broad mites

That is what makes them so insidious. They are able to go through cycles without detection and their presence does not completely destroy, rather they just make low yielding plants.
HGK(Holy grail kush) must be pretty resilient or just a monster yielder cause i just got almost an HP off one that was all that huge. 5 gallon squat pot. but i had a black russian that gave me piddly amounts of airy BS buds. so go HGK i guess.
avermechin am i spelling that right? is the main ingredient in forbid and avid right? thats the same stuff in epic leaf shield and zero mites the same stuff I'm using. i think anyway am i right?
avermechin am i spelling that right? is the main ingredient in forbid and avid right? thats the same stuff in epic leaf shield and zero mites the same stuff I'm using. i think anyway am i right?
forbid is spiromesifen, avid is abamectin 2 different things, and broadmites laugh at no pest strips.
i beg to differ ,, hot shots no pest strips ,, are not that sticky yellow fly paper ,
been using them since 07 and trust me they Work Great !
How long does Avid take to stop these? Does it have any harsh affects on the plant? I have never had to use it.
I think it is systemic and it takes a few for it to completely get rid of them. it stays in your plant for 60 days, I never noticed any taste, But I only used it in veg.
im gonna get down with some of this. a lot of things i read say use mighty wash to the free radicals SMOKE anything thats alive pretty much thats soft bodied. u guys use this stuff yet?
im gonna get down with some of this. a lot of things i read say use mighty wash to the free radicals SMOKE anything thats alive pretty much thats soft bodied. u guys use this stuff yet?
Yes, Mighty wash is great for regular spidermites, But these broadmites are different and require something more abrasive.
i had mites one time , tryed everything on the market , nothing worked .
then a friend told me to try the pest strip , it worked.
i keep one hanging in the coner , and change it every 3 months
works for me
i had mites one time , tryed everything on the market , nothing worked .
then a friend told me to try the pest strip , it worked.
i keep one hanging in the coner , and change it every 3 months
works for me
Do you even understand the difference between a SPIDERMITE and a BROADMITE?? I highly doubt it.
lol , yes i understand the difference between the two , , one has a cooler name than the other one has, but
Do You understand the words im typing ? hot shots no pest KILLS them Both Dead ,, I highly doubt it.
those pest strips are a very deadly neuro toxin and it says all over the bag don't hang in kitchen or area where people are going to be....... I'm not using one of those on my worst enemy sounds pretty hardcore.
lol , yes i understand the difference between the two , , one has a cooler name than the other one has, but
Do You understand the words im typing ? hot shots no pest KILLS them Both Dead ,, I highly doubt it.

please tell me how a pest strip will remove the hundreds of thousands of mites and eggs that are on every leaf on a plant. do they just come marching off like the Pied Piper is playing out in the streets?

I've had mites, and its no joke getting rid of them.

And MityWash did jack shit for my problem. I used it in back to back doses and it does zero to kill eggs, which just hatch in 2 weeks after you treat them and start it all over. Anyone with a break out of these bugs knows that you have to go nuclear on them, or chop down everything, spray with avid or floromite and start over. common knowledge.
if you have a pet with a flea collar , you already have it in your home ,, they are made of the same
google it
HOT SHOTS? read the label man, its clearly written these are for places that do not have mammals dwelling there that you want to be not-dead. its for a cabin or a camper and you are supposed to air the place out before you go in it. hot shots are like fucking sticky tape with some sort of Nazi fabreeze shit in them that just gasses the whole fucking place slowly. OMRI they are not, organic and food safe safe they are very much not. I drive with a tank of gasoline under me all day but I don't swim in the; shit flea collars are much less noxious and less concentrated hot shots are meant to kill everything around them not just the shit that touch them and stick to them.
lol , yes i understand the difference between the two , , one has a cooler name than the other one has, but
Do You understand the words im typing ? hot shots no pest KILLS them Both Dead ,, I highly doubt it.
You never had Broadmites, I can tell, otherwise you would know how stupid you sound.
