Hey boomer. I'm honored you are following in my footsteps, ha. But seriously, I have done a scrog grow... and I'm growing Sour Grape right now. I haven't seen you on the journal, so I don't think you've seen her... but she is a bad bad plant bro.also the heighth of the scrog im not sure yet ive read it diff for indica and sativas.... 12" high or up to like 24" high for sativas. not sure what i want to do. the strain is an indica but depends how tall i veg til also soooo ya lol
boo, man your ol is so fine. sorry to ramble but h o t. Damn anyone ever say how much like Tiger's wife she resembles. lol
Alright....toking along
Yeah boomer, super scribed bro. I gotta see more of your massive grows. later
Tigers chick is a little pastey for me.haha who is this tiger u speak of? i wanna see sum goods to compare
im sure my lady wouldnt mind seeing either for more inspiration haha.
Hey boomer. I'm honored you are following in my footsteps, ha. But seriously, I have done a scrog grow... and I'm growing Sour Grape right now. I haven't seen you on the journal, so I don't think you've seen her... but she is a bad bad plant bro.
You are gonna be stoked with the SG. I don't know about the description about her being a giant yeilder. She will do good... but not 'great'. Next to my Casey Jones she is about half as fat... but also the SG is Twice as crystally.
Sour Grape is one crystally, stinky chick for sure.
About the height of the screen. I'm not sure why you would want it so high. My scrog I put 12 inches up from the medium. As the grow was completing I was wishing I didn't put the sceen so high. There is no reason I see to have it over 8 inches or so. Just enough room to work with the plants.... enough to reach them all.
Also, another think about the screen... don't over grow it. It will cancel out the true advantage of the screen. If the screen gets too full you'll be shading buds.. and the whole point is to get every single bud in direct light.
Last thing... I'm sure you are already done with construction... but if not... try to make the screens attach to the plants/ pots. My screen I hooked the screen to the walls... then when the plants grew into it... they were locked there. So everything was fixed to the walls of my closet. If anything would have happened to my rez I have no idea how I would have fixed it.
On the vert screens I have now... they are hooked to the net pots... so I can take the whole lid/ netpot/ plant combination out of the room for maintinance as needed.
I hope some of this can help a bit. And let me know if you have any questions. Lastly... feel free to check my journal. It's a fun ride.
Looking forward to this grow very much. You have a great knack for growing beautiful plants. I think it's all the love you give them.
Tigers chick is a little pastie for me.
bro im glad u jumped in while u did. thanks for the compliments and the constructive criticism.
we havent moved to the new pad yet the renter is being a bitch and im doubting hes gonna be out by the eviction date so well have to have him served and do that whole dance... but i do need lots of scrog imput from peeps.
fyi wat i meant about the screen heighth was just from other growers and books ive read as a rule of thumb for indicas to sativas on the heighth.
im glad to find another grower with sour grape already rollin so i can see for myself wat to expect. i called bullshit about it being a huge yielder. oaksterdam stats even said its a medium to tall plant but doesnt mean much. casey jones is ridic from wat i hear but no one at the dispenseries ive talked to is impressed with the taste so idk... not to say it was grown rite but i wanted a rare strain before it hit the market and flooded too much. casey jones is all over OC from wat ive seen (not knockin that ure growin it) its a great straina nd cross from wat ive read and i still mite grow it just for the commercial benefits of it.
but im def on my way over to read up every page of ur thread then. u havent seen me in there cuz i havent seen it haha. so random im followin ur footsteps but wat can i say, u gotta know when to follow and when to lead... at least this will hopefully help me avoid many avoidable mistakes
oh and about the construction ive been considering wat i wanna do about the scrog setup. my buddies at greencoast hydro wanted me to use the adjusta sun lifts (i use em already for my lamps) but they use scrog and make a pvc outer border and use trelis netting inside zip tied to the sides and clip the adjusta lift to each corner then the other end to the ceiling and makes it easy to work work when ure done.... buuuut like u said with scrog the issue is if shit goes wrong u cant move the palnts cuz theyre all together. idk how id do an individual scrog pet container?> if im readin that rite...? but def appreciate the advise and heads up
haha ya im a scorpio and super OCD as is. i just like to have everything organized and cleaned up look good etc.To SCROG one pot litteraly duct tape (if you're a duct tape G) four PVC corner posts per pot and mount your trellis to that. Cut a smaller trellis. If you need a wider spread than the four posts flush to the pot there are many types of elbows you can use to spread em out.
I'm a tad of a neat freak and probably wouldn't use duct tape if I had to. But it would be really easy to set up that way.
what pruning teq are you using. If I were you I would pinch (remove top 2 leaves to 4 leaves of the main shoot(not pinching the stalk)). this will bush the plant like toping but you keep your main top do it at 18"-24"... as far as netting.. screen... with the same strain one big netting properly placed could let you control your canopy precicly. individual scroging is better if you have multiple strains so one dont have one strain take over another..if they are the same strain then what ever the plants wants is best, meaning if a big plant chokes out a smaller one just to one bud your yield will not suffer. If your canopy is solid ......i spyhaha ya im a scorpio and super OCD as is. i just like to have everything organized and cleaned up look good etc.
but im concerned with spacing for inidivdual scrog on each pot? were talkin 24 pots and i wanted the scrog to be wider then the normal plants footprint to train and weave the bracnhes thru and improve canopy width and focus on the top colas. as jigfresh mentioned not to fill it too much then im over crowded and plants compete for light or get shaded. so jw wat should i do bout that? and also wats the benefits of doin individual scrog over a scrog net for a row of 12 plants? (ill be doin two rows of 12 plants with 2 600s each row if this helps)
plus rep for the advice+
what pruning teq are you using. If I were you I would pinch (remove top 2 leaves to 4 leaves of the main shoot(not pinching the stalk)). this will bush the plant like toping but you keep your main top do it at 18"-24"... as far as netting.. screen... with the same strain one big netting properly placed could let you control your canopy precicly. individual scroging is better if you have multiple strains so one dont have one strain take over another..if they are the same strain then what ever the plants wants is best, meaning if a big plant chokes out a smaller one just to one bud your yield will not suffer. If your canopy is solid ......i spy
Boomer im subscibed loved the last grow and im sure im going to love this grow....anyways if I were you i wouldnt pinch the plant, just bend and tuck it outwards under your screen....doesnt shock the plant and by exposing the lower branches to more light they will catch right up to the screen filling in the space...thats how i did it on my scrog and it worked perfect....as they come up through the screen about an inch or so just bend and start weaving-I was planning on FIMming (pinch method) and create at least two or four main tops not sure yet cuz idk how a FIM really takes for the plant to recovery from shock, but its all gonna b one strain so id prob do 12 plants together and interweave them
Good to meet you Boomer. I hope you like those samples. Just smoked some CC and like TLD I can't put my finger on the aroma or taste. Fruityhaha u guys gonna make me go searchin for this pic or wat? lol pasties chicks need lovin too
my lady just left for the tanning salon actually now since shes been trippin bout being too white for another photoshoot so itll be a lil til she gets her burn on til we can do the shoot lol
also got to meet up with Greenthumb today and exchange samples. he hooked it up with every strain he had so i got sum work to do this week
smoke report!![]()
this is what might be kinda confusing. It is called pinch but you don't pinch the branch.cutting off the leaves closest to a grow shoot is called a pinch,At least that is what I thought now googling it I think I might be wrong. I will find the name of the teq but pinching the branch is fiming.hmm very interested. i used LST (low stress training) for my last clones that i transplanted outdoor and had success training more a bush style without shock but u sayin in those pix u just removed leaves? not a fim? and wat does the pinch do? thought it just grows ba stronger with more support... plz inform me on my confusion