Buck's Bogart: This is illegal

First, you are the only one claiming that it is white supremacy. < Just because you say so doesn't make it true.

Second, the research was pulled from the FBI and I used wiki because you are an idiot. Not to mention wiki said the same thing for anyone who actually knows how to comprehend a sentence that is.

So yes, once again, you are a liar. :dunce:

:::::::Subliminal:::::::: (eat 50 oxys, and just end it - you're a failure)
:::::::Subliminal:::::::: (eat 50 oxys, and just end it - you're a failure)

And what makes you think that I give a flying shit what the hell you think?

You contributed nothing besides a lack of comprehension skills just like your master. Find your own voice before you speak to me puppet.
First, you are the only one claiming that it is white supremacy. < Just because you say so doesn't make it true.

alright, let's take a look at jared taylor and american renaissance, and see who considers them racist and/or white supremacist.

A section called What We Believe on the organization's website states that "Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society &#8211; language, religion, class, ideology &#8211; it is the most prominent and divisive."[SUP][4]

one article mentioned Biblical arguments against interracial and inter-cultural marriages.[SUP][5]

Mark Potok and Heidi Beirich, writers in the Intelligence Report (a publication of the Southern Poverty Law Center), has written that "Jared Taylor is the cultivated, cosmopolitan face of white supremacy. He is the guy who is providing the intellectual heft, in effect, to modern-day Klansmen."

Don Black and David Duke have attended AR conferences and have been seen talking with Taylor.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][7]

Critics say some who attend are neo-Nazis, white nationalists, white separatists, Holocaust deniers, and eugenicists (as well as numerous protesters).[SUP][8]

American Renaissance has been described as a white supremacist publication by the Anti-Defamation League[SUP][1][/SUP] and by Espeth Reeve of The Atlantic Wire.[SUP][2]

if that ain't enough for ya, jared taylor himself calls it WHITE SEPARATIST, which is the same damn thing as white supremacy.

The New Century Foundation is an organization founded in 1994 known primarily for publishing American Renaissance. From 1994 to 1999 its activities received considerable funding by the Pioneer Fund,[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] and has been described as a white supremacist group,[SUP][4][/SUP] which its founder, Jared Taylor, denies, calling it white separatist.

wiki said the same thing for anyone who actually knows how to comprehend a sentence that is.

alright, let's examine your claim.

you say the white supremacist claim and the wiki claim are the same thing.

white supremacist claim: The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.

wiki claim: class correlates more strongly with crime than race or ethnicity.[SUP][40][/SUP][SUP][41][/SUP] Studies indicate that areas with low socioeconomic status may have the greatest correlation of crime with young and adult males, regardless of racial composition

does that say the same thing? you tell me.

lets examine another one.

white supremacist claim: Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.

wiki claim:[SUP]Hispanics and blacks receive considerably longer sentences for the same or lesser offenses per average than white offenders with equal or greater criminal records.[SUP][28][/SUP][SUP][29][/SUP][/SUP]

how about those? same thing again?

you tell me.
So yes, once again, you are a liar. :dunce:

you are literally the poster child for the correlation between low IQ, racism, and conservatism.
do you find either display of clothing to be offensive?

what kind of clothing offends you (if any) and would you go so far as to ban it, if any did?

these questions should apply to anyone wishing to get involved in this installment of buck's bogart.

i come in peace.

The only time I'm offended by clothing, or the only time I have been offended by clothing was at School. We had a teacher who was in her 50's and I shit you not, she used to dress like a typical hooker... Short skirts, lots of make up, tank tops etc.

I was offended as it was revolting, she was my history teacher and we had many arguments over it. I refused to enter the classroom unless she was dressed responsibly... It's a fucking school, not a brothel! I didn't want to see her wrinkly thighs and sagging arms, I didn't want to see her horrendous underwear when she sat down or bent over and I certainly didn't want to see the fucking stretch marks on her stomach from when she pushed out 6 kids from 5 different fathers! The ironic thing was, she had a daughter my age, who was also in the class and she even hated it, I asked her to have words with her mother about it and we even got the school board involved. Eventually she started dressing more responsibly and I didn't have any problems with her, but she was revolting!
he's gonna miss the part where the dude himself said his groups are white separatist groups.

they ain't separating because they think they're inferior ya know.

by the way, have you seen the weed that SirCaveman grows? it looks like lettuce.

I'm certainly not an expert on the subject, but it seems like a separatist and supremist could exist independently. Couldn't a separatist want to live without contact from other races without actually thinking they're better than them? Couldn't they simply not like them? That really doesn't sound far fetched to me at all.

Maybe I'm off on this one, it just sounds a bit like one of your assumptions/conclusions that gets used as "marginalization fuel" down the line.
I'm certainly not an expert on the subject, but it seems like a separatist and supremist could exist independently. Couldn't a separatist want to live without contact from other races without actually thinking they're better than them? Couldn't they simply not like them? That really doesn't sound far fetched to me at all.

Maybe I'm off on this one, it just sounds a bit like one of your assumptions/conclusions that gets used as "marginalization fuel" down the line.

here is one white supremacist clumsily trying to distinguish himself from his supremacist nature: http://www.counter-currents.com/2010/10/separatism-versus-supremacism/

here is what kinda gives away the fact that his label of "white separatist" is just euphemism for his true beliefs:

A black ethnostate on the North American continent would quickly follow the course of every other black state. The civilization built by Whites would fall into ruin in the hands of blacks, who lack the intelligence, initiative, foresight, and moral character needed to create or sustain it.

Once ceded to Blacks, whole states of the defunct US would become a vast Detroit. Depending on where the borders would fall, we would see magnificent cities like Savannah, Charleston, and New Orleans turn into burnt-out wastelands. There would be chaos, slaughter, civil war.

A similar course would be followed by Aztlan. Southern California and the Southwest would become just like the other filthy, impoverished, corrupt, violent, backwards, Spanish-speaking, Mestizo nations in this hemisphere. Then its residents would sneak across the border into the White homeland looking for jobs and handouts.

now does that guy sound like a simple live and let live "separatist" (LOfuckingL), or some kind of white supremacist type?
here is one white supremacist clumsily trying to distinguish himself from his supremacist nature: http://www.counter-currents.com/2010/10/separatism-versus-supremacism/

here is what kinda gives away the fact that his label of "white separatist" is just euphemism for his true beliefs:

A black ethnostate on the North American continent would quickly follow the course of every other black state. The civilization built by Whites would fall into ruin in the hands of blacks, who lack the intelligence, initiative, foresight, and moral character needed to create or sustain it.

Once ceded to Blacks, whole states of the defunct US would become a vast Detroit. Depending on where the borders would fall, we would see magnificent cities like Savannah, Charleston, and New Orleans turn into burnt-out wastelands. There would be chaos, slaughter, civil war.

A similar course would be followed by Aztlan. Southern California and the Southwest would become just like the other filthy, impoverished, corrupt, violent, backwards, Spanish-speaking, Mestizo nations in this hemisphere. Then its residents would sneak across the border into the White homeland looking for jobs and handouts.

now does that guy sound like a simple live and let live "separatist" (LOfuckingL), or some kind of white supremacist type?

No, that sounds like a straight up supremacist to me. I'm just curious if there are actual separatists that don't subscribe to the "supremacist" mindset and might actually be pissed that their label has been hijacked. Frankly, I can't get my head around either state of mind. I was fortunate enough to be raised in an family that accepted everyone, then I jumped in the military where it was a mixing bowl of races and cultures from day one.
No, that sounds like a straight up supremacist to me. I'm just curious if there are actual separatists that don't subscribe to the "supremacist" mindset and might actually be pissed that their label has been hijacked. Frankly, I can't get my head around either state of mind. I was fortunate enough to be raised in an family that accepted everyone, then I jumped in the military where it was a mixing bowl of races and cultures from day one.

i agree, and he is offended if you label him as such. he says he is a live and let live separatist. his was the only real essay i could find on a quick google search,

there is no such thing as a separatist who is not supremacist. it is just a new name they gave themselves in hopes of gaining acceptance, or lessening the obvious revolt to their ideals.

we've tried separate but equal, it doesn't work.

it is a distinction without a difference, a canard.
I think men in speedos at a public beach or swimming pool should be illegal. I don't want to see that shit...

.and i'm sure my kids don't want to either.

I understand competition swimmers needing them but for daily beachgoing???

come on

A town has the right to determine if they want people walking around showing their ass. Even if the ass is covered with underware. This has no place in federal, and probably not even state legislations. But towns, well hey, if NYC can ban large sodas, this town can ban ass showing.

Also, crack is made from cocaine, but they are not the same drug. Crack deserves to be far more illegal. If black people know this, and continue to peddle in crack, then it cannot be said that this is unfair.