Seemed to be cursed for awhile. Couldn't get any clones to take and had a round of seeds that wouldn't pop. Have 2 Mums of Trainwreck right now to work off of. My perpetual has taken a hit and is gonna have an empty space for awhile. Got some new seeds from Herbies and thankfully they popped.
Decided to take things back to the basics. Light,Temp,Water. I have a race between the bubble cloner, Jiffy pellets and a glass of water. No winner yet.
I have to figure out what the hell I'm doing wrong now so I can get some clones from the new strains when they're ready.
yes keep it simple first thing is slim in the res, that shouldn't happen as u have nothing in the water id give everything a good clean with bleach rinse well then start over, I've also heard people chuck everything once they had slim an buy new!