
Naahh not dumb because I think they planned on going out in a blaze..they had 3 days to haul ass before the FBI got the video
of them..they stayed in boston to create more havoc and death.

They weren't very good at it. I think they thought nobody was gonna know it was them.
I'd actually like to see them taken alive. Death doesn't scare people like this generally. Stick him in a dark box for the next 60 years.
When Obama gets up at 10:30am that's when you will get the update (Don't expect the full story )about the manhunt of now he's sleeping in and will get up late as he normally does :)

please don't newt gingrich troll me with dog whistles.

I think it's a comment on the depth of his arrogance...*I mean, his view his is all about a cynical, calculated approach.*

I mean, I'm assuming there's some rhythm to Barack Obama that the rest of us don't understand, whether he needs large amounts of rest, whether he needs to go play basketball for a while. I don't, you know, watch ESPN. I mean, I don't quite know what his rhythms are.

...he's not a real president.

my favorite part is where he thinks arrogance will not be read as uppity. i mean, c'monnewt. at least be subtle about it. jesus christ.
Brothers been here for over a year.
oh noessss its not the tea party. you mean, terrorism is real? Or is this just workplace violence like Ft Hood?
wtf did America ever do to the chechnyans? shit is wild.....

Besides suggesting babies should get stoned? That alone will piss off Chechens.

And they don't mind killing schools full of kids.

And they don't mind blowing up thing like an Opera House full of people.

White Bread Jehad....our worse fear.

But, the nightmare is the folks who say, "Blame the govt, not WE the People."

That makes them more ignorant than the Jehad. And it makes them the ones with the hard choice. Collaborate? Snitch? Stare off into the Ostrich hole in the sand? Stand there until it is too late. Damn, if the Chetchen are coming that is some raw shit indeed.

It's all WE to blame. The Chetchens, Iranian, N.Koreans, Cubans, and others of the Axis of Evil are out to get people blood, not govt blood.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

Jehadist know we practice self rule and if we have a weak spot, it is gonna be that.

Don't Jehad us, Dudes! What did we do???

Too late. That is a simple expression of righteous FEAR.