Bud washing with H202 affect terpenes?


Well-Known Member
Had some mild PM on a couple of plants in flower so I decided to do a bud wash to be sure there would be nothing on the final product. Used the Jorge method of 1 cup/5 gallons and then rinsed. I grew 4 different plants and all different strains. The two I washed smell weird after drying/curing. One smells kind of like soup crackers and the other is a weird earthy smell. The other two plants I didn’t wash smell super dank (combo of pine/diesel fuel). The smoke/effects are excellent from all plants so potency wasn’t affected and trichomes looked the same before and after washing.

As I don’t have two of the same strains, I can’t compare washed vs unwashed buds. Wondering if anyone has experienced this?
Well now...

Maybe the strains I washed have cracker and soil terpenes. Soiline and crackine...anyone heard of em?