you think you know on AP news to figure out what propaganda it is that you have been getting spammed with.

Because this 'Both sides' is also what the Russians have been pushing to get Trump re-elected. It is worth understanding the ways that the Republicans have been using institutional racism to keep themselves in power after the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda lost their total control over every aspect of our society.

Most trump fans are not some rich people who were born with a golden spoon up their ass like trump was. Most of trump fans are low income unsophisticated people who are into conspiracy theories and are against the elite and want a change that is in the end very similar to what people on the left want. Its just that trump fans have been brainwashed with stupid shit. Many of them are not even racists, but they just want a change of power where the old elite does not run things anymore. This is exactly the same than what progressive left wants. No?

Its just that trump fans believe trumps lies and many of them have been caught up with his bullshit because they have their hillbilly egos so wrapped around everything trump has said, so they now cant see the truth even when its right in front of them and they will just buy anything trump says. This ofc is boosted with the fact that trump says that the elite is after him and that he fights these evil cia folks etc. but its all lies. They just want to divide the people and use every chance to widen that gap between people. Look at this no mask shit that has been going on with trumpsters that trump also pushes. Whats the reaosn for that? There is no other reason than to keep the trumpsters more insane and move them further from facts, so that they would buy some next bullshit thing thats even crazier and ofc to divide people, so that they would not have the power to make real change.

Its not stuck to me from right of russian trolls. I look these things as an outsider, have watched closely on what has happened and more been following what for example jimmy dore talks about. And i have been looking at american politics closely way before trump, unlike 99.9999% of trumpsters(those who STILL support him) who have no clue about anything politics, never paid any attention to it(except maybe listening to some lizard people podcast from alex jones) or reality of things.

I also claim to know of these connections of freemasons to building the country and how its ran by secret societies, and its not like what most people think it is.

I bet this russians trolling and controlling trump is just another hoax that has been pushed by the elites propaganda. Like the russians colluding with the last elections, lol its all lies.

The truth of things and what people have been fed are very different. For example the elite wanted stuff like the beatles and rolling stones, ozzy osbourne/black sabbath etc. this stuff works for them. In the hippie era people thought they were rebels, when in fact they were being fed the culture and music that the elite wanted them to adopt. Same with todays music. All this weed hype for example is what the elite has wanted for a long time and they guided the hip hop scene to correct directions. People like kanye west is nothing but a puppet for the elite. Now if you look at his latest music video, it will give the impression that BLM = good and its ok to do crazy stuff in protests. While being a good friend to trump at the same time..

This is what the elite uses for example to divide the sides. Kanye is being used here as a tool
I believe your cynical outlook to be an incorrect interpretation of the current reality. The current reality is political and social polarization along strict party lines with economic ideology of secondary importance. The forces of greed, racism and bigotry were more evenly divided among both parties until Obama drove the republicans into complete racism and Donald attracted nearly every asshole and con man in America to his banner. Liberalism deals with corruption as well as racism, unless impeded by other social and economic forces, election reform is coming that will wipe out many of the GOPs built in advantages.

There has been and will be corruption nobody is immune, money follows power and the republicans will starve for awhile. Policy can make corruption more difficult and increase the likelihood of both getting caught and of serious consequences, other liberal democracies can do this, so can America.

The party lines in USA are lies, simple as that. Democrats and republicans both have same goals, part of being keeping the progressives out. Dems dont want to universal healthcare, neither do republicans. Neither of them want a free education. etc etc all they want to do is to play money for the already rich in the expense of others. Both of them. Neither side has any real agendas other than that + making usa more like china in controlling its citizens and keeping them as slaves. They only tell a different enough story for people to have a pseudo freedom of a choice, if you are more leaning to dem ideas, you vote for them, or if you are a concervative, you vote for republicans, but both just play the same game in the end. And they work together to keep the change out. The politicians have proven this over and over again during these last some yers even before trump. Look at history and they prove it there some more.

I got free healthcare, free education even on university level, currently because of covid, i did not lose my job because we have this thing that allows us to be temporarily out from work if the workplace cant pay wages and put me on social benefits that are enough to get by. There are many political parties where i live and it all works very differently from the bullshit system of the USA. If you knew of a better system, you would instantly see how screwed the system in USA is, and you would see that its made that way on purpose.

And yes obama did make room for racisim in the republicans and trump camp(who by the way does not represent republican values any more than hillary clinton does, or democratic values any ore than she does). These are all planned, have you not noticed how it goes? First there is a republican who fucks up the economy by doing stuff that is unethical and what the dems can critisize in media usually for 2 terms. Then democrats come(also usually for 2 terms) to fix up things and lie about change, when in fact they are just doing all the same wallsteet crap behind the closed doors and does not give what people want. Look at obamacare, it was purposefully made to be expensive so that people would hate it and that big pharma would benefit tons from it), then the republicans come and criticise what the dems are doing and get in power to do all sorts of nasty stuff right in peoples face. Now dems are not even trying with this senile old guy, like they did not try with hillary either. They wanted trump to come there and do what others dont dare and now they dont even try to win him so that he would get a second term. Republicans have been going at trump harder lately than dems have, but thats just to keep the non trumpers on republican side. Even if biden happens to win trump even tho they dont have any effort in it, it would not be a big loss for the elite, since trump already has done sooooooooooo much more than hillary could had pulled off without dem elite losing its face completely.
The party lines in USA are lies, simple as that. Democrats and republicans both have same goals, part of being keeping the progressives out. Dems dont want to universal healthcare, neither do republicans. Neither of them want a free education. etc etc all they want to do is to play money for the already rich in the expense of others. Both of them. Neither side has any real agendas other than that + making usa more like china in controlling its citizens and keeping them as slaves. They only tell a different enough story for people to have a pseudo freedom of a choice, if you are more leaning to dem ideas, you vote for them, or if you are a concervative, you vote for republicans, but both just play the same game in the end. And they work together to keep the change out. The politicians have proven this over and over again during these last some yers even before trump. Look at history and they prove it there some more.

I got free healthcare, free education even on university level, currently because of covid, i did not lose my job because we have this thing that allows us to be temporarily out from work if the workplace cant pay wages and put me on social benefits that are enough to get by. There are many political parties where i live and it all works very differently from the bullshit system of the USA. If you knew of a better system, you would instantly see how screwed the system in USA is, and you would see that its made that way on purpose.

And yes obama did make room for racisim in the republicans and trump camp(who by the way does not represent republican values any more than hillary clinton does, or democratic values any ore than she does). These are all planned, have you not noticed how it goes? First there is a republican who fucks up the economy by doing stuff that is unethical and what the dems can critisize in media usually for 2 terms. Then democrats come(also usually for 2 terms) to fix up things and lie about change, when in fact they are just doing all the same wallsteet crap behind the closed doors and does not give what people want. Look at obamacare, it was purposefully made to be expensive so that people would hate it and that big pharma would benefit tons from it), then the republicans come and criticise what the dems are doing and get in power to do all sorts of nasty stuff right in peoples face. Now dems are not even trying with this senile old guy, like they did not try with hillary either. They wanted trump to come there and do what others dont dare and now they dont even try to win him so that he would get a second term. Republicans have been going at trump harder lately than dems have, but thats just to keep the non trumpers on republican side. Even if biden happens to win trump even tho they dont have any effort in it, it would not be a big loss for the elite, since trump already has done sooooooooooo much more than hillary could had pulled off without dem elite losing its face completely.
dumb and naive
The party lines in USA are lies, simple as that. Democrats and republicans both have same goals, part of being keeping the progressives out. Dems dont want to universal healthcare, neither do republicans. Neither of them want a free education. etc etc all they want to do is to play money for the already rich in the expense of others. Both of them. Neither side has any real agendas other than that + making usa more like china in controlling its citizens and keeping them as slaves. They only tell a different enough story for people to have a pseudo freedom of a choice, if you are more leaning to dem ideas, you vote for them, or if you are a concervative, you vote for republicans, but both just play the same game in the end. And they work together to keep the change out. The politicians have proven this over and over again during these last some yers even before trump. Look at history and they prove it there some more.

I got free healthcare, free education even on university level, currently because of covid, i did not lose my job because we have this thing that allows us to be temporarily out from work if the workplace cant pay wages and put me on social benefits that are enough to get by. There are many political parties where i live and it all works very differently from the bullshit system of the USA. If you knew of a better system, you would instantly see how screwed the system in USA is, and you would see that its made that way on purpose.

And yes obama did make room for racisim in the republicans and trump camp(who by the way does not represent republican values any more than hillary clinton does, or democratic values any ore than she does). These are all planned, have you not noticed how it goes? First there is a republican who fucks up the economy by doing stuff that is unethical and what the dems can critisize in media usually for 2 terms. Then democrats come(also usually for 2 terms) to fix up things and lie about change, when in fact they are just doing all the same wallsteet crap behind the closed doors and does not give what people want. Look at obamacare, it was purposefully made to be expensive so that people would hate it and that big pharma would benefit tons from it), then the republicans come and criticise what the dems are doing and get in power to do all sorts of nasty stuff right in peoples face. Now dems are not even trying with this senile old guy, like they did not try with hillary either. They wanted trump to come there and do what others dont dare and now they dont even try to win him so that he would get a second term. Republicans have been going at trump harder lately than dems have, but thats just to keep the non trumpers on republican side. Even if biden happens to win trump even tho they dont have any effort in it, it would not be a big loss for the elite, since trump already has done sooooooooooo much more than hillary could had pulled off without dem elite losing its face completely.
You are ignoring many factors and over generalising, I speak of documented historical trends and is based on data and facts, not speculation and cynicism. Things have changed in America that will lead to real reform and a getting back on the normal trajectory of a liberal democratic society. The struggle for liberty is constant and is ongoing right now as Americans make history, slavery ended for a reason, so did the gilded age, liberalism and the process of perfecting the union. We are part of a process, both as individuals and societies, many forces drive this process including: hatred, greed and fear, compassion driven liberalism counteracts these insidious forces, love will win in the end for a reason, love drives communities and the other negative social forces rip them apart. Communities cooperate to solve problems and meet challenges, groups of individuals wallow in confusion and fear. We humans form hierarchical love driven communities, because we evolved that way and are unhappy when we are not part of one.
You are ignoring many factors and over generalising, I speak of documented historical trends and is based on data and facts, not speculation and cynicism. Things have changed in America that will lead to real reform and a getting back on the normal trajectory of a liberal democratic society. The struggle for liberty is constant and is ongoing right now as Americans make history, slavery ended for a reason, so did the gilded age, liberalism and the process of perfecting the union. We are part of a process, both as individuals and societies, many forces drive this process including: hatred, greed and fear, compassion driven liberalism counteracts these insidious forces, love will win in the end for a reason, love drives communities and the other negative social forces rip them apart. Communities cooperate to solve problems and meet challenges, groups of individuals wallow in confusion and fear. We humans form hierarchical love driven communities, because we evolved that way and are unhappy when we are not part of one.

And you are ignoring the fact that the elite is doing everything they can to keep the progressives out. Sure there has been some new progressives who gained some influence and there are people pushing a real change for the better. But the thing is that they get played off from the important positions and when its time to vote on things, there arent enough of them to make a difference. This is all very systematic. Im not just speculating on stuff, i have looked tons of what has been going on for quite a while. And i looked it from many angles.

What do the communities do when the government tries to oppress them with all their power? Either they do what BLM does and government only sees it as an opportunity to drive them more insane so that someone would do something over the top and they could pass new laws that inhibit protesting etc.

Did you not see how they played bernie out, twice?

The mainstream media is controlled by the elite and they feed to people what the elite wants. Schools in usa doesent teach critical thinking skills or media reading skills, so that people would have means to figure out how they are being played. Wages are kept low, so that people would be desperate and would not want to risk. Also they tie health care to having a job in a funny way. Then they tell lies to those on the fence about the issues, like that defund the police means that some people want all police off the street.

Sure communities can try to solve stuff and hopefully they will get to making changes, but the current situation is that the leaders resist change over ALL and would rather start a civil war than make a real change.

What can the community do if the government sends soldiers to beat them up when they demand change? BLM is this EXACTLY this "communities demanding change", and how are they treated? They are beaten up by the police, often for no reason other than wanting change and the media tries to make them look like terrorists.

It doesent matter if the community is black people or some other community, if it is not what the elite wants, they will fight to hell to keep it their way. This has been proven over and over again. Look at what obama did with dacota access pipeline. He shut down protestors in not much differently than trump has, and did it until it was trumps turn to take over. Ofc obama did not have to go as far with it, but it was the same stuff, its just that trump needs to shut up people more and also seems like he would like to start a civil war. There are tons of trump supporters who want a civil war, there are tons of cops who want civil war and there are tons of white supremacists who want a civil war for racist reasons.

edit. also now that not too many people watch public tv in USA anymore, they have started to brainwash people through facebook and also fake news that they feed to some independent media and youtubers etc without them likely knowing its fake news. Fake news for people to spread over facebook and other social media.
And you are ignoring the fact that the elite is doing everything they can to keep the progressives out. Sure there has been some new progressives who gained some influence and there are people pushing a real change for the better. But the thing is that they get played off from the important positions and when its time to vote on things, there arent enough of them to make a difference. This is all very systematic. Im not just speculating on stuff, i have looked tons of what has been going on for quite a while. And i looked it from many angles.

What do the communities do when the government tries to oppress them with all their power? Either they do what BLM does and government only sees it as an opportunity to drive them more insane so that someone would do something over the top and they could pass new laws that inhibit protesting etc.

Did you not see how they played bernie out, twice?

The mainstream media is controlled by the elite and they feed to people what the elite wants. Schools in usa doesent teach critical thinking skills or media reading skills, so that people would have means to figure out how they are being played. Wages are kept low, so that people would be desperate and would not want to risk. Also they tie health care to having a job in a funny way. Then they tell lies to those on the fence about the issues, like that defund the police means that some people want all police off the street.

Sure communities can try to solve stuff and hopefully they will get to making changes, but the current situation is that the leaders resist change over ALL and would rather start a civil war than make a real change.

What can the community do if the government sends soldiers to beat them up when they demand change? BLM is this EXACTLY this "communities demanding change", and how are they treated? They are beaten up by the police, often for no reason other than wanting change and the media tries to make them look like terrorists.

It doesent matter if the community is black people or some other community, if it is not what the elite wants, they will fight to hell to keep it their way. This has been proven over and over again. Look at what obama did with dacota access pipeline. He shut down protestors in not much differently than trump has, and did it until it was trumps turn to take over. Ofc obama did not have to go as far with it, but it was the same stuff, its just that trump needs to shut up people more and also seems like he would like to start a civil war. There are tons of trump supporters who want a civil war, there are tons of cops who want civil war and there are tons of white supremacists who want a civil war for racist reasons.

edit. also now that not too many people watch public tv in USA anymore, they have started to brainwash people through facebook and also fake news that they feed to some independent media and youtubers etc without them likely knowing its fake news. Fake news for people to spread over facebook and other social media.
Dumb, naive
And you are ignoring the fact that the elite is doing everything they can to keep the progressives out. Sure there has been some new progressives who gained some influence and there are people pushing a real change for the better. But the thing is that they get played off from the important positions and when its time to vote on things, there arent enough of them to make a difference. This is all very systematic. Im not just speculating on stuff, i have looked tons of what has been going on for quite a while. And i looked it from many angles.

What do the communities do when the government tries to oppress them with all their power? Either they do what BLM does and government only sees it as an opportunity to drive them more insane so that someone would do something over the top and they could pass new laws that inhibit protesting etc.

Did you not see how they played bernie out, twice?

The mainstream media is controlled by the elite and they feed to people what the elite wants. Schools in usa doesent teach critical thinking skills or media reading skills, so that people would have means to figure out how they are being played. Wages are kept low, so that people would be desperate and would not want to risk. Also they tie health care to having a job in a funny way. Then they tell lies to those on the fence about the issues, like that defund the police means that some people want all police off the street.

Sure communities can try to solve stuff and hopefully they will get to making changes, but the current situation is that the leaders resist change over ALL and would rather start a civil war than make a real change.

What can the community do if the government sends soldiers to beat them up when they demand change? BLM is this EXACTLY this "communities demanding change", and how are they treated? They are beaten up by the police, often for no reason other than wanting change and the media tries to make them look like terrorists.

It doesent matter if the community is black people or some other community, if it is not what the elite wants, they will fight to hell to keep it their way. This has been proven over and over again. Look at what obama did with dacota access pipeline. He shut down protestors in not much differently than trump has, and did it until it was trumps turn to take over. Ofc obama did not have to go as far with it, but it was the same stuff, its just that trump needs to shut up people more and also seems like he would like to start a civil war. There are tons of trump supporters who want a civil war, there are tons of cops who want civil war and there are tons of white supremacists who want a civil war for racist reasons.
Are you going to vote for Joe and the democrats and encourage all those around you to do so as well? Bernie is, this is not about your particular pet peeve or economic ideology, this is about a fundamental challenge to the US constitution and the rule of law. It's also about literally saving the country from mass death, chaos, economic ruin and the freedom of liberal democracy in America.

Are ya gonna take yer bat and ball and go home or join the fucking team, if so, stop bitching and get on board, or stand with the other side, there is no middle ground in this kind of struggle, anyone caught in no mans land for whatever "reason" will be shot and left hanging on the barbed wire to rot. Be more supportive of the cause of liberalism and democracy in your posts please, America needs hope and change, not cynicism now.

Get the country back first, then figure out what is to be done with it.
Most trump fans are not some rich people who were born with a golden spoon up their ass like trump was.
I never said that they were like Trump, I was pointing to the difference between Trump and Biden, because you acted like they were the same, when they are not, not by a mile.


Most of trump fans are low income unsophisticated people who are into conspiracy theories and are against the elite and want a change that is in the end very similar to what people on the left want. Its just that trump fans have been brainwashed with stupid shit. Many of them are not even racists, but they just want a change of power where the old elite does not run things anymore
Mostly true, although I would say that just because they are not racist doesn't mean that they did not get radicalized by racist shit. Having scenes like this getting pushed by whatever media they are watching nonstop.

Notice the ominous music! So scary, once Fox News picked up on this video, its all over, people who would be completely rational, have a completely non-racist response when they are told that ANTIFA is attacking them everywhere.

This is exactly the same than what progressive left wants. No?
See 'left-troll':

'progressive left' is the portion of the electorate that Russia is pushing hard to get to not vote. There is a reason this was soundly dismissed in the Democratic primary.

Its just that trump fans believe trumps lies and many of them have been caught up with his bullshit because they have their hillbilly egos so wrapped around everything trump has said, so they now cant see the truth even when its right in front of them and they will just buy anything trump says. This ofc is boosted with the fact that trump says that the elite is after him and that he fights these evil cia folks etc. but its all lies. They just want to divide the people and use every chance to widen that gap between people. Look at this no mask shit that has been going on with trumpsters that trump also pushes. Whats the reaosn for that? There is no other reason than to keep the trumpsters more insane and move them further from facts, so that they would buy some next bullshit thing thats even crazier and ofc to divide people, so that they would not have the power to make real change.
That is the point of the militarized trolling campaign and the power of data analysis when combined with the powerful psychological profiles the Russian military is using to attack us all in our own homes. And Trump is allowing it, because it keeps his cult from being able to see straight long enough to learn about the con he is conducting.

Its not stuck to me from right of russian trolls. I look these things as an outsider, have watched closely on what has happened and more been following what for example jimmy dore talks about. And i have been looking at american politics closely way before trump, unlike 99.9999% of trumpsters(those who STILL support him) who have no clue about anything politics, never paid any attention to it(except maybe listening to some lizard people podcast from alex jones) or reality of things.
Isn't Jimmy Door a Russian puppet attacking the Democrats from the left though? Don't fall into that trap man, that is exactly what I am talking about in the 'left-troll' link. That is why I said you should check things you think you know about us on a source like ap news. If a source is 'mostly true' it means also that it is 'partially full of shit', and you won't know which is which, or what is being left out that counters their narrative.

And this Russian attack I believe goes back to about 2006, and ramped up in its efficacy because immediately after Edward Snowden landed on Russian soil, Russia dispersed agents into America to start his social media attack on us. After Snowden gave him the American programming to collect massive data dumps and do the analysis to find personality types, he was able to pair that with the trolling that they were already engaged in.
I also claim to know of these connections of freemasons to building the country and how its ran by secret societies, and its not like what most people think it is.

I bet this russians trolling and controlling trump is just another hoax that has been pushed by the elites propaganda. Like the russians colluding with the last elections, lol its all lies.
Screen Shot 2020-08-01 at 12.28.23 PM.png

The truth of things and what people have been fed are very different. For example the elite wanted stuff like the beatles and rolling stones, ozzy osbourne/black sabbath etc. this stuff works for them. In the hippie era people thought they were rebels, when in fact they were being fed the culture and music that the elite wanted them to adopt. Same with todays music. All this weed hype for example is what the elite has wanted for a long time and they guided the hip hop scene to correct directions. People like kanye west is nothing but a puppet for the elite. Now if you look at his latest music video, it will give the impression that BLM = good and its ok to do crazy stuff in protests. While being a good friend to trump at the same time..
There is evidence that foreign militaries and domestic terrorists are using online tools to trick people into believing the type of things in what you are saying. It is a lot easier to just trick people into believing stuff that happens everyday into thinking that means it is widespread to scare them into acting like idiots than it is to actually pay the millions of people into being in their giant conspiracy.

I think of it like the contrails conspiracy theory, there are just too many people involved to think that we wouldn't know it was going on and at which airports. Conspiracies are easier to invent than to get away with. Just look at Jr.
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Face it, the Russians (Saudis/Trump/UAE/etc) figured out that it is easier to create a massive amount of troll accounts, a handful of 'news-like' media websites (Oann, The Hill, The Nation, Epoch Times, etc) and have them pump out stories that fit their narrative while ignoring stories that hurt it from actual journalist news media stories like from the AP news or Reuters, and use that to push their narratives in the actual television news media when they trick the people with clickbait and click farm strategies.

Are you going to vote for Joe and the democrats and encourage all those around you to do so as well? Bernie is, this is not about your particular pet peeve or economic ideology, this is about a fundamental challenge to the US constitution and the rule of law. It's also about literally saving the country from mass death, chaos, economic ruin and the freedom of liberal democracy in America.

Are ya gonna take yer bat and ball and go home or join the fucking team, if so, stop bitching and get on board, or stand with the other side, there is no middle ground in this kind of struggle, anyone caught in no mans land for whatever "reason" will be shot and left hanging on the barbed wire to rot. Be more supportive of the cause of liberalism and democracy in your posts please, America needs hope and change, not cynicism now.

Get the country back first, then figure out what is to be done with it.
I thought this dude said he was not from America "outside looking in" thing.
I never said that they were like Trump, I was pointing to the difference between Trump and Biden, because you acted like they were the same, when they are not, not by a mile.


Mostly true, although I would say that just because they are not racist doesn't mean that they did not get radicalized by racist shit. Having scenes like this getting pushed by whatever media they are watching nonstop.

Notice the ominous music! So scary, once Fox News picked up on this video, its all over, people who would be completely rational, have a completely non-racist response when they are told that ANTIFA is attacking them everywhere.

See 'left-troll':

'progressive left' is the portion of the electorate that Russia is pushing hard to get to not vote. There is a reason this was soundly dismissed in the Democratic primary.

That is the point of the militarized trolling campaign and the power of data analysis when combined with the powerful psychological profiles the Russian military is using to attack us all in our own homes. And Trump is allowing it, because it keeps his cult from being able to see straight long enough to learn about the con he is conducting.

Isn't Jimmy Door a Russian puppet attacking the Democrats from the left though? Don't fall into that trap man, that is exactly what I am talking about in the 'left-troll' link. That is why I said you should check things you think you know about us on a source like ap news. If a source is 'mostly true' it means also that it is 'partially full of shit', and you won't know which is which, or what is being left out that counters their narrative.

And this Russian attack I believe goes back to about 2006, and ramped up in its efficacy because immediately after Edward Snowden landed on Russian soil, Russia dispersed agents into America to start his social media attack on us. After Snowden gave him the American programming to collect massive data dumps and do the analysis to find personality types, he was able to pair that with the trolling that they were already engaged in.


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There is evidence that foreign militaries and domestic terrorists are using online tools to trick people into believing the type of things in what you are saying. It is a lot easier to just trick people into believing stuff that happens everyday into thinking that means it is widespread to scare them into acting like idiots than it is to actually pay the millions of people into being in their giant conspiracy.

I think of it like the contrails conspiracy theory, there are just too many people involved to think that we wouldn't know it was going on and at which airports. Conspiracies are easier to invent than to get away with. Just look at Jr.
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Face it, the Russians (Saudis/Trump/UAE/etc) figured out that it is easier to create a massive amount of troll accounts, a handful of 'news-like' media websites (Oann, The Hill, The Nation, Epoch Times, etc) and have them pump out stories that fit their narrative while ignoring stories that hurt it from actual journalist news media stories like from the AP news or Reuters, and use that to push their narratives in the actual television news media when they trick the people with clickbait and click farm strategies.

I thought this dude said he was not from America "outside looking in" thing.
My last post was speaking to a larger "audience".
all sorts of crimes are prosecuted based on intent, hence the difference between first degree murder and involuntary manslaughter

Stop crying you retard racist

So if I were only joking and didn't mean to shit all over your bathroom floor in a way intended to cause harm and my intention was to provide other people with good feelings and mirth, the shit magically disappears ?
So if I were only joking and didn't mean to shit all over your bathroom floor in a way intended to cause harm and my intention was to provide other people with good feelings and mirth, the shit magically disappears ?
only racists cry about hate crimes. Hence your crying
only racists cry about hate crimes. Hence your crying

I challenge your assertion that only racists cry about hate crimes, Poopy Pants.

Are you saying that thinking about shitting on a floor is a crime even if you control your infantile defecation urges and just shart in your pants a little bit, but don't fecally besiege another persons floor, there's some level of culpability ?

The thought of going on a pooping spree has criminal liability attached to it ?
Are you going to vote for Joe and the democrats and encourage all those around you to do so as well? Bernie is, this is not about your particular pet peeve or economic ideology, this is about a fundamental challenge to the US constitution and the rule of law. It's also about literally saving the country from mass death, chaos, economic ruin and the freedom of liberal democracy in America.

Are ya gonna take yer bat and ball and go home or join the fucking team, if so, stop bitching and get on board, or stand with the other side, there is no middle ground in this kind of struggle, anyone caught in no mans land for whatever "reason" will be shot and left hanging on the barbed wire to rot. Be more supportive of the cause of liberalism and democracy in your posts please, America needs hope and change, not cynicism now.

Get the country back first, then figure out what is to be done with it.

And you are falling to the trap they want you to. First you have something else to take care of that is based on some imaginationary enemy. Who do you need to take the country back from? From russians? From hillary? From trump? From DNC? From republicans? Who is your "enemy" and why?

Im not going to vote for biden or trump, as i said they are both full of same shit in a different package. Yes biden would be be6ter in that he cant do as much harm as he needs to please people more, but voting for him would only mean that you keep the power on elite. If you vote for trump, you get even more shit. If you dont vote anyone you got trump. Who ever you vote for is not the way out, thats the way its planned and you are falling for it