Brad Parscale: Trump's #1 Domestic Propaganda Troll

Nope, they all lied their heads off including judges, Kavanagh for sure. If this keeps up the democrats will gain 10 senate seats surer than shit, there are 13 very competitive senate races out of 23 GOP seats up for grabs, the senate races in Mississippi and South Carolina are dead even FFS! :D

As of 9/21 polling.

For Espy to win there has to be a huge turnout of black voters in Mississippi.

Most political forecasters have tabbed the race as a safe or a least likely hold for Republicans who are struggling to maintain their slim majority this election cycle in the U.S. Senate.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 50% to 40% lead over former Vice President Joe Biden in Mississippi.

In a non-presidential year Espy could win. I doubt he will this year.
John James is leading in Michigan over Gary Peters. James is a black Republican, but you won't see any mention to him being Republican in any of his ads. Last time I looked at his campaign website, no mention of being Republican.
I bet Brad tried to help and sunk his own money into the campaign and is fuccccccccccked
In his congressional testimony he mentioned that he didn't really get paid much other than hourly, but he got a percentage on the advertising. I am guessing all those red MAGA hat sales are what he has been skimming off of.
As of 9/21 polling.

For Espy to win there has to be a huge turnout of black voters in Mississippi.

Most political forecasters have tabbed the race as a safe or a least likely hold for Republicans who are struggling to maintain their slim majority this election cycle in the U.S. Senate.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 50% to 40% lead over former Vice President Joe Biden in Mississippi.

In a non-presidential year Espy could win. I doubt he will this year.
John James is leading in Michigan over Gary Peters. James is a black Republican, but you won't see any mention to him being Republican in any of his ads. Last time I looked at his campaign website, no mention of being Republican.
It's over 30 days to go, I saw a poll of likely voters last week and Espy was tied with the wingnut for the senate seat, she is crazier than Donald. The race is more or less locked in now, but there is shit coming out daily that is whittling down Trumps support and building Biden's. I think many people are disgusted with the GOP and are gonna vote blue all the way down the ticket, right down to dog catcher in some places.
It's over 30 days to go, I saw a poll of likely voters last week and Espy was tied with the wingnut for the senate seat, she is crazier than Donald. The race is more or less locked in now, but there is shit coming out daily that is whittling down Trumps support and building Biden's. I think many people are disgusted with the GOP and are gonna vote blue all the way down the ticket, right down to dog catcher in some places.
Bull. As far as Parscale, he is under investigation for stealing $40 million from the Trump campaign and RNC. Where exactly are you getting your information? In 2016 the polls were proven to be wrong. In 2018, the democrats were expected to retake the Senate and instead lost four and picked up two for a net loss of two senate seats.

You really should disregard polls and fake media sites. But your comments verify you are obviously bias. In the 2016 election, the media and pollsters claimed Clinton had a 95% chance of winning the election right up until the day before the election. Clinton lost in an electoral landslide and the Republicans picked up 68 or 69 house seats and picked up Senate seats. A blowout. Polls can not be trusted.

In 2018, the democrats made a spectacle in the SCOTUS confirmation. That caused them to lose Senate seats. Last year, Impeachment. In the next two weeks, another SCOTUS confirmation takes place. If Democrats attack a female Catholic judge the way they did with Kavanaugh it will backfire.

In the 30 days before the presidential election in 2016, Trump managed to out work Clinton. He had rallies almost every day for months. Clinton campaigned only three days a week in the final two months. Two of those three days each week were private fundraisers.

Biden has only left his home in Wilmington Delaware 10 times in seven months to go to staged events with no voters present. Compared to Biden, Clinton was the energizer bunny.
There hasn't been a single debate yet.

You obviously didn't learn anything from 2016. No one can tell how the election will turn out with more than a month to go until election day. You can't predict an election from whatever box you have yourself in. Are you in the USA? I spent half my life as a rabid liberal Democrat. I left the Democrat party because of Bill Clinton when I was employed in the DOJ.
No one can tell how the election will turn out with more than a month to go until election day.
Donald is gonna get beat like a drum. What are you basing your case on again? My case is supported by polls and they were correct in 2016, Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million, Trump won/cheated by 76,000 votes over 3 battleground states, those sates are all blue now. Donald is in trouble in Dixie FFS and so are GOP house and senate seats, state houses too. Turn out will be historic and that is bad for the republicans, it's gonna be a blood bath.

Brad is all fucked up for a reason, his data got hacked and he spent a lot of money with little to show. Nothing is Donald's fault, he will throw Brad under the bus, he needs someone to blame and Brad is it.
In his congressional testimony he mentioned that he didn't really get paid much other than hourly, but he got a percentage on the advertising. I am guessing all those red MAGA hat sales are what he has been skimming off of.
The media is now scrubbing reports that Parscale is under investigation for embezzling campaign funds. It is always fake news. It was on media everywhere a few hours ago, now rapidly disappearing. You can trust anything in media these days.

I just finished a book on the Kavanaugh confirmation. The democrats promised to impeach Kavanaugh as soon as he was confirmed, they threatened it for months. Then Jabba the Hut Nadler let it slip, they never intended to impeach Kavanaugh, it was just a political gambit to sway votes. You can't believe anything a politician says. They intentionally lie.

I also read a book about Clinton's campaign. Written by liberal reporters. It was very enlightening on how she ran her campaign.
Donald is gonna get beat like a drum. What are you basing your case on again? My case is supported by polls and they were correct in 2016, Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million, Trump won/cheated by 76,000 votes over 3 battleground states, those sates are all blue now. Donald is in trouble in Dixie FFS and so are GOP house and senate seats, state houses too. Turn out will be historic and that is bad for the republicans, it's gonna be a blood bath.

Brad is all fucked up for a reason, his data got hacked and he spent a lot of money with little to show. Nothing is Donald's fault, he will throw Brad under the bus, he needs someone to blame and Brad is it.
are you a US resident? I worked in government for 26 years. I personally knew numerous politicians in both parties for at least 10 years.

You say Clinton won the election by 3 million votes. We don't select presidents based on popular vote totals. Those 3 million votes came from one state, California, where Clinton's margin of victory in that single state was based on Clinton's beating Trump by nearly
5 million more votes in that state, alone. We select presidents by electoral college votes, we don't let the votes from one state determine our presidential election. California threw out nearly 500,000 ballots as invalid.

In 2016, the California election results between Clinton and Trump were:

The media is now scrubbing reports that Parscale is under investigation for embezzling campaign funds. It is always fake news. It was on media everywhere a few hours ago, now rapidly disappearing. You can trust anything in media these days.

I just finished a book on the Kavanaugh confirmation. The democrats promised to impeach Kavanaugh as soon as he was confirmed, they threatened it for months. Then Jabba the Hut Nadler let it slip, they never intended to impeach Kavanaugh, it was just a political gambit to sway votes. You can't believe anything a politician says. They intentionally lie.

I also read a book about Clinton's campaign. Written by liberal reporters. It was very enlightening on how she ran her campaign.
What do you mean by media?
Donald is gonna get beat like a drum. What are you basing your case on again? My case is supported by polls and they were correct in 2016, Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million, Trump won/cheated by 76,000 votes over 3 battleground states, those sates are all blue now. Donald is in trouble in Dixie FFS and so are GOP house and senate seats, state houses too. Turn out will be historic and that is bad for the republicans, it's gonna be a blood bath.

Brad is all fucked up for a reason, his data got hacked and he spent a lot of money with little to show. Nothing is Donald's fault, he will throw Brad under the bus, he needs someone to blame and Brad is it.
You aren't even in the United States. Jesus. Trudeau in black face repeatedly and you want to complain about Trump? Give me a break. Worry about your own country's leadership.
The media is now scrubbing reports that Parscale is under investigation for embezzling campaign funds. It is always fake news. It was on media everywhere a few hours ago, now rapidly disappearing. You can trust anything in media these days.

I just finished a book on the Kavanaugh confirmation. The democrats promised to impeach Kavanaugh as soon as he was confirmed, they threatened it for months. Then Jabba the Hut Nadler let it slip, they never intended to impeach Kavanaugh, it was just a political gambit to sway votes. You can't believe anything a politician says. They intentionally lie.

I also read a book about Clinton's campaign. Written by liberal reporters. It was very enlightening on how she ran her campaign.

Thanks for the tip about Trump's campaign's illegal activities. Seems that Trump's campaign laundered money through Brad Parscale's firms. Trump's family (OF COURSE!) made out big time in this scam. Are you saying that Parscale is being used as the fall guy? That's how it sounds to me.

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign violated the law by masking millions in spending, a nonprofit democracy group alleged in a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday.

The Campaign Legal Center said in the 81-page filing that the president’s reelection campaign and campaign committee hid $170 million in spending to major vendors as well as family members and associates by diverting the money through firms headed by Brad Parscale, who was replaced as campaign manager earlier this month, as well as other senior campaign officials.

The nonprofit alleged that the campaign effectively laundered money in order to hide payments to contractors and advisors, including the maker of a campaign app, as well as Lara Trump, the president’s daughter-in-law, and Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former Fox News host who is dating the president’s son Donald Trump Jr.

“This scheme flies in the face of transparency requirements mandated by federal law, and it leaves voters and donors in the dark about where the campaign’s funds are actually going,” said Trevor Potter, a former Republican FEC chair and the president of the Campaign Legal Center.

“These schemes have disguised millions in payments to companies engaged in significant work for the campaign, as well as payments to Trump family members or senior campaign staff like Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle,” the complaint says.

“By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee have violated, and continue to violate, federal law’s transparency requirements and undermine the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve,” it adds.

I'm sure it's all OK by Republican Senators. All Trump needs to do is say he committed massive election fraud and lined the pockets of his family with millions of campaign cash because "it is in the national interest" to do so. A president cannot be indicted. Not until Biden assumes the office, that is.
As of 9/21 polling.

For Espy to win there has to be a huge turnout of black voters in Mississippi.

Most political forecasters have tabbed the race as a safe or a least likely hold for Republicans who are struggling to maintain their slim majority this election cycle in the U.S. Senate.
The same poll gives President Donald Trump a 50% to 40% lead over former Vice President Joe Biden in Mississippi.
A state that Trump would describe as a shit hole if it were a country will vote for him?

What do you mean by media?
Media. Websites, online companies like the big four networks, former print media that is now basically limited to online media. Most US media is under private ownership. Local television affiliates in my area are privately owned and broadcast. Like television stations. In my locale, it doesn't matter what networks they are, ABC, CBS, NBC or FOX. They are not independent. Certain individuals own the local broadcast stations.

One individual to the East of me owns local CBS,FOX and NBC affiliates.
To the South of me, one company owns CBS and FOX affiliates.
Another company owns the ABC and NBC affiliates.

Those stations use the same reporters and stories on any broadcast stations they own. There is zero difference in the news reports you get even though the national stations are independent networks.
Thanks for the tip about Trump's campaign's illegal activities. Seems that Trump's campaign laundered money through Brad Parscale's firms. Trump's family (OF COURSE!) made out big time in this scam. Are you saying that Parscale is being used as the fall guy? That's how it sounds to me.

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign violated the law by masking millions in spending, a nonprofit democracy group alleged in a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday.

The Campaign Legal Center said in the 81-page filing that the president’s reelection campaign and campaign committee hid $170 million in spending to major vendors as well as family members and associates by diverting the money through firms headed by Brad Parscale, who was replaced as campaign manager earlier this month, as well as other senior campaign officials.

The nonprofit alleged that the campaign effectively laundered money in order to hide payments to contractors and advisors, including the maker of a campaign app, as well as Lara Trump, the president’s daughter-in-law, and Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former Fox News host who is dating the president’s son Donald Trump Jr.

“This scheme flies in the face of transparency requirements mandated by federal law, and it leaves voters and donors in the dark about where the campaign’s funds are actually going,” said Trevor Potter, a former Republican FEC chair and the president of the Campaign Legal Center.

“These schemes have disguised millions in payments to companies engaged in significant work for the campaign, as well as payments to Trump family members or senior campaign staff like Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle,” the complaint says.

“By failing to report payments to the campaign’s true vendors and employees, the Trump campaign and Trump Make America Great Again Committee have violated, and continue to violate, federal law’s transparency requirements and undermine the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve,” it adds.

I'm sure it's all OK by Republican Senators. All Trump needs to do is say he committed massive election fraud and lined the pockets of his family with millions of campaign cash because "it is in the national interest" to do so. A president cannot be indicted. Not until Biden assumes the office, that is.
The origins of that report come from the UK.
Media. Websites, online companies like the big four networks, former print media that is now basically limited to online media. Most US media is under private ownership. Local television affiliates in my area are privately owned and broadcast. Like television stations. In my locale, it doesn't matter what networks they are, ABC, CBS, NBC or FOX. They are not independent. Certain individuals own the local broadcast stations.

One individual to the East of me owns local CBS,FOX and NBC affiliates.
To the South of me, one company owns CBS and FOX affiliates.
Another company owns the ABC and NBC affiliates.

Those stations use the same reporters and stories on any broadcast stations they own. There is zero difference in the news reports you get even though the national stations are independent networks.
Like OANN? The Hill, the Nation, you know that stuff is all bullshit propaganda click bait right? Sure they are 'mostly' accurate, but that just means they are 'partially' full of shit.

I would suggest sticking to the AP news or Reuters.

The origins of that report come from the UK.
It may end up being some elaborate scam that Parscale's moronic troll army came up with, just like that con artist kid who was scamming Acorn back in the day. I wouldn't put it past them.
The origins of that report come from the UK.
So what? The report is based upon a complaint filed by a US-based non-profit headed by a Republican.

I'll ask again. Are you saying that Parscale is being used as the fall guy? That's how it sounds to me.
How are things going up there in Oregon with ANTIFA riots every day for three months?
There have been protests almost every day since June and you wouldn't notice unless you worked at the police union hall. We have a real problem with fascists working on Portland's police force and Antifa is working to get that changed. Fascists have invaded most police forces and Portland is just the first place to form committed opposition to them. The effort to root out white supremacists in the US police forces is only the beginning.

The riots you read about have all been instigated by right wing hate groups except for the time Trump sent goons to Portland in a failed attempt to turn his failing election campaign around. Republican Fascism is a herpes sore on the US society.