Well-Known Member
wussup bonz how ya been man??? been busy thes elast couple weeks n ur new grow room is fukkin nice n those plant are fukkin beautiful all 12 or 13... Ey barnys might send them to the USA chek it on google
haha its all good man, I guess we'll just have to see what happens.
wussup bonz how ya been man??? been busy thes elast couple weeks n ur new grow room is fukkin nice n those plant are fukkin beautiful all 12 or 13... Ey barnys might send them to the USA chek it on google
rape......... call the copswell last night the roomy did a major raping of the bubba`s. took some clones and he did a major trim job.
i`ll get some pics up later today.
no that corn flake sat in milk to long and is all soggy in da noodle. he cant do cloning.
ya i start my clones in those peat pucks...or i should say i did. i just did last night in rockwool. they are ok for small cuttings but have noticed i lose a few when they are bigger. so i am giving the wool a shot.
so anyways ya once the clone shows roots out the sides of the pucks then i just drop em in the soil. the whole rooted puck that is.
spida in here helped me do up a how to on this as an e-book for me, its on my other pc so i will copy it and send it to ya somehow.
ya i start my clones in those peat pucks . . .
. . . . have noticed i lose a few when they are bigger