Bonz`s Dutch Treat 12/12 cfl grow

wussup bonz how ya been man??? been busy thes elast couple weeks n ur new grow room is fukkin nice n those plant are fukkin beautiful all 12 or 13... Ey barnys might send them to the USA chek it on google
ya things have been busy, we have added some purple kush seeds now to. went into soil 2 days ago now.

kw, sorry to hear your a dallas
games have been meesed up lately with under dogs winning so i geusse you do have a chance.
ok a little update of the crew in the breeding chamber. this is also a new room i made. they went to 12/12 on nov 1st.







wussup bonz how ya been man??? been busy thes elast couple weeks n ur new grow room is fukkin nice n those plant are fukkin beautiful all 12 or 13... Ey barnys might send them to the USA chek it on google

Attitude sells Barneys Farm and they ship to US.

Your breeding looks great Bonz. I am trying to figure out where to sequester. I don't want to buy seeds!:peace:
well last night the roomy did a major raping of the bubba`s. took some clones and he did a major trim job.
i`ll get some pics up later today.
Bonz, I have read through several pages and have not found any info (besides pics) of how you root your clones. It looks like they are set in soil in the seedling tray, but do you root them first in peat pellets? and then keep them in the loose soil until transplant? If you have been detailed on this I am sorry to ask. Is there a page I could go to read up on what you do? I have never cloned so nothing would be too detailed or elementary.
I appreciate your time!kiss-ass
Also was the rape done by the cornflake who disappeared in the middle of the night or another roommate?

no that corn flake sat in milk to long and is all soggy in da noodle. he cant do cloning.

ya i start my clones in those peat pucks...or i should say i did. i just did last night in rockwool. they are ok for small cuttings but have noticed i lose a few when they are bigger. so i am giving the wool a shot.
so anyways ya once the clone shows roots out the sides of the pucks then i just drop em in the soil. the whole rooted puck that is.
spida in here helped me do up a how to on this as an e-book for me, its on my other pc so i will copy it and send it to ya somehow.
no that corn flake sat in milk to long and is all soggy in da noodle. he cant do cloning.

ya i start my clones in those peat pucks...or i should say i did. i just did last night in rockwool. they are ok for small cuttings but have noticed i lose a few when they are bigger. so i am giving the wool a shot.
so anyways ya once the clone shows roots out the sides of the pucks then i just drop em in the soil. the whole rooted puck that is.
spida in here helped me do up a how to on this as an e-book for me, its on my other pc so i will copy it and send it to ya somehow.

Sweet, thanks!
ya i start my clones in those peat pucks . . .

. . . . have noticed i lose a few when they are bigger

I'm going to do my next clones in those peat pucks. So would you recommend keeping the clones around 3" or 4" ?

TIA for any comments Bonz

yellowsnakes bongsmilie

ya definately would recomend keeping them smaller if your using the pucks.

oh ya, dam drugs fukin with my memory....just to much shit going on for me to handle by myself to. i`ll try to send that book if its not to big to do it.

the male started to open up today and things are startin to look good.
pics in the morning....i promiss a full update.
ok first here we have the D.T went into flowering 11 days ago now. i willl post the bubba`s later today for us.








and these are the 3 in the breeding room, lots has began in there now. i have the first signs of the pollen pods opening up ready to do their magic. these went into flower on the first of nov.


