Boy-Girl...please take this thred seriously

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I was raised with the "sex is dirty and bad unless you're married" program.I had to work through a lot of that bullshit on my own over the years.But as a teenager I engaged in oral sex with my boyfriend because it was better than a handjob and it wouldn't get me pregnant.I progressed with each boyfriend to actually allowing him to have an orgasm in my mouth,to swallowing, etc.I read tons and tons of books because I was terrified of being bad in the sack when I finally "went all the way". I thought everyone did this.I remember I made my boyfriend lie there as I practiced on him, making him give me feedback as to what he liked better, what was more sensitive, etc.Although now that I think of it, what 16 year old boy wouldn't lie back and get some head if his girlfriend told him to, lol.
There's nothing wrong with either of you.
Most people are just a product of puritanized sexual culture, where sex is "dirty" and "bad", and you're supposed to feel guilty about it.
It's something that should be covered in sex ed early on. "If it's consensual and enjoyable, and doesn't hurt anyone there's nothing wrong with it."
But the protestors would line up outside the schools claiming children were being corrupted.


Well-Known Member
There's nothing wrong with either of you.
Most people are just a product of puritanized sexual culture, where sex is "dirty" and "bad", and you're supposed to feel guilty about it.
It's something that should be covered in sex ed early on. "If it's consensual and enjoyable, and doesn't hurt anyone there's nothing wrong with it."
But the protestors would line up outside the schools claiming children were being corrupted.
Get your filthy demon hands off my children. Don't want your type recruitin' them.


Well-Known Member
Me too.I'm a freak.But I don't do anal,so I guess that balances it out a bit.....
I'm so with you on that Stoney, it's like we're twins! :hug:

Only from different parents, of different ethnic backgrounds, different ages, and from different places...

But other than all that, we're like twins :grin: Like..soul twins, instead of soul mates :lol:

Ok, I'm high, and rambling, so sue me :razz:

If you believe gender exists as a spectrum rather than Right or Wrong.

Huh? :???:


Well-Known Member
Of course, what reasonable person would want their kids to grow up being well adjusted adults who don't feel guilty for loving whoever they make their life with.
And they'd come back with "But you're just sending your children to an eternity in hell if you support..."