Bombings at the Boston Marathon

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I know the truth, I just don't need to hear it from you. If you remember, the English have killed far more innocent people in this world that the USA ever has. How's that for truth?
i never said anything about the english, im neither american or english, im better than both...


  • By your logic, YOU are responsible for those bombings. After all, it was your country that "created america"​

sounds like you are, how can we be responsible, its like a mother and chile, the mother is not responsible for who that child grows up to be.

You've claimed that it's America's fault, for going to war. You then claimed that the U.S. is nothing but an extension of England. (total bullshit. If it wasn't for the U.S., you'd being speaking Castilian and German.)

And, for the record. I do blame the parents of serial killers. My mother knew what I was, and what I could become, so she instilled in me certain morals. These are rules I COULD break, but, because she'd embedded them from early childhood, it feels "different." On this board, in this thread, there are at least 6 people, excluding me, that could very easily become "serial killers." We didn't, not because we have a conscience, but because our parents taught us other outlets, that didn't include killing.

so, mother England showed us, the U.S., as an infant, that killing was good, that bombs are ok, that defending ourselves to the death of all others, even when unprovoked, is Ok. So, your esteemed motherland taught us, a nation without conscience, as are all nations, that it's ok to let go and celebrate in the blood of our enemies.
i never said anything about the english, im neither american or english, im better than both...SCOTLAND
The United States may be
Scoffed at
and even Boomed....
But the one thing that pisses you off is
Oppressed again..:)
I'm American - I'm English - I'm Indian - I'm Black - I'm White - I'm Red - I'm Scottish - I'm an Arab - I'm Green - Just listen to yourselves no wonder this shite goes on WE ARE ALL HUMAN!!
It's all our governments that are to blame & we are ALL under their thumb, dumbed down fucking sheep that believe anything they tell us on TV - it's about time we ALL WOKE UP & have a revolution - This is obviously an in house attack. Problem-Reaction-Solution
Problem - N. Korea not signed up to Rothschilds banking system - Nothing to do with any nukes they may or may not have (thats all propaganda)
Reaction -Bomb ourselves & blame NK
Solution - Invade NK & take over their monetary system

Who funded most of the wars/conflicts over the last 100 years? Rothschilds
Their bloodline flows in all major governments, royalty & media.
G'night, cupcake. Remember to brush and floss... You don't want to be mistaken for a Brit. (No offense, granny -- I bet you have gorgeous teeth!)

This thread should be moved to politics, and a nice update thread started, in it's place. There are a good deal of us who have interests in Boston, and we'd like to keep appraised, and share, but, I don't think we need the jingoism of the Americans or the xenophobia focused towards the U.S.
I was wrong the Saudi kid is not a suspect.

Wasn't the last bombing of this type the Olympic bombing in Atlanta where the goofball pro-lifer Eric Rudolph was responsible? Looks like the same kinda deal. The fact that the Boston Marathon is such a known event made me believe early on this was a Muslim thing but most likely this will turn out to be some angry fuck directing his/her/their anger at the wrong people. I'm no fan of joggers but they themselves were obviously not the targets, it was the event name itself, used I'm sure just because it would attract so much attention.

Hopefully they find who did it and not create new laws or another agency in response to it.
G'night, cupcake. Remember to brush and floss... You don't want to be mistaken for a Brit. (No offense, granny -- I bet you have gorgeous teeth!)

This thread should be moved to politics, and a nice update thread started, in it's place. There are a good deal of us who have interests in Boston, and we'd like to keep appraised, and share, but, I don't think we need the jingoism of the Americans or the xenophobia focused towards the U.S.
try not to nip into the mcdonalds on the way home oritey. THEIR SALADS ARE NOT REAL dont eat them and be proud.
G'night, cupcake. Remember to brush and floss... You don't want to be mistaken for a Brit. (No offense, granny -- I bet you have gorgeous teeth!)

This thread should be moved to politics, and a nice update thread started, in it's place. There are a good deal of us who have interests in Boston, and we'd like to keep appraised, and share, but, I don't think we need the jingoism of the Americans or the xenophobia focused towards the U.S.
orite m8s wats it like livin in a communist country wiv social welfare and no immigration policy, GM food and 50 vaccines before ye can walk?
Fallen on deaf ears!
It's the same twats that took your right to grow your own - so they could give us fucking plastic, kill the earth & make you dependant!!

yeah man fuk dupont, fuk Hearst and fuk any 1 who belives cannabis is anything ovva than god givvin medicine. you mericans shud smoke more , stop usin fluoride and drugs and WAKE THE FUCK UP i have read your amazing constitution HAVE U obviously not if u keep voting for cunts
yeah man fuk dupont, fuk Hearst and fuk any 1 who belives cannabis is anything ovva than god givvin medicine. you mericans shud smoke more , stop usin fluoride and drugs and WAKE THE FUCK UP i have read your amazing constitution HAVE U obviously not if u keep voting for cunts

Ron Paul! 2016!
I don't see how the u.s and uk can bleet on about being bombed when we're both killing innocent civilians everyday. But the don't fucking report that!. Now some innocent runners have been killed/mamed every fucker has to feel for them, or hold their silence. Fuck that, reap what you sow.
Just a pitty it's innocent people being killed. Their killing the wrong people in my eyes
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