Bombings at the Boston Marathon

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Alright GWN, I'll rephrase. Tip Top, you have a girlfriend who thinks she's a fucking dog. You have bigger things to worry Alpo or Eukanuba.:finger:

I'll rephrase mine too, even though my previous words summarized everything. To reword, you've violated forum rules and offended more than a few - the way you're acting is by no means acceptable, nor will it be tolerated... put down the wooden spoon and give the stirring of the steaming pile a rest.
well m sorry but the arabs did a piss poor job,, only killed 2 yanks,, and u know the only good yank is a.........................

look how many easterners the usa has killed the past 15 yrs without any reason??? or with reasons the us government decide to makeup out of thin air or by listening to iraqi cab drivers??

im sure the bible has a passage about do unto others

us brits call it karma

Holding innocent people responsible for the actions of their draconian government is completely irrational. You are angry that the US government kills innocent PEOPLE in other countries, so you feel it is justified that innocent people in this country die? Don't you see how that is a double standard? Do you honestly believe that a person should be held accountable for the actions of a government that rules the land that individual happened to be born in--even when that person has no real way to change that government's actions?
I'll rephrase mine too, even though my previous words summarized everything. To reword, you've violated forum rules and offended more than a few - the way you're acting is by no means acceptable, nor will it be tolerated... put down the wooden spoon and give the stirring of the steaming pile a rest.

potty and kettle come to mins :chuckle:

aye and u up ther^^#

but i bet u dident make forum threads to oppose and outcry about the iraq invasion and afghan DID U???? now shut up talking nonsence
I'll rephrase mine too, even though my previous words summarized everything. To reword, you've violated forum rules and offended more than a few - the way you're acting is by no means acceptable, nor will it be tolerated... put down the wooden spoon and give the stirring of the steaming pile a rest.

My rephrasing violates no rules. You obviously don't know Tip Top as well as I do. He deserves worse than I am giving him.
Here's a spin, some meth head cooks up a bomb based on his fear of joggers and decides Boston is the place because he hates their lets stick to whats really important guys.
anwyays i just thought
1s-- u voted ur government in so yes u should be held to the actions of your governemnt and

2nd-- it wouldnt supirsie me if the american government staged this just like they did with 9-11 as a excuse to invade saudi for ther oil----just like 9-11
My rephrasing violates no rules. You obviously don't know Tip Top as well as I do. He deserves worse than I am giving him.

I don't even vote, so maybe I deserve it more than others, and cool, I deserve it. I don't have issue with that. I am from a country that thinks it can kill who it wants, goto war with who it wants. If we goto war with someone, then it is absolutely within reason that we should expect retaliation. But nope. We all think we can bomb who we want, oh well, yet the moment something comes our way, we act like we didn't do anything at all to deserve it.

What am I saying though, us and UK history has shown that, OK, this time it was Korea, they started it, everything that follows is their fault!

And I love how your emotions have overpowered you all. No retorts as to the actual situation, just retorts against my gf and how I'm a rich white boy. Reality being yes, my gf thinking she is a wolf is more important than a little bombing, and I'm far from a rich white boy. You, we, are at war. Since when was the death toll just one sided. We kill their civilians, they kill ours, deal with it. And I say they mockingly. You seem to claim you know me, so you surely know my stance on the 911 "terrorist attacks" or the London "terrorist attacks". Give and you shall receive.
well m sorry but the arabs did a piss poor job,, only killed 2 yanks,, and u know the only good yank is a.........................

look how many easterners the usa has killed the past 15 yrs without any reason??? or with reasons the us government decide to makeup out of thin air or by listening to iraqi cab drivers??

im sure the bible has a passage about do unto others

us brits call it karma

You brits call it being jelly and umad. Umad because a couple hundred farmers with pitchforks and muskets beat back your all mighty army, and you crooked teeth, bad breath smellin, small penis havin lads have been butthurt ever since...

that about sum it up?

awww gwn i know it was you bud... couldn't you have let it be just for a moment to let the lad view it?
potty and kettle come to mins :chuckle:

aye and u up ther^^#

but i bet u dident make forum threads to oppose and outcry about the iraq invasion and afghan DID U???? now shut up talking nonsence

I didn't make this thread either, buy a clue if you must - seriously.
anwyays i just thought
1s-- u voted ur government in so yes u should be held to the actions of your governemnt and

2nd-- it wouldnt supirsie me if the american government staged this just like they did with 9-11 as a excuse to invade saudi for ther oil----just like 9-11

Wow. I voted my government in? Do you really think that most of the people alive in this nation saw the birth of it? Do you not see that there are larger patterns at work long before the individual is introduced to the so-called 'voting system?' And finally, do you realize that the voting system is a sham?

As an American citizen, I can say that I also would not be terribly surprised by such a truth, because it's a fucking government you're pointing the finger at, and I don't trust governments.

I still can't get over your '1st'... you seriously think that we the people control things? Wow, who knew the outside view of America was so charmingly naive.

yea, that is some seriously fucked up shit. and personally i think the pilot and the gunner should be executed. that shit is just shitty bullshit shitty. and i am embarrassed for my country that this shit can take place and nothing happens to these fuck wads.

but to use this to justify what happened in Boston is just fucking stupid. and it perpetuates violence. which is stupid.
im a bit worried as I received a text from my brother it read "Completely blown away at the Boston Marathon's finnish" I feel guilty coz I said to him that the boston marathon is the bomb and would be a blast if he finnished
'Civilians' are relative to the theatre said operator is handling the situation in - example: 90%+ of the civilians over the age of 8 in N.Korea are issued both weapons, and camo.
im a bit worried as I received a text from my brother it read "Completely blown away at the Boston Marathon's finnish" I feel guilty coz I said to him that the boston marathon is the bomb and would be a blast if he finnished

First I lol'd, then I got mad face, then I lol'd. Damnit this isnt funny. But it is. Too soon?

It would have been so perfect if you had spelled finish, and finished, correctly though. Damn, I hate when education gets in the way.
yanks=fail pathertically even dont even know history righyt about the war of 1809 or wenever it was lol

Well, there were quite a few things that happened in 1809, it's not to my surprise that you said 'the war' as if there was only one - shows you have zero hope of holding any form of a logical debate or discussion in any history-related arena. Any other subject you may almost survive in, or would it be fruitless no matter what's picked?
1st-huh?? second--aww love u too

i was saying u as a whole--since u are all gayboy god loving hicks who have kids to ther 9 yrs old soister beofre massacring the whole family

aye that was to both of ya comments AS A WHOLE! LMAO

yanks=fail pathertically even dont even know history righyt about the war of 1809 or wenever it was lol,, u only even been a civilized(if thats what u wanna call it) country for more than a couple hundred yrs


spare a thought for all the easterners and ther familys u lot have killed, before bitching about 2 bodies godsake

Who is civilized? You? Nice spelling there chief.:joint:
yea, that is some seriously fucked up shit. and personally i think the pilot and the gunner should be executed. that shit is just shitty bullshit shitty. and i am embarrassed for my country that this shit can take place and nothing happens to these fuck wads.

but to use this to justify what happened in Boston is just fucking stupid. and it perpetuates violence. which is stupid.

I agree about the pilot and gunner should be fucking strangled. especially the dumbass that says its there own fault for bringing kids to a battle.. that's some impressive mental gymnastics right there..

I don't think this video justifies whats happening in Boston in the slightest. its just an example so America can know it is not the only one hard done by
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