Well-Known Member
HOT SHOTS? read the label man, its clearly written these are for places that do not have mammals dwelling there that you want to be not-dead. its for a cabin or a camper and you are supposed to air the place out before you go in it. hot shots are like fucking sticky tape with some sort of Nazi fabreeze shit in them that just gasses the whole fucking place slowly. OMRI they are not, organic and food safe safe they are very much not. I drive with a tank of gasoline under me all day but I don't swim in the; shit flea collars are much less noxious and less concentrated hot shots are meant to kill everything around them not just the shit that touch them and stick to them.
They may not be organic but are used in the food industry and when used correctly are effective and "safe"(apples to apples with forbid, avid IMHO). You close up the room for 3 days, (no air in or out). After that I dispose of the strip and bust one out in about a month. It's all about prevention. My garden has been clean as a whistle for the past 6-7 months here, since I got rid of the recurring root aphids.
@ bowlful--you are right, you can't just stick a strip in there. where alot of new guys go wrong and the strips are ineffective. also I've seen people use them and not seal the room. not gonna work.
gotta treat, clean, attack them from multiple angles. I guarantee that it will AT LEAST increase your chances of ridding a regular mite infestation.