mmm not really a definitive plan... I am very indecisive with what to do or where to go really. I planned on being here til I finish school, but I dunno yet. I could move as early as this summer to be honest... but who you have a plan for how long your staying in IL? i know you've said many a time you want to move back to cali....
Lol, Dubs out to get me with his meaness!
ya keep reading jerk off where I called you a sweet heart. JERK!yeah cause i'm so mean
ya keep reading jerk off where I called you a sweet heart. JERK!
Cubs ain't goona do shit doll
hahaha classic.ha this is pretty funny this happened in my area last summer..........Teen pleads guilty to DUI, running over officer's foot :: Naperville Sun :: News
mmm not really a definitive plan... I am very indecisive with what to do or where to go really. I planned on being here til I finish school, but I dunno yet. I could move as early as this summer to be honest... but who knows.
Your a rude motherfucker aint you .... Damn BRO .. Lighten Up ,,,
ha whatever she knows im yeah go fuck urself
I just might do that ....... Thanks for the idea
How Original