So, if I prove moving water is cooler then non moving water I get $100 ???
Sweet ! I'll pm you my paypal addy Smiles.
A still water body absorbs oxygen just as a river or stream does. However, the amount of oxygen it can absorb is related to the depth of the water, the temperature of the water, and the surface area of the lake through which it is absorbing air. The depth of the water in fact has a great deal to do with the overall temperature. Deeper lakes tend to have pockets of lower temperature water.
This has importance. Colder water can hold onto more oxygen. This means that shallower ponds can't normally hold as much oxygen for the fish. Bodies of water such as this may be able to support warm water fish species such as catfish and bluegill, but unable to provide a living solution for cold water fish such as trout.
As a rule, rivers and streams are the almost opposite. Because of the constant flow, moving water naturally absorbs more oxygen than a still body of water. This is true even if the water in the stream or river becomes warm, though there is also a greater chance of the moving water being cooler than in a lake.
The more rapidly flowing the water is, the cooler and more oxygenated it tends to be, which means that it usually supports cold-water species rather than warm water ones.
Slow moving rivers are an exception since the water is able to get warmer and doesn't have the same propensity for capturing air for the fish.
So, moving water is cooler then water standing still. You had no other specifications for proof. You owe me $100, thank you !