Bottom leaves yellowing 3-4 days after flipping to flower


Well-Known Member
  • Growing indoor
  • Watering schedule every 2-3 days with sink water that has been sitting for at least 24 hrs
  • Growing Medium: FFOF x compost x worm casting and dr earth dry amendement last applied a week ago
I have 3 plants here in this tent. Two at the top and one at the bottom.
  • I was wondering why my top left has lost it’s bushy-ness when i flipped to flower two days ago.
  • In addition this plant also started yellowing on a few of the biggest fan leaves at the bottom. The leaves have a very rough/odd texture
A few things i think could happen:

1) perhaps this plant had poor air circulation since it didnt have any fan blowing at it compared to the other two
2) nutrient burn? (Although I recently top dressed with dr earth flowergirl amendment 3-9-4).

As you can see the tip of the leaves were turning yellow and now brown.. although the other two plants are doing well with the same environment and nutrient (which brings me back to point #1).
3) if its nutrient burn why would the bottom fan leaves turn yellow (since this means nutrient is being drawn for the main plant)

i snipped off the bottom fan leaves as you can see in the pictures, hoping it doesnt get worse

Any ideas would help!


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Well-Known Member
Keep feeding grow nutes through stretch they need the extra N.Lower leaves yellowing is lack of N.Perhaps light is too close also.