Bear Country
Well-Known Member
not to sound like an insensitive cunt (because what happened is really shitty), but the 10+ hour onslaught of "nothing new" news caused me to miss my show tonight and i found out that it aired everywhere else. for me it was a bunch of talking heads waving around their tragedy boners and repeating the same shit over and over.
it's not that i don't care, because i do want to know who decided to bomb an international event with families all over the place, but i don't understand why i had to miss new episodes of shows just because i live in the same state when everyone else in the country got to watch their shit. when there's 24 hour cable news and dozens of social media and news sites rolling out new info every hour, why the fuck do the "big 4" networks have to air news ALL FUCKING DAY? when the 10 o'clock news came on, THEY DIDN'T EVEN DO THE NEWS. they just played the same 8 hour old footage over and over again. no sports, no story about so-and-so getting shot or rescuing a puppy or whatever, just monotonous tragedy boner bullshit talking heads with more tragedy boner shit on a ticker at the bottom of the screen, none of it new.
i probably sound like a raging twat to a lot of people but i don't care. this tragedy boner news needs to stop. these people drool over every catastrophe so they can harp on being the first to break this story or that or brag about "exclusive" this or that and fuck everything else going on in the world. it's fucking disgusting. i don't need it on my local stations ALL DAY when there are a dozen other channels that are specifically for news.
i'm sorry for all the loss of life and limb, but i will never forgive them for missing my show. something something letting the terrorists win. fuck.
Just out of curiousity....if you dont mind me asking....what is your favorite show that your talking about??