Bubble Cloner- leaves turning upside down-Pic

photo.JPG its all about consistancy everything has to be the same all the way through temps cant go up & down 75/77 RO water is best we use clonex solution mix to what they recomend in water when nubs show on 50% of clones add rootblastic this cloner in 14 days 120 40 Blue Dreams, 40 San fernando OG, 40 Pure Kush Average is 115 out of 120
That's awesome Hammco2, I hate to start using another additive, like clonex, but at the cost of seeds and results like that it would be worth it.

I don't have access to RO water, would distilled be a replacement?

Going to paint the lid on the cloner today, picked up an aquarium heater, but my tub is too short to use it. I see a new tub in my future.

The leaves have continued turn over, except for one cutting. I'm going to let them go awhile and see if they root.

Also my Lady is stopping by Wally World to see about the ice trays.
picked up an aquarium heater, but my tub is too short to use it. I see a new tub in my future.

The leaves have continued turn over, except for one cutting. I'm going to let them go awhile and see if they root.

Also my Lady is stopping by Wally World to see about the ice trays.
...high man, if you feel you need to warm your cloner a cheap and easy fix could be to just set your cloner on top of an empty milk crate, ...empty that is except for a cheap desk light or something similar, ...you'd be surprised at how well this works.


...and good luck finding those ice trays, i'm told Walmart doesn't carry them anymore although i'd still look if it were me, and be sure and look in the sporting goods section if you don't find them in housewares, they are sold as a way to make ice for water bottles so they are often found where athletic water bottles are sold, not just Walmart sporting goods but REI and others.

frankly, i'd bet though that you may have to look at ebay or Amazon, ...keep in mind that you can DIY something as well, this is why i seem to advocate so strongly for this method because once mastered, cloning becomes just another chore, like watering.

...if you read that thread i linked to, somewhere in there you will see some of the DIY's made by others, there's even a tupperware popsicle mold cloner, ...it's the technique that is important, not the particular container you use to hold your clones.

btw, here is a collection of some of the best examples of SEVERAL different cloning methods followed by one i think you might could try, it also is a passive wick style cloner and being passive there are no pumps and stuff that can fail, i'm a big fan of simple and failsafe and foolproof, if i can do it, you can do it.

CLONERS- a collection of various methods

Super Cheap Mass Cloner

peace, bozo
not trying to sell any products,remember the basics : temps. both water and air. Light doesnt have all that much to do with it you need light but you are teaching them to grow roots not leaves. When I first started we used root riot pods in a dome never got roots like these that we get now! Just how we do it here on the farm. hammco.org
I think the problem was hard water. Everything had a crust on it, including the stems. Finally gave up on them and starting again with distilled water and 76 degree temps.
Painted the top of the rez and got some clonex solution. Taking the cuts this morn and will post a pic later. Fingers Crossed ;)