Leaves on some of my girls were doing exactly the same and like you mentioned the ones closer to the light. I believe it was a heat issue. Room was running too much into the eighties. Went down to 70° and pulled the light back a bit. Newer clones I've brought in don't have the claw effect.
I thought it might have been a nute problem or a humidity problem. My room is always dry, about 12% average. But I'm sure now it's heat Bonz. Also if the same thing is happening in your area where humidity is not an issue then I can rule that out. Must be heat.
well i think the humidity has a big part in it because heat makes humidity evaporate much faster meaning the hotter it is the less humidity in therte and as we all know humidity is the moisture in the air and i think it has to do MAYBE with the temps being to hot and the air being extremly dry depriving the leafs of the moisture they have contained inside
im nopt talkin about outdoors im talking about indoors... hmm try this put ur thermometer at a usual spot where u would have it than put it next a hot light and u will see the difference in humidity and that is what inm talking about
So I've just read through up till now and I'll probably have to read it again as I found myself asking questions about certain processes and I don't want to ask questions you've already answered. I DO want to commend and thank you for the time and effort you've put into this journal. I'm finding the info absolutely invaluable. Keep up the FANTASTIC work!
ok, update time. been real busy with other things to do with my future in this field....things just keep getting better for me.
more details later.
so fed 2 days ago another hit of bat guano tea.
ppm was 3300
ph was 5.8
we put a heater in the room now so temps are good again finaly.
max temps 88 deg min 74 deg
max humidity 80% min 40%
flower since nov 7th
this cola is about 17 inches long.....so far
these are the bubba`s, they are realy getting big. they have been flowering now about a week or so now.
looks like there is going to be some nice bud structure here.
ive grown 3 jordan of the island strains and all of them had a few with the curly leaf thing most notably the chemo,as well as god bud and ambrosia.it is in their linage.good luck.
damn bonz bout how much plant do u got in all?? n that cola is fukkin huge, save me some hahah bout how much flowering for the dutch looks like 4-6 weeks
ah the D.T went into flower on the 7th or 8th of nov it is suposed to be s 6 to 8 weeker.
as of now i have only 5 D.T in flower and 11 bubba kush. then i have the 2 in the seed cab. then we have about 12 more bubba clones going on and 1 lonley purple kush.
well i have been brainstormin on who i should bring in to do a big outdoor for next season.
so i thought i would repay the old timmer that tought me most of what i know.
took a while to find the guy but i got him the other day. this guy is almost 70 and he knows nothing but how to grow weedies.
he is a real simple dude....no tv or any mordern living for this ol hungariam dirt lump.
so we had a good long meeting and we are going big next year.
he has a few outdoor locations that he has used for the past 17 years and has never losta crop yet. we will probably have about 5 or 6 different locations and from 300 to 500 plants going out.
geusee i`d better get making seeds this winter.
hopefully all goes as planned. in the new year some time we will be opening our own medical marijuana and seed center here in vancouver.
my last landloard ( the ritch loser) has been bugging me to do this with him for a while...he has the building already and the city offivials in his wallet but i want nothing to do with him. he needs me and my card and others to run the place. all i need is the money so i can do that without him. working with him would be a huge ugly can of worms.
still havent heard any more on the bigger light operation as of yet either.
if your makeing seeds try getting some island sweet skunk and breed them into everything you have they perform like a rock star in all climates,just my opinion.
also if you have any chemo left i have found that they might contain mighty mite and early girl and they want to autoflower found that in a few of the progeny of chemo i crossed.but you know what grows best on the coast,good luck.
thats probably why their are similarities with these. the dutch has mighty mite as well.....same smells.
didnt get a chance to finish the chemo outdooor....ex partner ripped me off. they where 4 weeks into flower and about 5 foot at the time, but way behind on bud production.
i have some mk ultra and some speed queen and others coming soon.