BroScience Bullshit - Post here

Have you EVER done any Broscience on your plants ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 89 61.4%
  • Hell no

    Votes: 33 22.8%
  • I ain’t sayin

    Votes: 23 15.9%

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Total bunk disproved by real science.

I absolutely always Harvest transplant and sow using a lunar plant calendar. Most harvests with full sun outdoor I’ll try to coincide my 1st cuts ( it usually takes me 3 chops to take down a full size outdoor plant ) with a full moon.
If you live near an ocean you may notice the tidal action that occurs with lunar activity. In northern latitudes tidal action is even more pronounced.

What we call tides is the effects of lunar gravity, combined with the rotational forces of the earth.

So the lunar gravity affects our oceans via tidal influence. Why wouldn’t the same lunar gravity effect plants which use vascular pressure to draw up water and nutrients from their roots to their leaves?
Obviously it does ,
Not a huge stretch to realize that you definitely want to harvest plants under a full moon naked with crystals and a drum circle .. BRO

Just yanking yah mate, I believe it makes a diff but I may or may not be a bro. For outdoor and deps it can be beneficial. Under artificial lights not so sure if it matters.
Yes it is. Try looking in reliable sources of science, like at Agricultural Colleges, not some junk science site like Live Science! them assholes stop taking comments after I called them lying terrorist!

Google it, read up on how it works. It's not bro science lol.
It was one study. Where's the peer review?

Not Bro Science:

It has been demonstrated that cannabis can have a beneficial drought response. To the effect of ~10%+ of key cannabinoid concentrations.

Stop watering about week 6 till leaves wilt ~50% from normal, and then start watering again to finish out.
I was a Bio-Dynamic farmer in Aussie a few years (8 in total) until we worked out the scam planting by the moon stir that and this load of crap, same as organic farming and chem free its all rubbish- like the people that buy 44 gallon drums of fish oil and dilute it with water, bottle it and sell it as the best out there - same as every other charlatan selling liquids as the new best thing - do your research dont get caught up in the bro crap - ask questions and listen people....
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Yes it is. Try looking in reliable sources of science, like at Agricultural Colleges, not some junk science site like Live Science! them assholes stop taking comments after I called them lying terrorist!
It always warms my heart to see a colleague in Academia defend science; while Simultaneously demonstrating a lack of Grammatical cohesion in their writing.
Although In fairness,you may not be a native English speaker...
Total bunk disproved by real science.

whats really interesting is there is evidence for idea being part of how we naturally need less sleep closer to a full moon. not saying it affects the plant growth but that more than likely our ancestors planted then bc they had more light and more energy to do the planting. check out this article. the study goes more in depth but this is one of the better summaries that I have read.

If anyone wants to stand by popping seeds on a full moon,I urge you to create a sealed environment, and lower the atmosphere to the Himalayas. Grow a land race strain. Use only rain water, simulate weather, and sleep in your back yard. Just sayin.
Do we put in soil on full moon...if so seed isnt germinating on full moon....just sayin
I’ve put a yes because I have taken part in bro science activities in the past.

36 hour dark to switch to 12/12 to trigger flowering response quicker lol lmao.

72 hour dark at the end to increase THC lol.

flushing for 2 weeks (did this in coco and it didn’t end well lol)

this is why my answer is yes to the poll lol.

I’m sure everyone at some stage has done some bro science.
Lol I still do this force of habit more than owt.
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