Bquamb & s7even's Tighty Whitey Grow Journal (RIU Exclusive)


Well-Known Member
Ill just use the Brand I had before Schweppes or what ever the hell it is called. Im sure that Carbonated water is Carbonated water. Check the Ingredients and make sure nothing else is added :)

Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Hey, plant is looking good.:leaf:
Perlite doesn't absorb water at all. It aerates the soil. IOW makes it fluffy. The roots get O2 faster and don't "drown". I wouldn't transplant it for a while. That pot it's in looks plenty big. You can mix molasses with nutes. I mix half water w/ molasses, mix half water w/ nutes then combine them. (I kinda have OCD on that kinda stuff, it's a MS thing) On the folar feeding, I do. There's a thread on the "art of folar spray" that tells all about it.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Thank you Daniel for the Insight :) greatly appreciated on our end.

No Perlite found today, will try again tomorrow on a full rest :)


Well-Known Member
perlite does retain water and when it is heated up it expands loosinging the dirt for roots to easyly grow, it does help hold water tho... say right on the bag lol and ass far a mollasses goes i heard your only supposed to do it during flowering? i might be wrong but this is the first iv heard for soing it durring veg,

and for mixing perlite, im pretty sure its 3:1 dirt-perlite


Well-Known Member
yeah i have heard of molasses used during last few weeks and in the final flush just to help the taste

i just grew out TWT and didnt flush at all and they tasted and smell great... it is such a fruity and sweet taste it honestly didnt need any flush for me

and for my perlite-soil mix

i did 1:1 ratio of perlite and sphagnum peat moss and have had great success with it


Active Member
ok just got back from working for the MAN! god was it a dead ass day to be cooking lol. but she's looking really great right now, looks like she could use some water, but unlike last time im gunna just wait the extra bit before i water it, im thinking in the morning. the soil is quite dry on the top but who knows lower down prob isnt. the thing is about me needing to transplant as fast as i can is cuz this strain is going to be flowering within 45 days and thats fucking fast! I dont have time to let it grow for a bit before i transplant it cuz it may get really huge and un able to transplant without severly stunning it. Thats y i wanna just do it now so i can sit back and just watch it grow. cuz in the last 3 days ive watched it grow over 2 inches in every direction, think of another week from now this thing is gunna be at a foot easy!


Well-Known Member
Perlite is to aerate the soil and I said that in a few pages back. I said it will help with watering by not holding it so much. I said the plant could use more O2 saturation. You could transplant whenever you want, the plant will do the same no matter what. As far as flowering in 45 days that is the flower time needed from the start of 12/12 not from germination. You should have it on 18/6 light right now (18 on 6 off) and that will help with growth allowing some down time for her to relax and "sleep" You will notice a difference in growth too (I do) Let her veg out until she starts preflowers then flower her and you will not be disappointed.


Active Member
ok the timer has just been re-set to 18-6 from 20-4. she looks great today nothing but growth :D but it looks like its time to water her soon, and i hope to be transplanting it tomorrow if i can get my hands on some perlite


Well-Known Member
I got B's address and will be sending out some seeds today or tomorrow so you guys can start some of what I'm growing :D I hope this plant turns out well for you guys. She looks like shes doing fine though so far. Good job fellas


Active Member
Thx a ton! joker im super excited to hear when B's mail arrives then :D I still need to talk to my step dad who owns the house if he will build me a grow box, cuz as i said before he told me i should start growing my own pot to save money but lilttle does he know :p but it would be nice to not hide it and have more avalable space!


Well-Known Member
Yes and that was my thinking when it came to hiding it. If I made it known to everyone I lived with that I was thinking about growing and made sure everyone was ok with it. I was able to start with a nice sized area but the plants outgrew it too quickly and we wanted to use it for a closet lol I went and got a 25' trailer and redid the inside to make it into 2 grow chambers and now that's what I grow in lol. I just started a thread to help people out with germination you guys should check it out.
I am excited to have you guys grow what I am growing lol It is good and makes for a very nice enjoyable grow too


Active Member
yea man sounds great! I just really want to get my hands on some Fox Farm soil and some Perlite before i start any other grow


Active Member
Ohhh that's wut a DWC is ok yea i dont have money right now to make somthing like that but i do really want to make one, ive been eyeing those down ever since ive started. (bonus! didnt get calld into work! victory bong hit :D)

Edit: now that i think about it i already have a bin just like that like the big tupperwear ones, and it has a lid! just need to carve it up. But id need to buy wut ells for it? cuz u dont use soil right


Well-Known Member
DWC = Deep Water Cultivation.

I use a tub half full of water nute solution and air stones with a cheap ass pet co air pump. Look into it man you may be able to save some money this way...

Edit/ I use a 5 gallon bucket with a hole in the lid with a 3" net cup. The air pump was $10, the bucket was $2, the air tube was about $2 and I made my own air stone by poking holes in a tube and wrapping it around a butter knife, the net cups are about $0.20 each, and the plants can be placed directly into it lol. Cost me like $15 because I had some of the stuff.


Active Member
only way i can get a set up like that is if my step dad and my mom know about it and let me haha but u never know lol!


Well-Known Member
You said they knew you smoked right? Your dad said something about why don't you grow your own? Just tell em hey guys please don't be mad at me but I took you up on that offer. Then show em the room. They will either be pissed or glad either way that's outta the way and if they find it themselves it'll be worse on you. Oh I almost forgot. They will like the fact it's cheap lighting too. They may even help buy you a better light... Who knows :D


Active Member
lol i changed most the lights in my house to cfl's so that wen i added these ones for my grow it didnt make a difference on the bill. but it sooo did it went down 60 bucks and he was super happy :D once again little does he know