Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...


Well-Known Member
Hey Wemp! I'll snap some today. Have hardly been around this week-- had a lot going on work wise, which is always bittersweet. They are lookin' mean, tho! How you doing, man?
Doing well, just started my cheese and shes finally starting to get moving now.
I cant wait to see her flower!

And how are you?


Well-Known Member
Hey hey. Sorry it's been a bit guys. Shit's been busy round these parts work wise. Kinda stressed a little bit, but good otherwise.

The girls are all dried and in jars doing their final final. The smoke is great... I slow dried with all the foliage on, then trimmed when it was almost all the way dry and put it in a cardboard box. I'll update with a pic one of these days. Should be flipping some more girlies in sometime this week. Had to do some modding to my tent before I could get them in there. All sorts of upgrades, which I'll go into later. . .

Hope everyone is well. I just smoked some purple FTP and am gonna go rest my back and shoulder, which are both killing me lol fml :peace: :joint: g'nite

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
exciting times!? what you upgraded? come on spill it.

went the whole hog on the dry n cure then eh. i tried trimming the dead leaves off when it was dry i couldn't really taste much difference really.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey hey. Sorry it's been a bit guys. Shit's been busy round these parts work wise. Kinda stressed a little bit, but good otherwise.

The girls are all dried and in jars doing their final final. The smoke is great... I slow dried with all the foliage on, then trimmed when it was almost all the way dry and put it in a cardboard box. I'll update with a pic one of these days. Should be flipping some more girlies in sometime this week. Had to do some modding to my tent before I could get them in there. All sorts of upgrades, which I'll go into later. . .

Hope everyone is well. I just smoked some purple FTP and am gonna go rest my back and shoulder, which are both killing me lol fml :peace: :joint: g'nite
Organically grown and then slow dried like that = very good tasting dank! Nice job ; !)


Well-Known Member
Hooooly shyte. I almost didn't make it... but then I did. Work has been crazy to say the least, and I've hardly had time to sleep much less post, but I've been lurking a little here and there. I hope everyone is well. I'm back.

Getting right along, I made some improvements to the tent in order to bring the humidity down, and the temps up. Being the in garage was a little too cold, and I don't think the girls appreciated it.

I bought a smaller carbon filter to slow the airflow out, hence bringing my temperatures up, and my humidity down. I also sealed the shyt out of the fan I've been using, as I noticed during my last cycle that it was leaking air, and that doesn't help anything. For that I used some old epoxy putty I had lying around, and some expando foamie shyte that's used for windows.

So far I've got double stalks on all my plants in the tent this round. Thinking about topping them again before I flip, or maybe trying super cropping, which I have been experimenting with on a couple of the 'house plants.' I need to up my yield, as I'm smoking a shitload, it seems, lol. Still not sure what my end all oz count was for the last grow, but I'm guessing around 5 ozs, plus more trim and popcorn than I'd care for. Definitely gonna trim more bottom stuff off at the beginning of this round, too, to eliminate all that popcorn. I'm over that stuff, lmao.

So the girls have been under the 600er vegging for about a week and a half now. Didn't dip in Azamax this time, but for some reason I'm seeing the effects of over fert from the Roots soil, which I decided not to amend this round due to lack of free time. My plants were way more established this time when I up potted them, yet for some reason I must have gotten a hotter batch? Beats me, but they're doing better, so we're all good :)

Here's a shot or two of some buds from the last round. This one was one of the main colas, and she got pretty purpley lookin'. Then there's some snaps of the new round, finished off by a shitty home movie compliments of my camera phone.

Glad to be back.





Well-Known Member
Thanks Donnie! She's taken some work, but the rig is coming along. Now just to put my new dehumidifier to work :)

How you doin bro? Just about to swing by your pad and see what's brewin in your garden. . . How'd that L x CC finish for ya? Did she ever turn around for the better?

Yeah, the cheese cured up mighty well. Every time I crack open a nug the whole room smells sweet and cheesey-- yum! Gonna go get some right now ;)

Peace brother! :peace:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Brobo good to see you and glad things are easing up a bit for you lol. You know when I said last month to go make hay, I didn't mean to kill yourself! Hey that was an awesome update and nice peek into your garden too :). Hey what's going on with your plants as far as the burning?? Are you feeding them anything? It's been a couple of years since I have used Roots but I stopped using it as I felt it was to weak.

I could go back and look lol, but what strain again are you running? And as far as increasing yield I would concentrate on increasing the size of your root ball instead of topping again. Some strains definitely need to be trained but a plant is only going to produce as much as it's root system will allow it, to a certain degree anyways.

Hey I'll talk to you bro, need to go do a little mowing before the rain comes. They had been forcasting a nice weekend but it's changed to a rainy one and next week doesn't look a whole lt better. Going to be a short summer. Later!


Well-Known Member
Hey hey bru, what's shakin? Hahah you know how it is, when the work is there, ride the wave, right? lmao

Big Buddha's Cheese is what's making up my garden this round (again lol). The ladies are doing well as of a few minutes ago when I checked on them. We were out of town on a job for the past two days, so they were on their own for a bit. The burn has completely stopped-- not sure if that was from the Roots or what. Weird though. They've been vegging like motherfockers under the 600, and will probably be flipped tomorrow. I'm using 3 gallon smart pots still, filled up to about 2.5 gallons this time.

I feel like one of the things I wanted more of was density in my flowers. All the cheese I've gotten from around here has always been super dense. Mine certainly isn't airy per se, but certainly not the rock hard nugglets that I get from my local club. Maybe that difference lies in the organic v non-organic? Or the fact that I had too many lower limbs? Hey, it's all about learning, right lol :) certainly lots of that going on.

Alright, the dog is whining, which means he has to shit. Gonna go take him out, then get my coffee on. I'm behind schedule today!!

Peace all :peace:



Well-Known Member
Alright, here's a little update from the tent.

Cheese is nearing the end of week one flower. There's 9 girls in here, and they've been topped a couple of times, so we'll see what yield looks like this time around. In another week or two I'm going to trim up the bottoms, taking clones for the next round. Definitely cutting more shit off the bottoms this time... Way too much energy went into growth that went straight into the trim bag... :peace:



Well-Known Member
Seriously! I trimmed up about a 1/4 of the way last time, but still had so much popcorn to deal with (At this point I have a brown paper grocery bag brimming with it). This time I'm going higher up the stalks, and each plant has two main growing shoots that have then been topped also.

I need to get some bubblebags pronto... also gonna do a run of butter, thinks me. Upstairs neighbors are bailing for a few days, so I can stink up this joint to my hearts content...

How's things in your hood, Donnie? Was just gonna swing by your pad and see what's cookin' . . .

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thats a blessing man i love when my neighbour goes out for a week, she's a dr. its great. my grow is doing some weird cauldron type bubbling shit. its not very clever. im draining and cleaning the res n valves, going to be a chore but needs done. the girls are swelling up a treat though. im doing a hash run soon then some bho, moonrocks or nuggets or whatever they call the shit. oil rolled in kief.


Well-Known Member
You doin hydro? Or you just keep all your goods mixed and ready to go in the res?

I've thought about doing a res just to help save time... then getting a little wand and pump and throwing out my watering can for good lmao :)

That CCxL you've got going is a creation from someone on here, is it not? She looks dreamy :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im lazy hydro man, autopots they feed from a res. i reckon letting everything sit in a warm enviroment has started fermentation of some kind lol... the valves are a sweet system if you can keep them unblocked, im ordering som h and g drip clean stuff or the advanced nutes equivalent im not sure which yet.

CC x L is a cross of black rose (heath robinsons) and exodus cheese crossed to livers. its a tasty number for sure


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've thought about this "lazy" route... in all reality it's not laziness tho, Donnie, it's efficiency ;)

CC x L sounds dreamy. From what I've seen of that Black Rose over in HC's cave, the stuff looks absolutely mouth watering! Yours looks to be no exception :)

Alright, I'm off to be responsible. And get stoned. bongsmilie cheesey cheese w/ cheese trichs on top :joint:~~~~~~~

Have a good one, bro!


Well-Known Member
Alright, here's a shitty camera phone update on the Cheese. Girls are doing well... lots of budding sites popping up. The one in the middle is a bid momma, and might get shuffled towards the outside. As well, went ahead and pruned up one plant to see how she likes it. So far so good, so will probably do the rest in the next day or two... :peace:


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye that's the trick with the cheese co n livers they need lollipopping unless you A: have some additional under canopy lighting or B: are a total hash fiend :bongsmilie:

i must have cut more off what went into my autopots this run than i grew on the few runs of sog i did previous lol.

got cheese?????


Well-Known Member
You is right Don! And I didn't lolli up the plant enough last time, so ya know I'm sitting on a mountain of trim and popcorn... I've been trying to hold out on buying a bubblebag set, but I fear the time to purchase is growin' near. This round will be different tho-- I hope!

you clear up the crime seen in your veg cab yet? or she still there as a lesson to the others? lol have a good one bruddah!