Bquamb & s7even's Tighty Whitey Grow Journal (RIU Exclusive)


Well-Known Member
hmm dwc hey..? sounds pretty easy enought i guess.. lol, i would deffinatly give it a try but i would honestly ask a million questions on exactly what to get and how to set it up lol,

man shess looking good, how old is it now? and are how long u vegging her for?


Active Member
well that one sprouted on 03-24-2010 and its 04-12-2010 soooo........ almost a month i guess and ass for veging her, i kinda wanna veg for as long as possible i mean isnt that what I'm supposed to do?


Well-Known Member
Yes bro just veg her until you think shes big enough. Aim for about 20" before flower and your plant will be double - triple the size by harvest. Trust me man a 6 foot plant looks awesome. I lost mine which is a long and funny story but private message me for that 1 lol


Active Member
ok way better new pics here with B's camera here :D

yea i know it looks droopy but i watered it right after the pics and she'll perk up by the morning i decided to water her like this time cuz i over watered her last time so i figure this should even it out a bit right? i mean was only a 6hr difference in when i would'a watered her



Well-Known Member
If she's got droopy leaves before you water and droopy leaves after you water, you are overwatering. Take a week off and let it dry up good once, then water again once she perks up. (That is if you are overwatering)


Active Member
yea we just finished making our 1 cup perlite 4 cups organic soil mix and transplanted her into her final big ass clay pot :D
fingers crossed she gets back on track in the next few days! ill take some photos tomorrow or the next day just wanna let her recover for now ill keep you all updated as something arrives


Well-Known Member
hopefully she just starts expoding with new growth like tommorrow instead taking a couple days to adapt to the new home lol
i was aiming for about 20" as well but mine slowed right down at like 15-16" ish, but i guerss the longer you wait... the bigger of plant you will have too,
have you mentioned anything to parents yet?


Active Member
ok! sry for the quite faze here :) But i figured there wasnt much to talk about till now because she's showing growth again and is looking green lush and perky!

yesterday morning i was a lil worried to see her sagging a bit but i watered her finally since we transplanted her into her new and final home and picked right back up by later on that night, and today she's moved up a bit in hight and looks like shes picken back up where she left off! bong toke time??

pix as usuall boys



Well-Known Member
Are those leaves yellow and red stems or is that just the light? If they're yellow and red stems then you need to feed Nitrogen to them.


Active Member
yea its deff the lights for the yellowness but the stems just started to show a lil purple now that u mention it, i have some plant food here with Nitrogen so I'll add some to my spray bottle and give her some spray action


Well-Known Member
Well your welcome then man!! lol I'm jk man I'm hella high off a bunch of different buds I was just given :D
I just got some GDP, Red Kush, Train Wreck, Hindu Kush, Skunk and am enjoying the shit outta all them hahaha


Well-Known Member
shee looking soo nice man!
sry i was outta town for a couple days at a wedding haha
but joker those buds sound sooo frikcin tasty! lol

man im soo high, first time got to hit the bong in two days haha just had the ol pipe for the road trip cause i forgot the bowl


Well-Known Member
Damn dude she's looking gorgeous. +Rep if I can man. How does it feel seeing her grow?

No rep for you bro sorry. I haven't had the chance to send those seeds. I keep forgetting lol I will get them out soon.


Well-Known Member
She needs more lights it looks like, getting tall and those bottom leaves are lookin unhappy.. well, more like "We need light you crazy new growers!!!"
Ill try and wire you some coin "7" it needs more since its getting tall.

How's it looking close up mang?


Active Member
dude u have no idea how bad we need some more lights in there! She so dam tall now its crazy! I need to go and find some more of those sockets and grab 2 more lights from wall mart and slap em in there cuz shes huge!

Edit: gimme a sec ill go take some pics and post em



Well-Known Member
Wow Dude. That's awesome!
How tall would you say she is?
Ill do what ever I can to send some coin to you. If you have Paypal go on MSN and give me the details and Ill send some Cash so you can get the supplies needed :)
Is she getting nutes? Is she looking like a male at all or do you believe its a female? we should know soon!

Happy 420 All as well. Hope everybody toked for me, I'm off on Business so I can't smoke =(