Well-Known Member
talk about ring around the rosey with a bunch of cops they even have a double tier on the tree line
Whats rights will we lose deprave? Please enlighten us you fucking knucklehead
I really wish that was the case, however.. our legitimate homeland security site is and no one is showing any arrests at this point. They've declared the Saudi national 'there at the wrong place, wrong time' .. and he wasn't ever held whatsoever.
Whats rights will we lose deprave? Please enlighten us you fucking knucklehead
Legitimate homeland security?
I can't help but note these incidents always seem to take advantage of the fact that military/Law Enforcement are conducting excercises in the area. I don't think too much will come in the way of investigations or indictments...
At least the gameplan has changed from 2001, let's see how they spin this.
you threw a hissy fit and got pissed because I insulted your Papa and none of this changes that, such a horrible response lol
your a SOCIALIST, in your own words, therefore you are collectivist, you have to be a collectivist to accept any form of socialism.
I insult the state, you get upset, that is a statist response and not a libertarian or anarchist response et all, its the opposite. You are the one twisting "political terms", thats niether here nor there, the bottom line you got insulted over an innocent remark and viciously attacked me, and your just a dick for that. No "political terms" need be brought into this, when you insult someone personally for an innocent remark then your just an asshole.
you'd only give a shit if they restricted your right to skateboard. fucking child...
No idea, that's the question I asked. I made a few suggestions that they will try:
Suggestion 1;
They will probably try to slip some police state type laws in over this, the main stream media is saying we need more cameras today.
Suggestion 2;
They may use it as an excuse to start a war.
Suggestion 3;
Possibly try to use it as an excuse to start a new domestic type war targeting a certain group of people ala the war on drugs etc...Demonizing some group of people.
Suggestion 4;
Perhaps it will be used as an opportunity to aid in covering up the gun legislation or cover up the internet privacy bill they are slipping through right now
Suggestion 5;
More than likely its all of the above
Try to stay on topic douche bag. I know it stresses your little pea brain.
Hissy fit? My responses are calm. Yours are hysterical paranoid shit storms of misused words, misunderstood theories, and misdirected rage. You should get your own radio show. You could be the next Alex Jones or Savage Weiner.
Clearly another insult because you think its a picture of me you try to insult my looks,
Well why have an avatar of such a creepy guy?
I mean for christ's sake even your avatar looks unhinged.
Do you still define your little charade as calm and level headed? Have you still not realized you channeled the state when throwing such a god awful childish tantrum over a simple question?
Well I'm still calm, how about you? I swear every time I look at your avatar the face gets redder.
I like that you imagine that you are getting under my skin and that it pleases you, just goes to show further what a nice guy you are, supported by your love of the handi-capped and personal insults. I couldn't be "calmer" when your reactions toward me are so laughably predictable I understand them so clearly. The fog that clouds your brain gives you a nice cozy calming feeling and I feel really bad for you if anything, its too bad I can't get through to you on this medium, I know that in real life when someone asks such a question that you probably don't start insulting them, you probably just crawl in your shell. Or perhaps you do throw an insult or threat then the person thinks to themselves "whoa that guys crazy, I will be sure not mention politics around him again", I bet you have a lot of close friends.
Pressure cookers are now considered WMDs. Fuck, now I'll take forever to make meals.
What do you usually cook for dinner?
What do you usually cook for dinner?