Breaking the law

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I was wondering how many of you on here have broken the law, and if you did how old we're you and what did you do and most importantly what was your punishment?
When I was fourteen I was caught shoplifting with two of my school friends it was in a very well known store in the uk, my two friends were caught by a store detective but I managed to get away. I went home and prayed my two friends would not tell on me but they did, the police arrived at my house and told my mum and dad what I had done they wanted my parents to take me to the police station the followed day, I was dreading the policemen leaving as my dad kept giving me vile looks. And sure enough when the policemen left my dad called me a thieving little bastard and gave me the hiding of my life I was more scared of him than the police,I got a caution and made the front page of our local paper although no names were mentioned because of our ages it read "school girls go on shoplifting spree" so what did you do and I don't mean growing weed.


Well-Known Member
Several of us broke into our friends house to party while her and her family were on vacation. Apparently the neighbors were tasked with looking over the house and did a good job. Several police waltzed right in not too long after we arrived. Got breaking and entering, simple possession, paraphernalia, disorderly conduct and several others. All but the possession and paraphernalia got dropped for an agreement to enter rehab. Obviously that did wonders. I was 15 if memory serves me correctly.

Only other trouble was another simple possession and an underage at a concert when I was 20. I lawyered up and got them down to disorderly conducts. Saved my license.


Well-Known Member
Me and a buddy climbed up on the roof of our local High School, where the construction crew was using pull start 4 wheelers to haul supplies. It was summer(we were 15), and we drove around the rooftops for a good 20 minutes or so...until the first cop car showed up. We weren't sure if he saw us, he did and called the fire dep't after we kept eluding them. We finally gave it up after the ladder hit the roof, damn did I get in trouble for that one!. Only thing I still do illegally is making my own flash powder for these every year(and New Years too)...without a license.



New Member
I was a juvenile delinquent and I could have continued breaking the law but a Rude Judge gave me the warning at 17 .. Any more criminal activity and I would have been sentenced as an adult and locked up for life ..

Growing up in a rough side of town I had to learn to survive on the streets and it often meant stealing , fighting , breaking and entering .. Damn Gangs now days though make my hay days look weak lol

Punishment , was simply Juvenile detention and a solitare .. I spent days in a room with nothing but my fruit of the looms .. Eventually I lost sanity and mafe grafitti art with my teeth and nails .. They were so pissed when they found my mural on the door lmao .. It was hidden when they would open my cell and it took months for them to find this art scratched in .. LMAO..PotSnob

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Locked up for life regardless of crime? I don't think the law works like that.. :/

Are we talking breaking the law as in caught, or simply breaking the law? I got done for drink driving following a 90mph fight with a couple of walls, i shoplifted pocketfuls of penny sweets when i was about 7 or 8 years old, drinking underage in pubs, growing, possession, no road tax, no insurance, no license, not my car, speeding, dangerous driving, being out of contorl of a vehicle. I have broken many many laws, but only ever been caught twice and both car related.


Well-Known Member
My first arrest was when I was 9 years old, it was for assault with a deadly weapon. I stabbed a kid I was arguing with as he kept calling me names during the argument.

match box

Well-Known Member
My first arest I was 12. I broke in to homes. At 19 when I was arested for the last time 20 counts of forgery 2 counts secons burglery. I had started using smack when I was 17 and had been in and out of jail till the last arest. I spent 18 month in a drug reh. When I got out I started working and never look back. I'm glad that shit is all over. I'm 60 now.


Active Member
I woke up in jail once. I was in a room all by myself. My feet was handcuffed and my arms behind my back. I also had a helmet on. When I woke up I was still drunk and pissed off for some reason. I finally passed out and woke up to the cops unlocking me. I just remember them telling me to relax. I had no idea why I was there. They put me in front of a video court but I was still to drunk to understand what was going on. Reading the paperwork later I was trespassing. I can only assume I got kicked out of a bar and refused to leave.


Well-Known Member
I have not even had a ticket...

the laws I have broken (speeding turning on a red light etc) I have not gotten caught.