Bombings at the Boston Marathon

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First I lol'd, then I got mad face, then I lol'd. Damnit this isnt funny. But it is. Too soon?

It would have been so perfect if you had spelled finish, and finished, correctly though. Damn, I hate when education gets in the way.

im a stoner not a English teacher lol,finish or finnish you still got the point so what does it matter :)
i grantee you that these mother less fucks sold drugs to fund this and how did they get away with it with a multi billion dollar defense budgets but we can't stop this kind o shit.
First I lol'd, then I got mad face, then I lol'd. Damnit this isnt funny. But it is. Too soon?

It would have been so perfect if you had spelled finish, and finished, correctly though. Damn, I hate when education gets in the way.
im a sh1t speller but a witty b4stard :)
I see that someone deleted their comment. It was a classic, too. I'll just type it out for the lulz. "yanks=fail pathertically even don't even know history righyt about the war of 1809 or wenever it was lol" I LOL at all the fail involved with that sentence...LOL!
The last 25yrds at the finish line was reserved for the families of the sandyhook shooting. fucking nice

I can almost feel the conspiracies that are going to be swirling about

Conspiracy, or a list of potential suspects in the form of terrorism broken down from this family tree? (of sorts)


It's gotta be another false flag job if you ask me - there will be many who will claim they did it so I suppose...

In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

North Korea

The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family were:

North Korea

The Attacks of September 11th were an inside job to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to then establish a Central Bank in those countries.

The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:

North Korea

Fucking loving this :-) about damned time. I love that everyone starts crying when there is an explosion in the USA, but blow up a house full of children in a sandy country because you don't know your head from your arse, and oh well, shit happens. Reap what you sow.
Bud, that's pretty dick head, I don't know anyone who loves to hear about a house full kids getting blown up, but if they do then that's their problem
As soon as I seen it on tv I said terrorists before the news did. The only thing is the pussies in the government arent going to do anything about it like the USS Cole, Our Embassy murders and many other incidents that went un-punished. It will quietly be swept under the rug. If thousands were injured like the WTC they might do something but it will probably take years. One good thing about communist countries is when something like this happens there, they immediately take action and find and kill whoever commited the crime instead of talking and debating it like the old bastards who need run out of our government. If our government got rid of the people who have been in the senate and congress for 30 to 50 years and out of touch with the times this Country would be better off.
so far they're being tight lipped, were calling him a 'possible suspect', so they don't exactly have a suspect
It is much more important to take your time & "Get" the right person/group that is responsible than it is to just mete out justice to whom every you "suspect" is the culprit.
trhichome 1... You'll hear it from the normals with feelings soon enough... So, let the other side be the first to say, you are not funny. Your humor is horrible, and, if you have a brother, or other kin, and something does happen to them, when See4 or I bomb your thread with jokes, don't get upset -- accept Karma.

As to the couple UKers that want to talk shit and laughed, saying it's justified ... I need your mum's address... I have some tribal reparations to make. And, to think I felt bad about my uncle takin' part in that bus station incident back in '82. Little fuckin' limey bastards deserved it, they were, after all, part of the same society that sent the black and tans in to decimate Belfast, right?
As soon as I seen it on tv I said terrorists before the news did. The only thing is the pussies in the government arent going to do anything about it like the USS Cole, Our Embassy murders and many other incidents that went un-punished. It will quietly be swept under the rug. If thousands were injured like the WTC they might do something but it will probably take years. One good thing about communist countries is when something like this happens there, they immediately take action and find and kill whoever commited the crime instead of talking and debating it like the old bastards who need run out of our government. If our government got rid of the people who have been in the senate and congress for 30 to 50 years and out of touch with the times this Country would be better off.

I'd hope that if he's tied to any group (he being the one that's in custody and is being treated that's a Saudi national) that we waterboard him until he exposes his cell, their position and goals.. then go rock the party by any means required. As a terrorist, and this is my personal opinion, they have no rights when on US soil.
I'd hope that if he's tied to any group (he being the one that's in custody and is being treated that's a Saudi national) that we waterboard him until he exposes his cell, their position and goals.. then go rock the party by any means required. As a terrorist, and this is my personal opinion, they have no rights when on US soil.

Putting 'em in cells with prisoners like me is a lot more effective than waterboarding. I personally disagree about the rights -- without rights, we can just beat on suspects until we get the answer we want. I think it's especially important to preserve the rights of the most heinous, so they don't sneak up and burn the rest of our rights.
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