Blue Dream SCRoG + Undercurrent DWC + CO2

IDk...they are all calloused, and one has 2 roots about 1/4" long. They have looked ready to pop for like week lol.

Strange... All my clones rooted and I now am giving them some minor nutrients to keep them happy - hand watering now... :) I'm just worried about the lighting for them. I have my other girls in the flowering room, but am still using a fluorescent tube from a 'Jump Start' ... The other ladies have a little less than a month to go, so I hope my clones will be happy for another month. Any suggestions? Is this why you're starting another tent, to support your clones --> vegetative?

Edit: Also still using my heating mat

Edit 2: Should I stop using the humidity dome?
you know computers dont cha? those BD's are getting big fast man... im really suprised wiht how fast they are growin

Yeah I work in IT so I better know computers. Thx, they are doing well it seems. They are on Week 2 of Flower, only about 10 more to go.
Strange... All my clones rooted and I now am giving them some minor nutrients to keep them happy - hand watering now... :) I'm just worried about the lighting for them. I have my other girls in the flowering room, but am still using a fluorescent tube from a 'Jump Start' ... The other ladies have a little less than a month to go, so I hope my clones will be happy for another month. Any suggestions? Is this why you're starting another tent, to support your clones --> vegetative?

Edit: Also still using my heating mat

Edit 2: Should I stop using the humidity dome?

No I am setting up another flowering tent. It will be a SOG in a flood and drain setup. There will be probably be little to no vegging, just transplant and flower. I think this should work well for the SOG technique, but we will find out soon enough.

I haven't ever used a heating mat, do you think it helps? How?

If your clones have visible roots poking out then you can remove the humidity dome.
Thanks, I'll remove the dome. I think the heating mat helped a lot to get the initial rooting. I just had all of the clones in rockwool cubes in a humidity dome over top of the heating mat. I didn't see any roots starting to appear until I had the mat and I waited almost 2 weeks... In a last ditch effort I got the mat and started seeing roots in a day. This was all setup on the floor, which I think it was a little cold to begin with. Think I should just veg for a bit in the tray? I have straight 24 hours of light right now, thinking of going 18/6.
I moved one of the circulation fans to the back corner so I could put the dehumidifier in its place.




hey bro they are stretching CRAZY!.... i notice you plumbed the dehu to your res also.. about how much water do you get from it daily? im thinking of doing the same thing with my A/C. i like the PVC rack you made for it.. gonna steal you idea there. +REP to ya man. lookin great. makin me want to tear down and re build multiple smaller rooms for each light. just seems like soo much work right now.
Is there any worries about draining your dehumidifier into the res .. I know when I clean mine annually you find some gnarly stuff that I wouldnt think some one would wanna give to their plants
hey bro they are stretching CRAZY!.... i notice you plumbed the dehu to your res also.. about how much water do you get from it daily? im thinking of doing the same thing with my A/C. i like the PVC rack you made for it.. gonna steal you idea there. +REP to ya man. lookin great. makin me want to tear down and re build multiple smaller rooms for each light. just seems like soo much work right now.

Yeah I did the same thing with my dehumidifier last grow but I had it on an upside down 5 gallon bucket. It wasn't very stable so I built the stand. I am not exactly sure on the amount of water per day because it increases as the grow progresses but I do know that I was emptying it at least once a day and that was enough for me to decide I didn't want to continue emptying it. I am lazy when it comes to monotonous repetitive tasks so I usually try to automate them, it's the same way I do IT work. If I can script it, then I script it and let the computer do the boring work. Go ahead and steal the PVC stand idea, I am glad you find it useful. I have found PVC to be very useful in building things in addition to plumbing.
Is there any worries about draining your dehumidifier into the res .. I know when I clean mine annually you find some gnarly stuff that I wouldnt think some one would wanna give to their plants

I tested the output water and it was ~20-30 PPM and had no dirt or gnarly stuff in it. My plants transpire a great deal so this basically captures the water that the plants are pulling from the reservoir and transpiring into the air and puts that water back into the reservoir where the cycle can start over. I think it's more efficient this way, but that's just my opinion.
Very ingenious , and maybe if I ever get my dwc up and running ill have to steal the idea of re circulating de humid water ... Thanks for the clarification on it as we'll ... On another note how long u figuring till d day for this journal ?
Very ingenious , and maybe if I ever get my dwc up and running ill have to steal the idea of re circulating de humid water ... Thanks for the clarification on it as we'll ... On another note how long u figuring till d day for this journal ?

No worries, I would like to take complete credit for the idea but I saw someone else on this forum ask about it and decided to try it out.

According to web sites that I have looked at the Blue Dream should be done around 9-10 weeks total but I don't ever plan for those times working out so I will go for the longer 12 week flowering time so that would put it at about 10 more weeks. I would say harvest day should be around January 27th, maybe a little sooner.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I had some major issues with my setup last night and this grow is now in jeopardy. I will check on the girls later and I hope I have some good news to report.
Oh no! What happened?! :-o

Here's the story:

On Wednesday morning I opened the tent up to see a little bit of water overflowing from the reservoir. I checked the mesh filters in the res and found them to be 99% clogged with a thick mud like substance. I cleaned the filters and put them back in the reservoir. I know this buildup is not from the dehumidifier because I had it earlier this grow, I thought it was gone though.

Wednesday night I opened the tent to see about an inch of water OVER THE ENTIRE BOTTOM OF THE TENT!! I freaked out and turned all of the pumps off, checked the filters again and saw that they were 100% clogged now. I emptied the reservoir, replaced with R/O water and a little 29% H2O2 (at least that's what I thought). After adding the H2O2 I saw a shit ton of dirt and muck start flowing into the reservoir. I think it was covering pretty much every square inch of plumbing and the H2O2 knocked it loose. I decided to let that run for a little while and I would change the water out again later.

I checked the tent about an hour later and found a bubbling mess in the reservoir and the plants had started to droop significantly. I emptied the reservoir again and replaced with tap water because I was all out of R/O water. The plants looked like shit so my friend came over (thanks again Gilean Stormheart) and helped me rinse off the roots and thoroughly clean the undercurrent system. I left tap water in there with some Orca until I made enough R/O water to change it out.

Thursday night I emptied the reservoir again and added R/O water and nutes back into the reservoir at 50% strength for base nutes and 25% for additives. Friday morning the plants still looked like shit but I thought I would give them some more time before I decided to kill this grow. I checked the plants again this morning (Saturday) and they have finally started to perk back up. They still look shitty but they look like they will make it, I just have to give them some time to recover.

Here is what I think happened, when I added the H2O2 (probably too much) into the reservoir to sterilize the system it released a ton of muck and dirt which then covered the roots. This combination of H2O2 and covered roots sent the plants into a deep shock which in turn showed as wilting and drooping. I expected them to recover quicker but I guess recovery will take some time. I am sure this will affect the yield but hopefully it doesn't make this grow pointless. I will monitor over the next few days and hopefully they make a full recovery.
Berk they look beautiful and have fully recovered from the past..why even bring it up?? Looks like it never happened!! Huge leaves too bro!
+rep to ya bro!
Berk they look beautiful and have fully recovered from the past..why even bring it up?? Looks like it never happened!! Huge leaves too bro!
+rep to ya bro!

This just happened and I haven't posted pics of them yet. They dont look good.

I think you are mixing this up with overfeeding them, which I did when I first put them in the undercurrent system. They fully recovered from that but I am less than optimistic about this issue.
This just happened and I haven't posted pics of them yet. They dont look good.

I think you are mixing this up with overfeeding them, which I did when I first put them in the undercurrent system. They fully recovered from that but I am less than optimistic about this issue.

I didnt see that post, I saw the pics and replied directly.
Sorry to hear of the troubles, good luck with the fix!!