Bubble Cloner- leaves turning upside down-Pic

Seemed to be cursed for awhile. Couldn't get any clones to take and had a round of seeds that wouldn't pop. Have 2 Mums of Trainwreck right now to work off of. My perpetual has taken a hit and is gonna have an empty space for awhile. Got some new seeds from Herbies and thankfully they popped.

Decided to take things back to the basics. Light,Temp,Water. I have a race between the bubble cloner, Jiffy pellets and a glass of water. No winner yet.

I have to figure out what the hell I'm doing wrong now so I can get some clones from the new strains when they're ready.

yes keep it simple first thing is slim in the res, that shouldn't happen as u have nothing in the water id give everything a good clean with bleach rinse well then start over, I've also heard people chuck everything once they had slim an buy new!
That's the way I do my cuttings, serrations up the stem, into clonex gel, into the medium.

The Brown slime hasn't returned. It's this white powdery shit I can't figure. When it dries it looks like baby powder.

The only thing I didn't replace in the cloner was the hose and pump. Are smaller cuttings from lower on the plant harder to root?

I know some hydro folks run H2O2 in their systems, but I haven't found a ratio to try.
I've never thought about which part plant best take cuttings from.

As long healthy plant thing should be fine.
Some of the reading I've done says lower is better, has to do with hormones (what is with girls and hormones) Mums are doing great. Growing I'm doing ok at, I just can't find a reliable way to clone. Water temp is at 80 this morning.
I've never thought about which part plant best take cuttings from.

As long healthy plant thing should be fine.
without going digging for the specifics i'll just say that cuts taken from lower down on a plant root better because they have more of a particular type of growth hormone, ...cuts taken anywhere from a healthy plant should root fine, it's just easier from lower down and most times that won't really matter but SOME genetics are notoriously difficult to root and with these plants, ANY edge is worthwhile having.

peace, bozo
I think I slipped past 'nearly' ;)
...ALL cloning methods require SOME skills, the method i linked to is derived from a passive wick style cloning thread that was posted on Overgrow.com back before they got shut down and i posted it precisely because it is so easy to learn and because it is so reliable, 80% success your first try should be doable, ...with a little practice you'll get nearly 100% almost every time.

...another added benefit to this method is that it is totally passive so no pumps to worry about plus, it is VERY economical to run.

peace, bozo
...btw, here are a few shot's of MY bubble cloner which i retired some years ago, now it's just a small storage bin with holes in the lid, lol.




peace, bozo
PB220006.jpgPB220007.jpgChanged water in the rez, don't know how well the white powder in the water shows, WTF is this stuff %^&*(
I like the 'fruit roll up' foam. I'm using plastic foam plates to hold the clones. I thought bubble cloners were the quickest and easiest.

Bozo, how are you cloning now?
I like the 'fruit roll up' foam. I'm using plastic foam plates to hold the clones. I thought bubble cloners were the quickest and easiest.

Bozo, how are you cloning now?
lol, i'm using my Walmart cloners.

i built that bubbler back when i was doing DWC and a friend showed me the link to the thread i shared with you and i figured for less then $10.00 i'd give it a try, it just seemed too easy.

that was at least 4 years ago and i liked the Walmart cloners so much i actually built a small cab to house 4 of them and to start my seeds in.

...i started with a cheap storage cabinet sold as 'dorm room furniture'.


...here it is finished and with one of my cloners on the upper shelf which is passively warmed by the light bulbs below, there is NO light up top.


...and here it is with some seed starts.


...once the seedling emerges the temporary 'humidity' domes are removed and they are then moved down below and beneath the lights.


...over the years i've become a big fan of simple, i've suffered losses due to equipment failure in the past so i have worked hard to eliminate as much equipment as is possible so ALL pumps have been eliminated, if you don't use them they can't fail on you.

peace, bozo
...btw, that 'fruit roll-up' is actually a length of pipe-wrap insulation cut into 1 inch pieces, lol. ...cheap flip-flop sandles also make good pucks for holding your cuts but like i said, i'm a fan of simple so i don't use any of this kind of thing any more.

peace, bozo
Is your res see throu if so there is your problem. Only looking on phone so hard tell with pics.

Res water needs total darkness or u have no chance.
KISS, working on it. Actually my cloner is 2 part clear inner rez with painted and duct taped outer. only light is thru the white top of the plastic shoe box.

I pull out the inner and swap out with a sterilized clear tub that goes into the painted outer. Clones are still firm and standing tall except for the upside down leaves and no roots. I try to be an educated idiot before I post a question. Usually it's the obvious I'm missing.

Race is still on between the cloner,Jiffy and glass, I would like to develop a process that wasn't 14+days
Well, Day 16, No Roots. No one knows Why the leafs flipped over, No one knows what the white shit is, No one knows about H2O2. What a depressing Monday.
Mac, temps started at 70-72 which was too cold, raised to 78-80. Only thing not flat or duct taped is the lid. Worked before.


Same rig, that I cant get to frickin work now. What is this white shit.
...it was exactly this kind of shit that helped me make the decision to go passive and use the Walmart cloners.

btw, you can definitely use H2O2 in your res and it will sterilize is so if pathogens is your problem that should take care of it but i wouldn't know HOW to use it, as in how much.

...do yourself a favor and go read through that thread i linked to and then maybe give it a try, what have you got to lose but $10.00 - $20.00 and maybe you'll end up finding a simple and reliable method to root your clones in 14 days or less, guaranteed.

peace, bozo