Bombs on the Planes

Wouldn't that only make sense? wouldn't that explain the flash before they hit the WTC? The lack of remains from flight ninety three? the not-so plane shaped pentagon impact? I have heard the theory many times but if they really wanted to cause damage, why wouldn't they plan to load the planes with bombs? They even talk about loading crop dusters with bombs. Why do people think they were missiles because there isn't a shape of a plane in a building or in the ground. Explains the insulation burning and the steel melting too.

united flight 93 ive seen this movie and researched it they were going way to fast there were remains you just didnt get to see them. over 9/11 they buried all the flight 93 body parts in 2 steel caskets. yes body parts.
flight 93, there was parts of the plane a mile away. It's just odd, the wings didn't damage the ground, despite their velocity. Same with pentagon, and a lot of videos show the second plane emit a flash just before impact, I'll try to find the video.
flight 93, there was parts of the plane a mile away. It's just odd, the wings didn't damage the ground, despite their velocity. Same with pentagon, and a lot of videos show the second plane emit a flash just before impact, I'll try to find the video.

they did have you seen the crash site there is a line that looks like a trench where the wing hit
I was on the plane that hit the world trade center, there was no bombs.

The kid in the video is a fucking idiot, but the video doesnt appear to be tampered with, and there does appear to be a flash.
justcallmenasty, is this your sister?[video=youtube;IxNSEjfBSo8][/video]
Just kidding,

That bitch is straight up whack.
alright, so maybe the flash is a spark of the plane hitting the beams, but the spark appears to be about twice the size of the fuselage...
If you can produce a spark with aluminum on glass, please show me.

how about there is enough free floating energy after impact to ignite a fire.

Temperature is a fake scale that is made up by humans for humans to describe how fast atoms vibrate. If you add energy to molecules it will cause chemical reactions. It does not have to be by fire it can also be from impact.
alright, so maybe the flash is a spark of the plane hitting the beams, but the spark appears to be about twice the size of the fuselage...

Same reason this happens. Plus whose to say it was 2x lol. what equipment did he use to measure the flash. not to mention light can expand form a single point until it dissipates
The guy in that video is just plain stupid
Lol nice point about temperature. I often wonder how, if there are other civilizations on distant planet, if they could withstand the extreme colds and solar radiation, or if they translate it differently, like a humbolt squid.

Alright, so maybe there weren't bombs, but I still think something shady was going on.