They are on the list he sent out a week or so ago. Also had the ACAPULCO GOLD PURPLE STEM Bx ,
RED & GOLD MEXICAN COLOMBIAN (Acapulco Gold x Colombian Punto Rojo) AKA: COCO LOCO ,
Oaxacan Zipolite 1 x Acapulco Gold red stem Older stock $140 (2 packs left)
Oaxacan Zipolite 3 x Acapulco Gold red stem Older stock $140 (1 packs left)
These Oaxaca Zipolites were cuts selected by my friend Bodhi, I pollinated them all with a Acapulco Gold red stem male, which was the same one I used to preserve the Acapulco Gold 68 used in the P2 generation and purple stem Bx. These are F1 crosses.
ACAPULCO GOLD x CINDERELLA 99 F2’s $80 for 10 seeds Only 3 packs left