Well-Known Member
super concentrated h2o2 can kill a plant if not diluted enough. ive almost done it before.I had no idea that peroxide could cause such a problem.
super concentrated h2o2 can kill a plant if not diluted enough. ive almost done it before.I had no idea that peroxide could cause such a problem.
super concentrated h2o2 can kill a plant if not diluted enough. ive almost done it before.
I had no idea that peroxide could cause such a problem.
Me neither, and the thing is I didn't put all that much in there. I guess I underestimated the power of 29% H2O2. I can't blame the H2O2 entirely as the dirt and muck may have played a role too. Either way, beware of putting too much H2O2 in your hydro systems!
Berkman; How much was too much ?
I put about a cup or cup and a half of 29% H2O2 into 15 gallons of water.
I still have another issue to deal with; the cause of the dirt buildup that started this whole fiasco. My first thoughts are that there is something wrong with an ingredient in the compost tea OR there is a reaction between H&G Amino Treatment and the TEA. I got this nasty buildup when I first transplanted these plants into the undercurrent system and I was using full strength Amino Treatment and TEA. I had since run out of Amino Treatment and just got it again last weekend and that's when I think this recent dirt buildup started. Right now in the reservoir I have a light dose of Amino Treatment and no TEA at all. I just put some Orca in there for the time being until I can figure out the root cause to this issue.
Any ideas or thoughts?
I wish I had some input for ya bro...I agree that there might be some sort of reaction and you might want to go back to the formula you used last grow, unless you figure out what it is.
I checked my last grow journal (actual journal that I keep, not a thread) and I am doing the same thing I was doing last run with the exception of lower PPM because this strain likes less. I suspect there is an ingredient in the TEA that is causing this build up.
Did you make the tea or buy if from a hydro-store or something?
I make it and the only difference that I know of right now is that the humisoil is a different brand. Maybe it's a bad batch or has something in it that causes a reaction with something else in my hydro system.
Maybe just go straight ORCA for a while and see if it comes back. the tea has a lot of organics in it.
I also noticed you don't have a lid on your control bucket? I hope it is not like that all of the time? If so, you may just be getting a form of algae building up in your system! Light and water don't mix.