BooMer's 5000w Medical Hydro Cannabis Laboratory w/ C02 Generator & ScrOG

Nice work on the super cropping man. I am sure you will do much better with the scrog now that you have one under your belt. Curious to hear what your final yeild was.
Oh I wanted to know how often you watered witht he rockwool, I am switching to rw and have my vegging girls in 4" cubes. I was thiinking of using them with either the mini cubes, hydroton, or silca rock in my trays. Whatcha think?
been busy with shit as usual. got my warehouse grow quoted and biz plan done. now im crunchin numbers, all nugs are jarred up and curing. only dried for like 3 days. went quick without the branches and no water for the last two days of their life.

im thinkin of weighin it tomorrow since its mostly done drying now and i feel its a fair time to weigh in.

ive been vegging OG BUBBA kush cuttings on my veg table and most are 12"-20" or more now and been supercroping every 3 days to widen the canopy and let the side shoots catch up with the main stem. seems to b workin for most but the tallest bitches are gettin ditched. or prob turned into mothers fuk it. i got the space. ill pull the strongest 18 cuttings and transplant them onto the 4" rockwool uni-slabs for more growth room. the roots are already blown out the bottom of the 6" RW veg cubes and ill have to get a pic for u guys. but the remaining vegged cuttings will be turned into mothers and the rest mite just veg out and take sum cuttings from before i toss em.

last round i learned a lot from scrogging and the structural design of internode spacing with scrog and the stretch. so im hopin this round will be better although i fukd myself early by not supercropping consitantly (was gone on a week vacation) so ill do work with wat ive got.

ill be getting new cuttings this weekend for table 2 in the flower room. this will stagger my flower tables and allow me to crop out every month. only issue i guess would be c02 levels at diff times of flower and temp issues. we will see wat happens.

i presoaked 18 4" RW uni-slabs in 5.0 PHd water for transplant tomorrow. dryin on the table as u can see below. then i soak 24 6" RW cubes for my new cuttings ill get this weekend. those will b vegged out for a month in the veg table.

i decided to stick with dialing in the setup i design instead of jumpin around from mod system to mod. i will only be growin at this location for a few months longer then itll be in the warehouse. so i figure make the best with wat im workin with and move on to the under current setup. 2lbs a plant 8)

anyways heres sum current pix for ur entertainment.



my militia




if u look close at these pix u can see the side shoots catchin up to the main stem from being supercropped.



fatty knuckle developin after the stem heals from being pinched


flower room cleared out, bug bombed, vaccumed, tables and rez bleached down, fans moved, lights lowered, and now the new medium drying ready for transplant tomorrow.


check bak soon for a new journal link or click my sig

new page bumpage BooMeR, spread dem bitches out and open them up>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:
Nice work on the super cropping man. I am sure you will do much better with the scrog now that you have one under your belt. Curious to hear what your final yeild was.
Oh I wanted to know how often you watered witht he rockwool, I am switching to rw and have my vegging girls in 4" cubes. I was thiinking of using them with either the mini cubes, hydroton, or silca rock in my trays. Whatcha think?

thanks bro im hopin this round will be better then last but still wont be starting the correct way id like.
in regards to watering, i experimented with diff watering schedules last time. idk wat is right or wrong lol. i just weighed the cubes by hand to see where they were at. with RW i think its general rule of thumb everyone needs to learn wat size cubes weighs about wat so u can judge how much water is being used. for example my 6" RW cubes in veg are dry today but the smaller stunted plant's cubes are still sumwat wet cuz they dont have an extended root system to suck up all the moisture as fast as the strong larger plants. so its def a learning curve. i had my water pump timer settings at diff intervoles depending on week of flower and size of plants.

in veg they get watered every couple days as needed.
in flower i started 2 waterings a day for like 30 secs each.
then in the end i was doin watering every 2 hours for 45-60secs

in the beginning i thought i was overwatering due to the stem rot but i later learned the rot was from a mistake i made makin the clones; i didnt put rooting gel (cuz i was out and it was 1am) and i skipped it but the root horomone helps the plant root and any moisture around the stem is used for uptake. the issue i had was there was moisture at the top of the cube but the stem was tryin to root but instead rotted, so that being cleared up by using sum SM-90, i can move forward with stronger feeding schedules this round. well more frequent waterings if needed that is. for me im still experimenting with shit but hope my run helped u alot since urs helped me out before i started it. let me know if u have anymore questions or if other peeps on here have sum suggestions.

EDIT: forgot to answer the second part... yes i ramble. haha

-anyways i had considered using the rockwool crutons or hydroton to fillmy table. itd be sick for u to try either and see the results in comparison to mine. i have abuddy growin in all RW crutons and he swears by it. i like the concept of matching mediums (coco with coco RW w/ RW etc...) so transplanting ur 4" cubes on a bed of RW crutons mite be a better match for the roots to respond? the hydroton is another great airated medium and i use it for my mother buckets and will be using it as my sole medium next round with the under current buckets.

wat i researched came out to a couple of these points;

try to keep all the same strain in the table if theyre sharing root zone space. try to feed to runoff, not recirculate... this will help avoid root zone disease issues etc. not to say they wont stay healthy if everything is clean and dialed but i like to take every precaution.

the roots will blow out the bottom of ur cube in search for moisture and can tangle with other roots. that isnt bad exactly but the one thing i decided to stick with my current setup over filling the table with a medium to grow into, is the mess factor; hydroton unless throughly washed will leave residue the crutons idk about...

are u flooding ur table or doin a drip?
theres other things to consider i guess but this is prob enough info to get u started lol. i just feel like im typing in circles and need to smoke.

new page bumpage BooMeR, spread dem bitches out and open them up>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

haha thanks mr. west ya i already spread them out as much room as i have. im transplanting today to the flower room so it doesnt matter anymore. but stay tuned for the flower journal part 2.
Thanks man for the detailed response. I am currenly running coco/perlite in 1 gal pots with rw croutons in the trays. Here is a pic of what it looks like

The reason I mixed mediums is because I decided late that I wasn't going to flood the coco pots because they don't dry out fast enough for one and the coco seems to be a huge gnat attractant. The gnats are in the coco when I get it I think. I am not kiidding, I have opened a new bag and seen gnats. So I wnet with the rw mini cubes because they are clean and seem to be easy enough. I didn't soak them first though, so my ph went crazy for a couple of days, but has settled down now. bot much to adjust anymore. I thought about just putting the 4" right into croutons, but not the entire tray. I was thinking of using the net pots. The one issue I have is the humididty they create. If I used the net pots, than it would cut down on the area of moisture I would have with an entire tray full like I do now. I have been reading on using rw with hydroton or silica stone and it seems to me that the rw should be above the flood line of the trays. This part doesn't make a lot of sense with 4" cubes, because the main rootball is in the cube. So I will probably try the mini cubes or croutons whatever you want to call them.
As for watering, I started flooding my veg room once a day and the cubes were staying pretty wet, so I when the freshly rooted clones first went in the cubes I watered every other day and increased the schedule as the roots developed. I am now watering twice a day. It is good to know the reason behind the root rot, because I was kind of freaked out about rw after seeing that shit happen to you. Anyway, now I am rambling. lol Where is my freshly packed bowl of pk that I packed ...hmmm I need to find that
well let me know wat u end up deciding. im sure itll work out regardless. just gotta find which setup u wanna dial in. the gnats idk about either thats weird but RW is def alot more cleaner. just get used to presoaking any RW u use to lower the ph. happy growin bro things are gonna slow down for me in a week so ill b followin ur grow.
Total dried weight after a week of drying=

5 pounds 2 ounces dried flower

1 quarter pound of dried unusable flower and trim/shake for hash

Total watts used= 3,600 watt hortilux super HPS

Total # of plants= 36 female sour grape

GPW= .63
(gram per watt)

Finger Hash report; lemon pledge aroma, cerebal high

Post dry/ pre cure smoke report; suddle grape taste, clean/smooth hit, cerebal high/ uplifting

Post cure; N/A -flowers are still curing for two weeks.

Bubble Hash report; N/A -i'll make the hash this week and get weight/smoke report

Tirchomes; Mostly Milky White, some still seemed clear. No signs of amber.

Pistil hairs; 50/50% white/brown

Trimming hours; 13hours w/ 2-3 people by hand

Thank you to all that followed the grow and contributed. theres too many to list but this being my first grow i am happy with the results.
My goal was to hit .70 GPW considering .50 is average and i was running c02.
I hit .63 which isnt bad at all considering i chopped 3 plants early that went to hash making.
I def think i can hit 5-6 lbs every round but depending on strain. ill be running almost all kush strains for the next several rounds for the collectives needs but itll be a learning curve to max everything.

A few mistakes i made this round i needed to learn from are;

-reducing c02 at end of flower and the room temp
-water temp needs to be lower
-monitor ph and maintain
-i need to adjust and maintain correct ppm levels during the diff weeks of flower
-work on a more even scrog via supercropping
-watch for any sort of rot or mold/fungus
-K.I.S.S. keep it simple stoner
-switching to basic macro nutes with a bloom booster and root excel

sooo i think thats most of em for now. just a good way for me to look bak and remember wat i had issues with. hopefully my mistakes help others avoid them and have a smoother grow. my grow went well due to a years worht of research patience and planning. buying the right stuff the first time and spending the right money. wat u pay for is at u get.
hope u guys enjoy the last pix from this grow and click the new journal link that i will be posting soon and pull up a chair for the new journal round of OG x Bubba Kush

yes my living room looks like this every morning. its glorious....



little teaser of the bitches gettin bent doggie waiting for the lights to come on in 36 hours....
time for 12/12


vegged for 4-5 weeks most are 13"-20" tall




supercropping aftermath with sum minor clean up around the bikini line...



wanted to show u guys (those who havent seen...) wat STEM ROT looks like so u can avoid this...

-btw i got this clone from the collective with stem rot from the previous vendor but i vegged it out anyways to see how it responded to diff methods. the others that had stem rot recovered using SM-90 SPRAY and kind of built bak up like a knuckle from supercropping. this one below did not recover and i pushed down the rockwool to see in better. gross right. tossin this bitch i like my ladies clean down there.



Veg room transformed once again. ladies on the veg table were moved and flipped for flower in the flower room. then 7 OG BUBBA kush vegged cuttings were transplanted into the waterfarm modified to drip-recirvulating gravity bucket setup... lol. its rockwool cube bonsai trimmed to fit in thehydroton and buried so no algae grows on top. a ring drop emitter sprays nute from the rez 24/7 for constant feed and nute uptake with good airation. this should work better then the system does out of box without being modified... crappy ass system... anywyas....
theres also one MASTER x BUBBA kush mother cutting in that mix as well.




we got our hands on 70 x SFV OG kush but theyre not rooted so were babying them for now and seeing who roots.

i also picked up 24 x OG kush x BUBBA kush again for another round of vegging and gonna transplant the strongest 18 into the flower room onto table 2 which will stagger my flowering.

grabbed 4 more MASTER x BUBBA kush cuttings as well to veg out and turn into strong mothers since the other one was stunted previously thus likely to produce shitty stunt like plants ill just start over.


again thank u to those who contributed and followed. thanks for the rep and see u guys at the next grow journal.
Good work boomer. Its good to se a big op[ finish for a change lol. Be a wile before we casn have official medical grows in this country but im there for wen we do lol
Good work bro. .63gpw is still good. I'd like to see many people do more than that???? Id say from your posts above, you have learned alot. A little trick I learned was to run drain to waste and I always mix my nutes the day of feeding. No re-circ. The new ones look even better. Cant wait to see this one to.
:eyesmoke::mrgreen:Sounds like you dialed. Nice work and amazing yield for your first hydro round. Well done!!

thanks bro def happy with the results and humbled to of even harvested haha.

Good work boomer. Its good to se a big op[ finish for a change lol. Be a wile before we casn have official medical grows in this country but im there for wen we do lol

hopefully soon u guys will be able to grow without penalities.

Good work bro. .63gpw is still good. I'd like to see many people do more than that???? Id say from your posts above, you have learned alot. A little trick I learned was to run drain to waste and I always mix my nutes the day of feeding. No re-circ. The new ones look even better. Cant wait to see this one to.

BTW seal up the tin metal elbows on the hoods. You might be loseing co2.

ya im coo with .60 gpw for now. would be nice to master 1.0 GPW tho 8)

good point about the 90degree ducting but im not running the duct fans while lights on anymore. havent had the need to. the AC handles the temps and shit seem to run fine.
If your runnin an a/c then it has a return. My a/c's return is strong enough to pull air from the hoods and elbows through metal to meatl connection. Light an incent or a lighter and check it out.