Bloomberg to the rescue


Well-Known Member
"“If Biden, Buttigieg and Klobuchar remain in the race despite having no path to appreciably collecting delegates on Super Tuesday and beyond, they will propel Sanders to a seemingly insurmountable delegate lead by siphoning votes away from Mike Bloomberg,” Bloomberg campaign advisers Kevin Sheekey and Howard Wolfson wrote this week."
Here is why they remain in the race:


No one is the most likely winner of the primary ahead of the Democratic Convention. Momentum is against Bernie going into the Super Tuesday primary. If nobody wins the primary outright ahead of the convention, anybody going into the convention with a sizeable number of delegates hold the potential of determining the outcome.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Here is why they remain in the race:

View attachment 4485211

No one is the most likely winner of the primary ahead of the Democratic Convention. Momentum is against Bernie going into the Super Tuesday primary. If nobody wins the primary outright ahead of the convention, anybody going into the convention with a sizeable number of delegates hold the potential of determining the outcome.

….and then....(trumpets sound) She returns!!


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Right, because he has used the data he has collected on his voters (see I didn't feel the need to insult them unlike you do) since he started running in 2014, and has been targeting them ever since.

I don't see much difference between his promises and passing the plate than I do church or cult members draining their followers money from them.

Offering 'hope and change' is not anywhere near the same as offing free college for everyone, free healthcare for everyone, and everything else short of a free unicorn under every pillow.
Wait! What? Free unicorns? I’m in!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Ya know this election could end up as:

Money talks (Bloomberg and his ads, etc)
Bullshit walks (Trump, no explanation needed)
But the truth sticks around, (Bernie with the same self consistent message for decades)

America has many problems that stem from the decades of pernicious lobbying and outright bribery that warped the tax code and policy favoring the rich prevalent in any capitalist society. Bernie might help to reset the game and level the playing field, perhaps hedge fund mangers will pay a reasonable tax rate and that the biggest most profitable American companies will pay some instead of none.

The combination of capitalism, technology, mass markets and trade has lead to rapid material progress, but at certain costs, both social and economic, one of those issues is the concentration of wealth into a few hands with social and economic consequences for the vast majority. This phenomena has been going on for a long time and when the railroads (and steel etc) became a major industry in the 19th century it produced the robber barons and the concentration of wealth of the gilded age, you need another kind of Teddy Roosevelt this time around. The internet is kinda doing what the railroads did in this regard today only on steroids and allowing the concentration of vast wealth into few hands.

An economy is an ecosystem and the little fish and plankton have to thrive for the big fish and whales to flourish, a balance must be struck and that's the job of policy. When policy is bought and paid for it distorts the playing field, the rich have built in advantages where they should not. Bernie's message is really and always has been an anti corruption message more than a socialist one, he is not against capitalism, he just doesn't want it to own the government.
Have you put new sheets on the bed for Schul’s visit to Canada? Asking for a fellow Canadian friend ;).


Well-Known Member
Have you put new sheets on the bed for Schul’s visit to Canada? Asking for a fellow Canadian friend ;).
Naw, I wouldn't wanna muscle in on @Unclebaldrick, I figure when he becomes a Bernie bro those two are destined together...:lol: Politics makes strange bedfellows ya know and there are a few here who will be climbing into bed with Bernie if he wins.

Us Canadians don't have a dog in the fight and I'm here for the the big show, the doing of the Donald and I'm not too particular about who does the deed. An American patriot has no other choice but to vote for the democratic nominee, Trump removed all other options.


Well-Known Member
As much as it may suck to not get the person you think is best, not voting for anyone “is” a vote for Trump. That is the sad truth.
Bloomberg to me is Trump. Nobody will convince me otherwise. I will vote for Biden, Bernie, Elizabeth, my fellow Hoosier Pete, and the other gal sorry I forgot her name. I'm just not going to vote for Bloomberg to me his is Trump.


Well-Known Member
Have you put new sheets on the bed for Schul’s visit to Canada? Asking for a fellow Canadian friend ;).
Here one reason I figure Bernie is worth a look at, us Canadians don't fear Bernie and the communist menace since we've been living in the workers paradise for decades... Unfortunately Americans have more to fear than fear itself, they have Trump to motivate them, they can at least they can say the Devil made them do it when they vote for Bernie.


enator Bernie Sanders leads President Donald Trump by the widest margin of all the candidates in the Democratic Party's 2020 race when Americans are asked to choose in a face-off against the Republican incumbent, according to a poll.

SurveyUSA asked 4,069 registered voters nationwide how they would vote in an election today if Trump was pitted against each of the 2020 candidates in the Democratic race. The progressive Vermont independent came out on top.

The poll found that 52 percent of voters would choose Sanders and 43 percent Trump, giving the veteran senator a nine-point lead. Next was former vice president Joe Biden at 50 percent to Trump's 43 percent, a seven-point lead.

Michael Bloomberg, the media and financial data billionaire, also led Trump by seven points at 49 percent to 42 percent. Democratic Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren leads Trump 48 percent to 45 percent, a three-point advantage.

Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is also ahead of Trump by three points, at 47 percent to 44 percent. The tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang is ahead of Trump by two points, at 46 percent to 44 percent.

The billionaire hedge fund manager Tom Steyer is tied with Trump at 44 percent apiece, Democratic Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar loses to Trump by two points at 43 percent to 45 percent.

Democratic Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard loses to Trump by five points at 39 percent to 44 percent.
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PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Bloomberg to me is Trump. Nobody will convince me otherwise. I will vote for Biden, Bernie, Elizabeth, my fellow Hoosier Pete, and the other gal sorry I forgot her name. I'm just not going to vote for Bloomberg to me his is Trump.
Naw. He's not Trump. He's Trump-light. A watered down version of Trump.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Not fair. What if we already paid for a unicorn? Do we get our money back, and get to keep it too??
No you don’t. Your unicorn gets confiscated and thrown into the corral with all the rest then distributed fairly and arbitrarily to the masses. Yes yes you loved “your” unicorn but you’ll love the new one just as much and it will eat less. It may not have all of the abilities “your” original unicorn had but now everyone has a unicorn .......... yes I’m high and a bit drunk but hopefully that makes sense. I’m excited because I don’t have a unicorn but soon will.
Edit this is all hypothetical because as a Canadian we had to sell our unicorns because they were to fucking expensive to keep, now we have mules, not as fancy as unicorns but still get you there “eventually”.
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Bloomberg to me is Trump. Nobody will convince me otherwise. I will vote for Biden, Bernie, Elizabeth, my fellow Hoosier Pete, and the other gal sorry I forgot her name. I'm just not going to vote for Bloomberg to me his is Trump.
I’m not trying convince you because I’ve come to realize there is no convincing you lot that if your chosen one doesn’t get in you will either withhold your vote or vote for Trump, they are actions that lead to the same results, a vote for Trump. And no, there is always something better than Trump.