Blueberry and Colombian Red Haze 4wks into flower

hey jamie, i was looking at some of your harvested buds and they look good. how was the taste and buzz from those girlies?
ok fuckers... enuf chit chat... time to get seriouz Jonez bitchezzz... yadadadimean!??!?! Sup jamie?!?!!? who do i have to fight in this thread to get some attention!? Zeke you want some?!?!?!?
ok fuckers... enuf chit chat... time to get seriouz Jonez bitchezzz... yadadadimean!??!?! Sup jamie?!?!!? who do i have to fight in this thread to get some attention!? Zeke you want some?!?!?!?

Really?? You know she hates negative drama...negative attention is just as bad as no attention.
ahh....good catch up on the soap opera..busy day in jamiegirl land..
yes I know!!! Hi Pink I hope you are feeling better!!!!

so a hamburger walks into a bar and says, "gimme a beer please"....and the bartender says "no we dont serve food here"

Nice Plants. I Know Your Happy =) Good Work
I am thank you!
hey jamie, i was looking at some of your harvested buds and they look good. how was the taste and buzz from those girlies?
Hi MK!!! Taste is yummy and honestly the blueberry high is too much for me I think. I think I need to stick to sativas...
Im like a drueling, unambitious slob while smoking

Hey Jamie....Just stopping in to say you still have some plants growing??
Yes I still have haze growing and I just started some new babies...
Hope you are doing good! Im glad ur back!!

ohhh jamie baby, you are so damn sexy:hump:
ummm.... ooooook.
Really?? You know she hates negative drama...negative attention is just as bad as no attention.
thank you!
sorryyy... just playin...... my bad jamieeeeeeee
yes you know better!!! But thanks for stopping by!!! :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:.
Aloha It sounds like your up to full speed now thats awsome. I just wanted to say the Blueberry is sooo yummy i love how it taste and it still needs to cure a bit I cant wait every day its even better.
finally got the captain and coke, ha been meaning to do it for months
Yummy my fav... I ended up drinkin 15 to many beers last night... woah can you say alcoholic?! But it was my first drunkedness like that in a long time.
my eyeeeee.... How's it going Jamie?! any updates on anythingggggg??? hope all is well, and you are feeling good! get at me! :)
Hey! No new updates at the moment! Hope all is well with you too!
Aloha It sounds like your up to full speed now thats awsome. I just wanted to say the Blueberry is sooo yummy i love how it taste and it still needs to cure a bit I cant wait every day its even better.
Yeah I think I will get some right now and smoke away!
That looks nice!
Thank you so much!
So here are some pics of my finished bud. My macro doesnt work for shit on my 900 dollar effen camera... I know I just have a regular lens but it still says it should be able to do it...ugh frusterating.




Shits not really cured yet, this is just a sneak from one of my jars... so its actually still kinda tastes alright... not the best I think it can get. Not too bad though. Still is hella smoothe. Still effs me up like crazy. Buds are dense and sticky.

My new project:

Plus I have 3 missys growing hydroponically right now.
And haze still flowering as well.

Try to update everyone as much as I can but a lot of stuff is going on in my personal life so I do the best I can. :D.