All I can say is wow... I can totally understand bud washing and from a "purist" view w/ medical and the monetization by main stream that bud washing will more than likely be accepted especially among the purist, medical, and health conscious crowd.. The Trichs are not going to fall off fresh bud easily from my experience with that being said it is more purist stuff where I can't find whole milk cheese sticks in a society of obese people ... I believe it comes down to a philosophical discussion on how clean is to clean, and different strokes for different folks... If I washed the bud I could see me catching some shit right off the bat with "Why the hell are you washing the bud", because it makes it cleaner?, "Why do you want to clean the buds you are killing the favor", but the flavor is the dirt, "I like the dirt leave it in you can wash your buds" LOL! Basically, that is similar to what we are seeing here once legalization takes place we are going to see this ultra purist FDA approved marijuana soccer mom herb washed irradiated tested freeze dried etc.. This is why we don't want the FDA over Cigars... Just my 2 cents from another nitwit that doesn't rank himself how long he has had 1 account on a forum... Another aspect is why would I wash the bud when I am just putting into a blunt which is made from tobacco that was fermented in a barn then rolled by hand by some Nicaraguan in a dust filled warehouse sweating in 80 degree heat wearing flip flops, some may like the full spectrum of complexity that the overall process adds to the final product..
It is similar to saying why smoke cigerettes vs vape because of the POISONS! Why smoke Cigars compared to cigarettes because the fermentation process which adds more poisons
If there is dust in your grow room... You are inhaling that dust directly into your lungs.. If there is mite shit on your product then you probably covered in mite shit, and if you have fuzzies you are probably smoking, eating, and shitting fuzzies... That is my uneducated simplistic view of an overly sensitive populace...
By the way it doesn't matter how hard you wash that none organic potato that thing was drenched in chemicals from the day it felt its way into soil, shit it has genetic modifications to produce chemicals...
My apologies for going all hill billy but hey... I figured I would throw 2 cents in