Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man these days just drink kills me, ive got greedy drunk eyes haha, now a line and i can drink all night and be fine in the morning. just drink makes me sick as a dog in the morning. green doesn't really impact after a line tho. dont stop me rolling like its gannin out of fashion mind.

whats next into the tent?


Well-Known Member
Haha! I've seen you in the bar before ;)

Next in is another round of cheese, but I've been messing round with some topping techniques in order to try and gain more in yield. I'm actually just about to crack some of Sagamartha's Bubbleberry, which I'm excited about for the round after that.

You got any finishing up in your garden soon? Any more of those mammoth buds? :):weed::weed:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah i thought you owed me a pint :lol:

bubbleberry eh, interesting. should be nothing but fruity goodness out of that. ive done serious seeds bubblegum and it was lush. never done anything straight blueberry tho. Fimming and supercropping help with yield for sure.

next out of mine are cherry cheese x livers and grape ape, but they're just diddy plants. i needed them flipped so they only got a very short veg. after that its going to be mammoth livers and psychosis. i over vegged them..... their about the size i normally finish at but they've just been flipped.


Well-Known Member
I remember reading you thought the CC x livers was a dud for ya. sounds like you're makin' up for it with the livers and pyscho though lol can't wait to see those guys.

Which are you a bigger fan of? fimming or scropping? For my next round I'm messing with Uncle Ben's technique. We'll see how that goes. Trying to figure out pot size for them, too, as I have a small army... round 20.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
9 total in there. We will see how much yield I get. Next round I'm toppin them :). How r urs growing? Stretchy or compact?
Mines streched out a bit but i LST'd them all through veg ,no strings all done by hand . There ok i guess , the guy hyped me up saying they'd be way denser than my ex cheese and my other one but he grows in soil, my hydros look and feel more solid take alook at the pics and let me know what you thnk.



Well-Known Member
I hate when people hype shit. I've learned that when they do, I'm normally not that impressed. I'll swing by your pad and check things out!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I remember reading you thought the CC x livers was a dud for ya. sounds like you're makin' up for it with the livers and pyscho though lol can't wait to see those guys.

Which are you a bigger fan of? fimming or scropping? For my next round I'm messing with Uncle Ben's technique. We'll see how that goes. Trying to figure out pot size for them, too, as I have a small army... round 20.
well its odd but they seem slow to kick in to full flower, it could be the lack of veg time tho really, eveyone elses cc x livers sem to be going great guns. peeps saying its outstinking the other stuff in their grows. so who knows eh? i go for fimming its basically an extension of the technique ben uses. (i hate how peeps think its 'his' technique lol)


Well-Known Member
So odd. Maybe you just got a slightly off pheno? Just like the Cheese, odd recessive traits can come out from time to time. I'm guessing it was from 1 seed?

Yeah, not his technique. There was just a huge argument over that on his thread not too long back. I'm using that as a starting point, and then going to try and test a couple slight variations.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man im really starting to worry about them they have next to nowt on them and their near 4 weeks in flower :( yeah it must be the variants coming out of the seeds. tho ive yet to see anyone with a massive cheesy livers bush yet :( my first pollen chucking so i'm not gonna be too hard on meself.

as for the uncle ben thread, i steer well clear. ive argued with him and told him straight his snake oil salesman line is as old as his topping tech. snoooooore... i was meaning to ask you about this drowning technique? ive never heard of it unless actually i think i have do you mean water curing? ive tried that, it works but it feels wrong cutting your buds down and submerging them in water for a week haha

had a good weekend?


Well-Known Member
Hey brother! How was your weekend my friend?? Any pillaging of the local pub for ya? :)

That is really weird about those seeds... Man, I guess you win some, you lose some? Either way, losing sucks. So weird when these things happen.

Yeah, I just unsub'd from Uncle B's thread, too. I wanted to like it, but it's just a forum for talking shit and trying to lay claim to a technique that's obviously been around since the birth of man. I don't know about drowning buds, tho! Did he talk about that on his thread?? lol Little buggers can't swim very well ;)

As for me, yeah, pretty good weekend, just so damn busy with work-- it's left me time to only lurk around these parts like the Bobo that I am. With all the girls chopped and drying, I've got nothing to water (and a stinky fuckin' house), so I really need to get my next cycle cranking.

Have yourself a good one, mate!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye it wasnt bad at all, got a rollicking off the mrs for coming in steamboating on friday but otherwise had a kanny one. ( ne more pub action tho )

on the seeds im reckoning it must be a recessive long running pheno. hoping to fuck haha. the leaves do look thin and sativa so hopefully some good will come.

everything out and nothing new in? whats up next? any ideas?

ttfn man


Well-Known Member
ha! Yeah, those Mrs. . . they seem to run the show they do lol. Mine gets me all the time!

Fingers are crossed, bro. With those leaves you'd think things would be bulkin' up more, wouldn't ya? Maybe she'll surprise you!

Another round of cheese goes in... as soon as they clear out my vegging area (i.e. under the spare desk in my office) it's time to pop the Bubbleberry beans. . . :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mines a gem really keeps me in check or id be a bloody mess haha.

aye knowing my luck they'll be keeper pheno's and i wont have taken cuts.... REVEG again :(

hahahahah vegging at work! nice one. think my gaffer would probably go nuts. then ask for a share :lol:


Active Member
I must have missed it, but how many beautiful MJ plants do you have in your tent? I really like that picture, my guess is 9.


Well-Known Member
Yup, Wemp is correct! Thnx bud ;)

And thnx/thnx for the compliments and for stopping by MsBBB. The Cheese gave me a wonderful surprise with her colors in the last couple days. What're u growing right now?

Donnie, we r lucky guys w ladies as good as ours. And with r other ladies too ;) ;)