
he's the guy who "slept like a baby" when he honestly believed that romney had a 10 point lead (he never did, muyloco likes to imagine things).

he also hangs curtains for a living.

that should tell you enough about him.

Muy Curtains.
Yeah we should go make war with afghanistan too, since thats where the terrorists are and then perhaps we can get into Iraq by declaring that they have some really mean doomsday weapons buried in the desert. None of this pussy footing around anymore doing nothing!!That N Korea fucker sure did point his finger right at us 'mericans and said "We gonna blow you up!!! Big Time!!!". We need to go over there and kick some butt before they nucluraize us! I am positive this marathon bombing was done by the N Koreans in cahoots with Al Qaeda!! Obama can send in the Marines!!!'Merica, Fuck Yeah!!!
thank you sooooo fucking much. its clearly obvious that no news casts or newspapers have passed before rickys eyes in the last ten yrs.. amurkas problem is that when its leaders do respond its against the wrong people. the 911 attacks were comitted by saudis. if anything is done about lil kim it would probably be an invasion of thailand or some other hokey shit. maybe follow beardos advice n nuke s. korea. that would make as much sense as our current reactions for 911.
he's the guy who couldn't stop repeating "lemmings" and "eco loons" and other phrases until i pointed out how old and regurgitated they were becoming.

Oh, they're still in my wheelhouse and are far fresher and more accurate than any of the bile out of your trap.

Still don't know who you are.

Yeah, it's not my week to educate the new members.

he's the guy who "slept like a baby" when he honestly believed that romney had a 10 point lead (he never did, muyloco likes to imagine things).

he also hangs curtains for a living.

that should tell you enough about him.

We actually hung some curtain rods for the first time about a month ago. Unfortunately for you, it's not an effective troll anymore. I do, in fact, hang curtains now. Sorry.
We actually hung some curtain rods for the first time about a month ago. Unfortunately for you, it's not an effective troll anymore. I do, in fact, hang curtains now. Sorry.

if the money is as good as you say it is, i'd hang curtains in an effeminate apron.
Oh, they're still in my wheelhouse and are far fresher and more accurate than any of the bile out of your trap.

Yeah, it's not my week to educate the new members.

We actually hung some curtain rods for the first time about a month ago. Unfortunately for you, it's not an effective troll anymore. I do, in fact, hang curtains now. Sorry.

What kind of curtains do you have
Good to see all the right wing crazies crawling out of their holes to make paranoid and shit taste comments after a horrible event. As per usual.

LOL are you fucking kidding? Such a fucking hypocrite. Wasn't it you lefties who are/were using Sandy Hook, an event where CHILDREN were murdered in cold blood, to push your agenda?

Both sides are guilty of using event like these to make a statement or point, which is horrible, so don't you dare come in attacking one group (again, while subliminally pushing your agenda that righties are uniquely shitty in the sense you stated; which is false)
LOL are you fucking kidding? Such a fucking hypocrite. Wasn't it you lefties who are/were using Sandy Hook, an event where CHILDREN were murdered in cold blood, to push your agenda?

Both sides are guilty of using event like these to make a statement or point, which is horrible, so don't you dare come in attacking one group (again, while subliminally pushing your agenda that righties are uniquely shitty in the sense you stated; which is false)

That's weird, I don't remember doing that? I think you're getting me confused with some Democrats.
Collectivist Scumbags either way, your on the same team.

You obviously have an IQ of about 70 if the words "collectivist" and "democrat" fit together in your head. Judging by history, I'd say most collectivists are against gun control... But there's no point in explaining that to a teabagger like yourself.
Your response to me questioning 'Which of our rights are they going to take away over this?' is a response of rage and denial that the politicians are dirt bag criminals, "Right wing extremist crawling out of their hole to fear monger over a tragedy".(paraphrasing) This is an obvious defense of of statist ideas from a self-proclaimed anarchist, how contradictory? I can see why one would group you with 'the big government democrats' over this exact response because that is exactly what it was. Coming from a collectivist this typical vicious response toward one merely questioning or doubting the social contract, the collective, and the moral wholesomeness of some politicians comes as no shock to me nor any other who already has you collectivist immoral scumbags pinned. I asked merely a simple question and you are instantly thrown into a fit of rage.
Your response to me questioning 'Which of our rights are they going to take away over this?' is a response of rage and denial that the politicians are dirt bag criminals, "Right wing extremist crawling out of their hole to fear monger over a tragedy".(paraphrasing) This is an obvious defense of of statist ideas from a self-proclaimed anarchist, how contradictory? I can see why one would group you with 'the big government democrats' over this exact response because that is exactly what it was. Coming from a collectivist this typical vicious response toward one merely questioning or doubting the social contract, the collective, and the moral wholesomeness of some politicians comes as no shock to me nor any other who already has you collectivist immoral scumbags pinned.

Another pro at twisting words and misunderstanding political terms. You always sound/look like you're really pissed off... Maybe a little unhinged. Maybe too much right wing radio? I know being told what opinion to have all the time can be stressful. But since you seem to want to mis-characterize my beliefs, I'll explain to you in layman's terms what I mean.

I hate the majority of democrats as much as you do and for probably some of the same reasons. But I also dislike them for reasons you would disagree with. I also hate Obama, but from a different perspective. I voted for Jill Stein last time around (though I also would've voted for Rocky Anderson). I think the government is turning into a surveillance as well as a nanny state. I feel like the majority of American's rights are violated every day. The government has obviously done and continues to do horrible things day in and day out. That's why I don't support this government, and I wouldn't support a government run by either Republicans or Democrats. Their ideologies have changed drastically over the last 150 years, slowly moving in the wrong direction. Away from freedom and defending rights and towards acquiring power, building an empire, and using it's citizens labor in an economic system whose only purpose is to limit the ability of smaller states to compete with the U.S, and to fuel the United States' dominant role in the world's economic and political matters.

I'm a socialist and a libertarian in the correct use of the words. I am not a Marxist, a Bolshevik, a statist, or a revolutionary socialist (though I'm sure after hearing "socialism" that's what you'll immediately jump to because you know nothing of it). From what I've picked up reading your posts you would seem to be on the far right. I doubt either of our positions are going to change so live with it. And from reading the vast majority of your previous posts, you calling something someone else says "vicious" is beyond hypocritical.

I hope you don't shit yourself with rage reading this.
Another pro at twisting words and misunderstanding political terms. You always sound/look like you're really pissed off... Maybe a little unhinged. Maybe too much right wing radio? I know being told what opinion to have all the time can be stressful. But since you seem to want to mis-characterize my beliefs, I'll explain to you in layman's terms what I mean.

I hate the majority of democrats as much as you do and for probably some of the same reasons. But I also dislike them for reasons you would disagree with. I also hate Obama, but from a different perspective. I voted for Jill Stein last time around (though I also would've voted for Rocky Anderson). I think the government is turning into a surveillance as well as a nanny state. I feel like the majority of American's rights are violated every day. The government has obviously done and continues to do horrible things day in and day out. That's why I don't support this government, and I wouldn't support a government run by either Republicans or Democrats. Their ideologies have changed drastically over the last 150 years, slowly moving in the wrong direction. Away from freedom and defending rights and towards acquiring power, building an empire, and using it's citizens labor in an economic system whose only purpose is to limit the ability of smaller states to compete with the U.S, and to fuel the United States' dominant role in the world's economic and political matters.

I'm a socialist and a libertarian in the correct use of the words. I am not a Marxist, a Bolshevik, a statist, or a revolutionary socialist (though I'm sure after hearing "socialism" that's what you'll immediately jump to because you know nothing of it). From what I've picked up reading your posts you would seem to be on the far right. I doubt either of our positions are going to change so live with it. And from reading the vast majority of your previous posts, you calling something someone else says "vicious" is beyond hypocritical.

I hope you don't shit yourself with rage reading this.

you threw a hissy fit and got pissed because I insulted your Papa and none of this changes that, such a horrible response lol

your a SOCIALIST, in your own words, therefore you are collectivist, you have to be a collectivist to accept any form of socialism.

I insult the state, you get upset, that is a statist response and not a libertarian or anarchist response et all, its the opposite. You are the one twisting "political terms", thats niether here nor there, the bottom line you got insulted over an innocent remark and viciously attacked me, and your just a dick for that. No "political terms" need be brought into this, when you insult someone personally for an innocent remark then your just an asshole.
Another pro at twisting words and misunderstanding political terms. You always sound/look like you're really pissed off... Maybe a little unhinged. Maybe too much right wing radio? I know being told what opinion to have all the time can be stressful. But since you seem to want to mis-characterize my beliefs, I'll explain to you in layman's terms what I mean.

I hate the majority of democrats as much as you do and for probably some of the same reasons. But I also dislike them for reasons you would disagree with. I also hate Obama, but from a different perspective. I voted for Jill Stein last time around (though I also would've voted for Rocky Anderson). I think the government is turning into a surveillance as well as a nanny state. I feel like the majority of American's rights are violated every day. The government has obviously done and continues to do horrible things day in and day out. That's why I don't support this government, and I wouldn't support a government run by either Republicans or Democrats. Their ideologies have changed drastically over the last 150 years, slowly moving in the wrong direction. Away from freedom and defending rights and towards acquiring power, building an empire, and using it's citizens labor in an economic system whose only purpose is to limit the ability of smaller states to compete with the U.S, and to fuel the United States' dominant role in the world's economic and political matters.

I'm a socialist and a libertarian in the correct use of the words. I am not a Marxist, a Bolshevik, a statist, or a revolutionary socialist (though I'm sure after hearing "socialism" that's what you'll immediately jump to because you know nothing of it). From what I've picked up reading your posts you would seem to be on the far right. I doubt either of our positions are going to change so live with it. And from reading the vast majority of your previous posts, you calling something someone else says "vicious" is beyond hypocritical.

I hope you don't shit yourself with rage reading this.

the world according to wiki ???