Are your trains running this morning ?
I don't think anything would be running in boston againAre your trains running this morning ?
I don't think anything would be running in boston again
I don't think anything would be running in boston again
Are your trains running this morning ?
Trains are in operation today, except for Copley. There is some congestion in the South Station/Gov. Center area of the subway.. but only a 10 min delay.
There are however, tons of national guardsmen and police detail everywhere, on the streets, in the subways, etc.. pretty surreal scene..
Nothing like coming up on your stop, looking out, and seeing men in shock-trooper black uniforms, toting automatic weapons, and REAL assault rifles.
Did you get to see the K-9 units that have MP5k as primary weapon?
I don't think anything would be running in boston again
At one train, that ends at an airport, there were HS officers stationed, they were wearing Israeli Arms Uzi subs as "sidearms," and what looked like ARs in their hands. K9s were strapped, also. If our solders and Marines had as much lightweight armor as was represented on that platform, I'm sure fatalities would be WAY down.
I don't really recognize modern guns... So, I might have, I noted that the dogs were wearing "vests" and strapped.
i shot an mp5.. they are fairly inaccurate. m4a1 is the legit shit. marksmen. yep.
enough said ..................Silas, I'm not sure but do you know the meaning of ironic
Thought you said you don't take things on the net so seriously¿