Well-Known Member
We'll folks this is gonna piss plenty of you off but thats not my intention so bare with me.
I've said enough times that I didn't agree with the way BLM were going about their business. That it would have massive repercussions in areas that they can't understand because of ignorance.
The aggression of the movement was poorly calculated and would backfire massively.
The reason for my believing this is that in order to change a law. There must be a universal constant within that law.
It must apply to everyone.
We can't have one rule for one guy and one for another.
Well... check this out.
In reaction to the current climate.
My govornment are writing in a new bill of legislation to make hate crimes more easily punishable by law.
Certain things already result in a swift jail sentence here. Racism is taken extremely seriously.
Its very, very dangerous for a white guy to get into any sort of altercation with a non white. Say literally one wrong word and you can get 12 months in jail.
Same goes for homophobia and sectarianism.
Call someone a poofter or mock their religious beliefs and you can also easily end up in jail. Saw a guy get 3 years for wrapping bacon round the door handle of a mosque a while back.
If you take the superficial religious element out of the equation then all he did was put bacon on a door handle. And he got the jail.
That's how seriously we take discrimination here....
But that wasn't enough and people are kicking up about it so look what's happened.
Our govornment deny that religion will be effected by this but there's a hell of a lot of opposition to the bill so enough people are worried about it.
This is the sort of shit I knew was gonna happen.
Laws must be one size fits all so they have to work both ways.
If it's illegal for me then it should be illegal for everyone.
Many groups won't see this as equality.
They'll see it as prejudice, removal of free speech etc.
But this is what equality looks like.
If I can get jail for calling you a N$*%£=# then you should get the jail for calling me chalky.
If I can get the jail for slagging you off for believing in god then you should also get the jail for doing the same to an atheist.
Be warned folks. This is a sign of things to come.
This is what happens when people rebel without a clue .
They force govornments to take action and enforce their views.
Black people said we weren't strict enough with our current anti hate laws so they're now being extended to include everyone.
Ultimately this will make life a bit easier for white atheists here (the vast majority) and everyone else will be worse off.
I said it would happen and this is the first sign I've seen of it.
I'm not gloating. I am a white atheist so I will benefit from this and it's something I definately support.
But I was quite happy with the way things were. None of us would ever fight to push such an agenda because it's fucking ludicrous. It'll just create even more tensions and more people than ever will feel prejudiced against.
This is what happens though when people don't think things through.
If it's happening here it could happen anywhere
I've said enough times that I didn't agree with the way BLM were going about their business. That it would have massive repercussions in areas that they can't understand because of ignorance.
The aggression of the movement was poorly calculated and would backfire massively.
The reason for my believing this is that in order to change a law. There must be a universal constant within that law.
It must apply to everyone.
We can't have one rule for one guy and one for another.
Well... check this out.

In reaction to the current climate.
My govornment are writing in a new bill of legislation to make hate crimes more easily punishable by law.
Certain things already result in a swift jail sentence here. Racism is taken extremely seriously.
Its very, very dangerous for a white guy to get into any sort of altercation with a non white. Say literally one wrong word and you can get 12 months in jail.
Same goes for homophobia and sectarianism.
Call someone a poofter or mock their religious beliefs and you can also easily end up in jail. Saw a guy get 3 years for wrapping bacon round the door handle of a mosque a while back.
If you take the superficial religious element out of the equation then all he did was put bacon on a door handle. And he got the jail.
That's how seriously we take discrimination here....
But that wasn't enough and people are kicking up about it so look what's happened.
Our govornment deny that religion will be effected by this but there's a hell of a lot of opposition to the bill so enough people are worried about it.
This is the sort of shit I knew was gonna happen.
Laws must be one size fits all so they have to work both ways.
If it's illegal for me then it should be illegal for everyone.
Many groups won't see this as equality.
They'll see it as prejudice, removal of free speech etc.
But this is what equality looks like.
If I can get jail for calling you a N$*%£=# then you should get the jail for calling me chalky.
If I can get the jail for slagging you off for believing in god then you should also get the jail for doing the same to an atheist.
Be warned folks. This is a sign of things to come.
This is what happens when people rebel without a clue .
They force govornments to take action and enforce their views.
Black people said we weren't strict enough with our current anti hate laws so they're now being extended to include everyone.
Ultimately this will make life a bit easier for white atheists here (the vast majority) and everyone else will be worse off.
I said it would happen and this is the first sign I've seen of it.
I'm not gloating. I am a white atheist so I will benefit from this and it's something I definately support.
But I was quite happy with the way things were. None of us would ever fight to push such an agenda because it's fucking ludicrous. It'll just create even more tensions and more people than ever will feel prejudiced against.
This is what happens though when people don't think things through.
If it's happening here it could happen anywhere