Blueberry and Colombian Red Haze 4wks into flower

do you have a plan for how long your staying in IL? i know you've said many a time you want to move back to cali....
do you have a plan for how long your staying in IL? i know you've said many a time you want to move back to cali....
mmm not really a definitive plan... I am very indecisive with what to do or where to go really. I planned on being here til I finish school, but I dunno yet. I could move as early as this summer to be honest... but who knows.
well, I'd hate to see you move out of the area...... even though I don't really know you... I like having somewhat like-minded people around me. how close are you to being done with school? i got about a year left I think, depending on how I end this semester.
so a hamburger walks into a bar and says, "gimme a beer please"....and the bartender says "no we dont serve food here"