Bubs first cfl grow(test run)


Active Member
Thanks e1, i cant believe how good they are doing. Definitely won't remove those fan leaves then, and didn't plan on spraying the foliage when I put them into flower. Wish I knew what strain they are. Guess I will find out when I smoke em huh


Active Member
Have a question. Now that my plants are starting to smell, can i use a dryer sheet over the exauhst fan to cover up the smell, and would it have any harm.


Active Member
I know I need more light but don't have the $$ yet. Temps stay 75 lights/ 65 light out. Humidity stays about 45%

Pic 1 is group
Pic 2,3 is the first one to sprout and grew the fastest.
Pic 4,5 are the 2 that grew the slowest and were the first to show sex

Oh and all 3 are female!



Active Member
Looking good. How is your odor control going? I am still trying to figure out what approach I am gonna go with. scribed

Mr. Leafy

Active Member
Looking really nice Bubs!

You are about at the same point I am at. I am just going into third week of flowering myself and my plants look on par with yours.

Will stay tuned!


Active Member
Thanks for all your great comments and help. went and checked out that filter, looks easy enough to do. Smell hasn't gotten really bad yet. Now that I have been called back to work, there will some changes made to the room. Will be adding more lights and making it the perm flower room. Will be working on setting up a separate veg room.

Still can't believe that out of the 5 seeds germed, 3 survive and those 3 came out female. I was just hoping that one would be female. I need to invest in a good camera, to capture the real beauty of the ladies.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow you got there, 3 for 3 thats some good luck right there! I'll stick around to see your yeild happy growing, good luck and stay safe!


Well-Known Member
Nice plants so far, looking in line with mine as well. Me, you and leafy will be harvesting around the same time. Cool!!


Active Member
Odor hasn't been a problem yet. Went in and checked on them this morning. Things are really starting to look yummy. Buds are getting bigger everyday and starting to pack on the sugar. Will be watering again tomorrow, have to water about every 3-4 days. Im going to be giving it nutes and have a question. Was thinking about giving the girls some molasses, How much do i put in a gallon of water? And can i add it with the nutes? Any help would be greatly apperciated.


Active Member
Things are really starting to look yummy. So far havent had any problems with nutes or pest. The only problem i have had is the ladies growing up into the lights over night. that problem has slowed down.

still have a ways to go

