Bob Bitchen's Beans Meltdown F1

Thanks so much, the insight you shared is invaluable. I’m still figuring things out, maybe in between apprentice and journeyman, but feel like I’m close to taking the next step and appreciating more the nuances and guidance of others experience.
You read my mind apparently as I have thought about switching to tap, (and coco)- you preemptively answered where my thoughts were taking me. I’m using (and loving) Jacks, which I think would be fine with the blumats.
My most sincere thanks and appreciation for taking the time to share the blumat rundown, I think I’m convinced.
Looking forward to following the rest of your run.
Will you up-pot again or leave as is?
I'm somewhere around there too. Only been growing for three years now so vett anything you take from me with some of the more experienced growers here. I think I've settled on a style that will provide good yields with the least amount of effort.

No I'm sticking with the two gallon pots for the rest of the cycle. I don't veg very long... just until I see the alternating nodes then I flip into flower. These plants were moved from their solo cups to the main cabinet just over two weeks ago.
And she’s hawt8)
I’ll have to agree, the latest profile pic is so hauntingly familiar I’d swear I know from days gone but can’t place, so much so, that I’m addressing it now, lol. And with all due respect, and flattering intent-kind of the perfect combination of Gidget and MaryAnn, at least one of which was a formative childhood crush, so maybe that’s it. ✌️Lol.
It's a little less crowded in here.

One week of flower done. Started with 11 plants, five turned out male and were removed. Did a little cleaning up underneath too. It was getting hard to see the carrots.


I took two clones from each plant as well. I haven't had much luck with clones in the past, but I think I'm on the right track now.

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Spectacular @green_machine_two9er.

@Laughing Grass - wow, you really seem to have things dialed in, looks great. You are definitely a belt or two above me I’d say. So many questions, lol, as I aspire to reach the bar you’ve raised. I’m plenty compulsive, but it usually manifests as Impulsive, I could use a little focused OCD.

Thanks Tikbalang. It took a little bit of trial and error with the drip system but I think I got it figured out. Less is definitely more, I'm running at about 30% of the strength nutrients that I ran in DWC. Around 450ppm and that's starting with 140ppm tap water. Also anything organic is bad and causes sediment buildup in the system, I believe that's what caused my issues last grow. I had to purge the lines regularly and it looked like chocolate milk. Feel free to ask any questions, I'll answer the ones I can.

Looking great @green_machine_two9er
Thanks Tikbalang. It took a little bit of trial and error with the drip system but I think I got it figured out. Less is definitely more, I'm running at about 30% of the strength nutrients that I ran in DWC. Around 450ppm and that's starting with 140ppm tap water. Also anything organic is bad and causes sediment buildup in the system, I believe that's what caused my issues last grow. I had to purge the lines regularly and it looked like chocolate milk. Feel free to ask any questions, I'll answer the ones I can.

Looking great @green_machine_two9er
It’s a beautiful strain so far. Thanks!